University Research Institutes

University Research Institutes – Call for funding
1. Introduction
1.1 There is explicit recognition within the Research, Innovation and Enterprise Way
Forward that we will develop the existing University Research Institutes (URIs) as well
as establish new ones. The imperative driving this ambition is the recognition that to a
significant extent the future of the University’s research reputation will be founded on
an ability to tackle ‘global challenges of our time’ and that these big questions can
normally only be addressed effectively by multi or inter-disciplinary teams.
Furthermore, major funding opportunities are likely to require a critical mass of
researchers to work collaboratively in order to win the large grants necessary for us to
achieve the ambitious research income targets.
1.2 This will be one mechanism that we will deploy to support ‘Research Excellence’,
recognising that the URI model is not the only model for delivering on our research
ambitions. The combination of the Research Leave Scheme, the Research
Infrastructure Fund as well as future plans to develop support for research networks
and research centres are further ways in which research excellence across the range of
Cardiff’s disciplines will be developed and supported.
1.3 University Executive Board (UEB) has approved the details of the process for
establishing new University Research Institutes. At this phase it is expected to
establish a total of up to 8 (to include the current URIs that are successful in their bid
for further funding – see 1.4).
1.4 The funding committed to the original three URIs is due to end, so it is intended that
this exercise is also the mechanism by which they apply for an extension of funding,
with the expectation that, if successful, funding will taper over the period. The
funding for Cardiff Catalysis Institute (CCI) is committed until 2018 but UEB expressed
a wish that the CCI be brought into line with the other URIs and so CCI will be included
in the review and renewal round.
1.5 It was decided at UEB that specifying the size of the fund available for this call may
result in bids that are constructed explicitly to fit the size of the fund. Bids should
outline what resources are needed to deliver the highest quality research as described
in the proposal. The call is not prescriptive about the extent of funding available and
applicants are encouraged to be ambitious in outlining what they would hope to
achieve through investment in a URI.
2. Characteristics of a University Research Institute
2.1 URIs are expected to be distinguished by a reputation for world-leading, innovative
research, which is likely to be collaborative and interdisciplinary. They should be
characterised by having a critical mass of internationally-recognised research staff and
graduate students, international collaboration, and having significant and sustainable
research income from the major funding bodies. URIs will be flagships for the
university’s research with a reputation for quality research with international impact.
2.2 Whilst it may be desirable to establish and support “virtual institutes” in some crossdisciplinary areas, the expectation is that the URIs will benefit from being housed in
dedicated research space with long-term, external recurrent funding underpinning the
administrative and supporting infrastructure.
3. Selection Criteria
3.1 For the University to make a strategic, long-term capital investment in a URI it must
expect to leverage a reputation for scholarship of the highest quality and impact
within an internationally competitive field along with sustainable funding exceeding
that currently accessible by most Research Centres.
3.2 Foundations for future success, which should already be in place in potential areas for
investment include critical mass of staff working in this area, a reputation of highquality research, high quality and high impact research outputs, a history of
consistent performance and successful collaboration, and attractiveness to staff.
4. Review of current URIs & initial consideration of renewal proposals
4.1 It is proposed that the existing URIs (including CCI) submit a report (see pro forma
attached at Appendix 1) by 10th March articulating and providing evidence as far as
possible of the added value of the University investment in the URI. In particular the
panel will wish to arrive at a judgement as to what the investment has leveraged that
would not otherwise have been achieved; of the extent to which the idea underpinning
the activity of the URI has advanced an area of study in a distinctive and novel way.
4.2 Evidence is likely to include research income, new or enhanced collaborations,
recruitment of new staff, the contribution of URI staff and outputs included in the
institutional submission to REF 2014 (based on the internal assessments conducted in
preparation for the submission).
4.3 Existing URIs should also, at this stage, submit an Expression of Interest in further
funding (in no more than 2 sides of A4). Again, the outline should embody a
description of the ambition and distinctiveness of the idea underpinning the activity of
the URI, making the case as to how further investment will leverage the achievement
of that ambition.
5. Proposals for New URIs
5.1 The Group proposes that networks of staff are invited to submit an outline proposal for
the establishment of a new URI for consideration.
