Alvarado Intermediate School 2015-2016 Teacher: Case Week: November 16-2015 Grade: 4 Grade Unit: 3 2-6 th Content Area: Reading and Writing Content TEKS Covered: Spanish Schedule 22 Level 1 A- Spell words with more advanced orthographic patters and rules Monday- Duolingo i. Tuesday- Read- “La Loteria” Plural rules 23 Wednesday- Writing A Generate research topics from personal interest. Benchmark 24 Thursday- Conversation level – I Students initiated surveys and interviews Favorite food, desert, fruit. 26 Friday- Duo Lingo A draw conclusions 28 Monday – Kamico Spanish test A States an opinion review. 29 Tuesday- Project- Spanish A Participate in teacher- students lead discussion by posing and answering questions with Wednesday- Benchamark appropriate detail and by providing suggestions that build upon the ideas of others. Thursday- Ortografia letra Q,G, 18 practica de las reglas. Establish a central idea and supporting details Friday- Revision de libro Ii includes supporting details “Destrezas” Iii Contains a concluding statement. 15 B Develop drafts C Revise drafts for Coherence. D Edit drafts for grammar and mechanics. E Revise final draft. 20 Oral and written conventionsA Use and understand the function of the parts of the speech. I nouns Ii Verbs Iii Verbs Vii Correlative conjunctions C use compound sentences. Essential /Guiding Question(s): Academic Vocabulary: What cause this eruption? What is the difference? What is the connection? What is your opinion? Demonstrate understanding Can you recall what happened? Illustrate using adjective Tell me in your own words Would you done the same as? Distinguish the difference in the characters and they way they feel and acted. Shish of this opinions expressed in this selection? Which of the following is the best summary? Look at the diagram, pf the volcano. Once the Magnma leaves the voclano’s vent, it becomes. Read this sentence from paragraph 2. Study the story map. Which belongs in the empty space? Turnabout Central idea Supporting details Conjunctions Five of revising1.add 2-move 3-eliminate 4-replace 5-change Topic sentence Homophones WICOR Components (highlight): Writing Learning Objective (s): Engage Inquiry Explore Collaboration Explain Organization Elaborate Reading Evaluate Closing Task(s): Monday Spelling list- We will In a Brain pop- “ Run- on- write a guided Guided practice- Free practice Students and teacher will verse teacher discuss the strategies using and used to solved a test. figurative students Students Students Control vowels ar/or will have will be Students will self- time to expose to Quiz- correct their words finish re a writing We will discuss each and use cards to write the question question, and think practice the missed story of on revising words. Martin Students Sentences” language. will write We will read the about the use of clauses, Poem on the questions in the practice complete sentences and Luther will move root- white test, and we will analyze punctuation. King as if the Word board and the type of question; you were sentence.- unique. expository students will explain why is White use compositio is editing or why is friend. manipulati n. revising and if revising Revision ves. they will asked to identify part. wish of the five of revising. Tuesday Plural Review nouns= - poetry Irregular with Plurals students Card and poetry Homophones review Editing practice- Students will work in Conferenc Brain pop Guided practice- We will the following e time one We will - Quiz resolve one editing expository on one read “The - Students create a paragraph on the white composition- with the wild foldable. board Write about your teacher to ponies” In game Students will work by goals and dreams. revise the and index /Match the pairs to solve the second Why are they writings. cart vocabular irregular paragraph. important? How do students y- Students will work in an you plan to achieve will create We will independent practice to them? a small use solve the third diagram “The paragraph. on cause plural. rhyme and effect. zone and Mrs. Warner’s poetry” Wednesd ay Writing Review of Benchmar test skills k Writing Benchmark Writing Benchmark Writing Benchmark and Writing Writing Benchmar Benchmar k k motivatio n. Thursday We will… Compare and contrast- Students will finish Students Sentence Vocabular Students will play the Students will be working playing the clue will work frame- Plural y- dice game to fill up the on connecting the dots game. in the __________ game- Students six step of Marzano’s using the following advancem _ is White will use 5 process for building characters ent of different or board of the vocabulary. -Thurgood Marshal project. similar Identify letters -Dr. Martin Luther King the plural. from the -Ruby Bridget bilingual - Mighty Jacky alphabet, and they Inside of the square they will plan to will compare and create a contrast the characters project in using two paragraphs. each. Each project is expected to be created by students ideas only. Friday Teacher We will Guided practice revision Students will discuss Students Students will read a of questions of with classmates the will read “ identify small story Kamico Reading #3 errors found on the Project- Martin present Secret the and will Kamico Reading #3 Luther king Speech- work for codes” correct askKamico Students will make projects. Students plural Reading an analysis using will write in form by Test #3 sentences stems of an index Dr’s King speech. card the highlighti ng it. main idea. Individual Customized Learning Differentiated Academic Bilingual/ESL Language Support: Support: Differentiated Academic Support: Bilingual/ESL Language Support: I- 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 Visuals for classroom Vocabulary and academic concept. 200 Short simple sentences stems Behavioral Support: Oral testing if re testing is need it. Preferential sitting. Modify spelling test. Extended time for testing. 500 Class vocabulary Extended time for testing Oral testing if re- testing is need it. Use of manipulatives Pre teaching social and academic Vocabulary Peer interaction (Same language peer as need it) Adapted writing tasks Dictionary for projects and test Extensive modeling Graphic organizers Use of cognates Pronunciation of social/ academic language Slower, simplified speech Oral translation of words and phrases. Bilingual dictionary/ glossary Side by side materials Manipulatives. Reminders to stay on task Check for understanding. Dictionary ll.11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19, 21 Visual for classroom vocabulary Adapted grade level texts Peer interaction Adapted writing task Gestures for memorization of academic concepts. Modeling. Graphic organizers. Pronunciation of academic terms Bilingual dictionary and Glossary Side by side materials. Manipulatives lll. 31,32,33,34,36,37,38,39,41,42,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,55, 56,57,58. Visuals for classroom and vocabulary Grade level texts Complex sentence stems Pre teaching low frequency academic vocabulary Grade level writing tasks Gestures for memorization of academic concepts Graphic organizers Manipulatives Use of Cognates Pronunciation of academic terms Linguistic simplification of complex or unfamiliar academic text. Dictionary and Glossary during testing.