PRIMARY CURRICULUM IMPLEMENTATION 2013-2014 Children starting Reception in 2013 2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018 Year 1 New Curriculum Year 2 New Curriculum New KS1 SAT Year 3 New Curriculum Year 4 New Curriculum Year 5 New Curriculum Year 6 New Curriculum New KS2 SAT Children starting Y1 in 2013 Year 1 Old Curriculum Year 2 Old Curriculum Old KS1 SAT Year 3 New Curriculum Year 4 New Curriculum Year 5 New Curriculum Children starting Y2 in 2013 Year 2 Old Curriculum Old KS1 SAT Year 3 New Curriculum Year 4 New Curriculum Year 5 New Curriculum Year 6 New Curriculum New KS2 SAT Children starting Y3 in 2013 Year 3 Old or New Curriculum Year 4 New Curriculum Year 5 New Curriculum Year 6 New Curriculum New KS2 SAT Children starting Y4 in 2013 Year 4 Old or New Curriculum Year 5 New Curriculum Year 6 New Curriculum New KS2 SAT Children starting Y5 in 2013 Year 5 Old Curriculum Year 6 Old Curriculum Old KS2 SAT Children starting Y6 in 2013 Year 6 Old Curriculum Old KS2 SAT 2018-2019 Building Bridges for Transition From Key Stage 1 to Key Stage 2 (A Protocol) Produced by the Headteachers’ Transition Working Group Transition Bridge Managerial Bridge Headteachers keeping in regular contact to provide accurate information about each other’s needs with regards to transition Autumn Term Senior leadership evaluating transition/assessment in autumn following transition – are all children continuing to make expected progress? Spring Term Meeting with assessment, English and mathematics subject leaders to discuss progress matter and continue tracking of identified pupils from Autumn term. Meeting with assessment, English and mathematics subject leaders to discuss common progress matters. Developing a shared pedagogy to support pupils moving from one school/phase to another Curriculum Content Bridge Shared routes through progression in calculation agreed Shared approaches for teaching reading agreed Shared routes for progression in writing agreed with handwriting included. Moderation of independent work between Year 2 and Year 3 teachers for reading, writing and /or mathematics (termly focus agreed). Share information on events, trips, visits, themes and topics over the year. Planning for continuity and progression in learning Social and Personal Bridge Activities to ensure the pupils become familiar with the new environment Invitations to share events/productions/activities Management of Learning Bridge Year 2 staff observe in Y3. Senior staff make each other aware of changes in teaching , learning and assessment practices. Make Year 3 teachers aware of the range of support and interventions provided for pupils receiving pupil premium funding, and any gaps. Effective practice locally Sharing learning journey of children from school entry. Shared transition activities for some families around particular needs using the pupil premium funding where appropriate. Attendance of partner school at IEP review meetings to plan for transition needs for pupils with special needs. Joint moderation of a sample of pupils by assessment leads in both schools of pupils likely to be assessed at L3+ in any aspect in summer of Year 2. Pedagogy Bridge Summer Term Meetings between inclusion managers to discuss needs of specific vulnerable pupils and implications for forward planning. Meeting with assessment leaders regarding transfer of data and plan for continuity. Year 2 data made available to show FKS profile and KS1 learning journey. Moderation of independent work between Year 2 and Year 3 teachers for reading, writing and/or mathematics (termly focus agreed). Pupils likely to be assessed at L4 in any aspect are notified to the LA assessment lead (Clive Worrall 0121 704 6630) by end of April for moderation (moderation undertaken by assessment panel) Moderation of independent work between Year 2 and Year 3 teachers for reading, writing and /or mathematics (termly focus agreed). Staff from both schools plan for transition activity that meets identified needs for Year 2 pupils for the summer term. Pupil workbooks shared so that the new school is familiar with standards, the learning journey and future learning needs of the new Year 3 cohort. Invitations to share events/productions/activities Invitations to share events/productions/activities Additional induction days for vulnerable children Transition days and activities agreed Year 2 and Year 3 staff swap for a short period to teach each other’s classes to develop an understanding of the characteristics of each key stage or subject and getting to know more about the progress of pupils (or an agreed priority focus). Common policies on the teaching and progression expectations in Reading, Writing and Mathematics to ensure consistency of approach with regard to the new curriculum. Curriculum work book started in Year2 and continues in Year3. All work to be completed in one book (to be passed to KS2) to be started within mutually agreeable timescale. Year 3 pupil targets identified in Reading/ Writing/ Mathematics at the end of Year 2. Bridging unit for Year 2 and Year 3 started in late summer and completed early autumn. Games afternoons Buddy systems Email pen pal Attending assembly in new school/phase New Parents Meeting to include changes to the curriculum and assessment. Sharing Pupil Premium provision and impact on identified Year 2 pupils to support forward planning for eligible pupils. Transition days take place. Year 3 staff observe Year 2 classroom practice to understand the explicit teaching needed for new learning environment. Focus on learning, including the explicit coaching of Sharing Pupil Premium provision and pupils to develop impact on identified Year 2 pupils to their own learning support forward planning for eligible skills in the new pupils learning environment Produced by members of the Headteachers’ Transition Working Group, March 2013 – UPDATED MARCH 2014 Teacher swap days. ‘Buddy’ system where older pupils support new starters.