5.2 Outline proposals should clearly and concisely address (in no more than 2 sides of A4):
The title, aims and objectives of the proposed Research Institute- defining the
research idea and describing how it will advance an area of study in a novel and
distinctive way, and achieve an intellectual step change from the current
The research context of the proposal;
The potential participants, why they are the most appropriate and the range of
schools and/or disciplines they represent;
The current foundations for success include not only the RAE profile,
publications history, performance and history of collaboration, international
links but should particularly include details of the lead applicants’ contributions
to the REF 2014 submissions across all of the elements including: outputs – GPA
scores, impact – case studies; and environment data;
How this investment will leverage and secure reputation and sustainable
funding in this field exceeding what is currently accessible by an individual
school or Research Centre.
The extent to which there is opportunity to develop significant, productive,
collaborative relationships with colleagues in high profile academic institutions,
including GW4, nationally and globally, as well as the private, public and third
6. Selection Process
A small panel will be established, the composition of which will include the PVC-R,
the Research Deans and other members to be determined. The composition of the
selection panel will take account of the organisational structure of the University
and the diversity of the University’s staff population;
Outline proposals from current and prospective URIs submitted to the panel will be
evaluated against the requirements listed above and successful groups will be
Shortlisted groups of prospective URIs will be invited to develop detailed plans,
which, in addition to expanding the above would also address:
the proposed organisational structure for the URI
leadership management structure and composition of the Management
Committee for the URI; and
detailed business plan (including sources of funding)
Existing URIs, based on the Panel’s evaluation of their progress to date, will be
invited to develop detailed plans for future development.
This developmental work will be prepared in collaboration with RIES, PLANN and
relevant Heads of Schools and Colleges and will ensure the viability of the plans
prior to final approval. Applicants would then be invited to present their proposals
to the panel.
For those submissions that are not considered to meet the rigorous demands of the
URI criteria at this stage but are deemed to have real potential in the medium to
longer term, the panel will give consideration to what sources of strategic support
and advice might be available to enable their potential to be developed.
Review and Assessment
URIs established by this process will be subject to rigorous and regular review;
The broad criteria for success and timescales, which would be specified in greater
detail through the planning process and prior to final approval for each URI, should
measurable positive effects on the overall quality and impact of the University,
including achieving national and international prominence and a position of
Participating schools and colleges continuing to endorse its continued operation
and recognise its value;
Financial sustainability;
The arrangements for setting up all URIs will include a sunset clause which enables
the university to remove Institute status from URIs which ultimately do not meet
the criteria for success agreed through the business planning, approval and review
New URIs - Call for Expressions of Interest
W/B 13th January 2014
Existing URIs (inc CCI) - Call for review report and
Expressions of Interest in extension/renewal of funding
Reviews and EOIs, signed off by the Heads of the
participating Schools & College PVCs should be submitted
Monday 10th March 2014
Meeting of review and shortlisting panel:
W/B 17th March 2014
Developmental work with short-listed applicants:
March – 23rd June 2014
Presentations of final proposals & decisions:
W/B Mon 30th June 2014
Any queries can be sent to Jane Boggan, Planning, at
REPORT FROM EXISTING URIs (inc Cardiff Catalysis Institute)
Appendix 1
Existing URIs are requested to submit a report articulating and providing evidence as far as
possible of the added value of the University investment in the URI. In particular the
review panel will wish to arrive at a judgement as to what the investment has leveraged
that would not otherwise have been achieved; of the extent to which the idea
underpinning the activity of the URI has advanced an area of study in a distinctive or novel
Please complete the pro forma and submit the completed report to
by 10th March 2014. (text boxes can be expanded as required)
1. Title of URI
2. Date of establishment of URI
3. Key members of URI (title, name, School affiliation)
4. Please outline the University investment in the URI to date (staff costs,
buildings, equipment etc)
5. Please detail any issues or problems in establishing the URI
6. Please use this section to articulate and evidence the added value to the
institution of the investment in the URI.
Evidence should include:
 Research achievements that are directly attributable to the URI;
 Research income that is directly attributable to the work of the URI;
 Details of new or enhanced collaborations;
 Evidence of the calibre of newly recruited staff;
 The contribution that URI staff and their outputs made to the institutional
submission to REF 2014 (using internal assessments conducted in preparation for
the submission);
 Any additional information that evidences the additional value leveraged by the
establishment of the URI.