BBC Vikings Documentary Script

BBC Documentary - Who were the Vikings?
This BBC documentary sees archaeologist Neil Oliver explore the mysterious world of the Vikings’
prehistoric ancestors. His journey across Scandinavia and exploration of various historical sights
and artefacts will help us to unlock some of the mysteries behind who the Vikings were, where
they came from, how they lived and why they became famous for being such fierce sea-faring
------------------------------- Location: Bergen, Norway ------------------------------
Why was life for the Vikings in Scandinavia so uniquely different to life for most other
Europeans at the time?
What evidence is there to inform us that Vikings were maritime (sea-faring) people?
What do the human remains of the Gronnhaug Viking (Norway 790-795 AD) tell us about
Viking life?
------------------------------- Location: Olso, Norway ------------------------------
What does the Oseberg Viking Ship (Norway 820 AD) tell us about the Viking people and
their lives?
------------------------------- Location: Gotland, Sweden ------------------------------
What do the Faro Rock Carvings (Sweden c.1500-1100 BC) teach us about life in early
Viking times?
What is the significance of the Ansarve Stone Ship (Sweden c.1000 BC)?
What were the main differences between life in the north and life in the south of
------------------------------- Location: Copenhagen, Denmark ------------------------------
What does Neil Oliver discover at the replica Bronze Age house about how early Vikings
lived and survived the harsh Scandinavian winter months?
What do the human remains of the Borum Eshoj Family (Denmark1350BC) tell us about
the early Vikings ancestors of Denmark?
Explain why the Norwegian Vikings and those Vikings from the northern areas of
Scandinavia were the most likely Viking people to explore other countries and take part in
overseas voyages/raids.
Why was the design of the Hjortspring Boat (Denmark 350 BC) so well suited to warfare?
What did the Scandinavians trade with other Europeans?
The Roman artefacts found in the Hoby Burial Hoard (Denmark 40 AD) were very unique.
Why have there not been many other artefacts found further north in Scandinavia and what
does this tell us about the Vikings?
Which gods were most significant to the Vikings and why?
What was the most important religious belief for all Vikings?
------------------------------- Location: Stockholm, Sweden ------------------------------
What do the burial mounds of Gamla Uppsala (Sweden 550-700AD) and the Old Norse
Brooch (Sweden 700 AD) tell us about Viking culture and society in the 6th to 8th centuries?
------------------------------- Location: Returning to Oslo, Norway ------------------------------
Describe what happened at a Viking Ship Funeral and the significance of what took place.
What sort of people would have been given Viking Ship Funerals and why?
Who might the Old Oseberg Woman 834AD have been?
Who might the Young Oseberg Woman 834 AD have been?
What does the discovery of these two women tell us about the Vikings?
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