WWII Trio Project - Garnet Valley School District

WWII Trio Project
To get a well-rounded understanding of the setting of Anne’s diary, you will research a topic
from each column: Europe, Japan, and the USA.
See reverse side for your choices!
For each topic, gather 10 facts and display them on poster board with relevant graphics –
photographs, maps, important quotes, words and phrases – like a collage or scrapbook. Small,
three-dimensional (think “Hall of Fame” project) items would help your project “pop”
Doing the Research…
 Please use the research databases on the GVMS Library site to ensure you are using
credible sources like Fact Cite, World Book, Grolier, etc. Ask me or Ms. Gress if you
need passwords!
 Do NOT do a Google search for your topic unless you cannot get enough information
from the preferred academic sources (research databases).
Making the Poster Board…
Poster board – no tri-folds, please!
Display the title “WWII Trio Project” and your name on the poster board.
Make sure your three respective topics and category stand out. For example, if you are
researching Pearl Harbor, it should clearly say “USA,” “Hawaii,” and “Pearl Harbor” in
that area of the poster board. People should be able to understand that your trio is
Europe, Japan, and the USA.
Be sure you have 10 facts for each topic.
Type up one-sentence captions for each of the pictures/maps, etc.
Be sure you have some 3D elements to make your project “pop”!
Use lots of color and be creative!
Neatness is key. Consider backing the items on your poster board with construction paper
to give a professional “framed” effect.
Consider taking a trip to a store like
Michael’s to find materials that will
enhance your project.
Bonus point for selecting this option! 