CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES TO DEVELOPMENT OF AGRICULTURE SECTOR IN SELECTED REGIONS OF SOMALILAND _____________________ A Thesis Proposal Presented to the School of Postgraduate Studies and Research Kampala International University Kampala, Uganda __________________ In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Master of Arts in Development Studies ________________ By: Mohamed Abdi Abdilahi April, 2011 MOHAMED ABDI DECLARATION "This research proposal is my original work and has not been presented for a Degree or any other academic award in any University or Institution of Learning". Name and Signature of Candidate Date MOHAMED ABDI APPROVAL "I confirm that the work reported in this research proposal was carried out by the candidate under my/our supervision". Name and Signature of Supervisor Date MOHAMED ABDI TABLE OF CONTENTS MOHAMED ABDI Referencing Introduction Referencing is a standardized method of acknowledging sources of information and idea that you have used in your study in a way that uniquely identifies their source. Direct quotations, facts and figures as well as ideas and theories, from both published and unpublished works, must be referenced. The reference list at the end of the study provides information necessary to identify and retrieve each source. The researcher should choose reference purposefully and must include only sources that were used in the preparation of research. (Anonymous). Forms of Referencing There are several forms of referencing: In the body of the text. Direct quotations. Paraphrasing. Citations in the Test of the body In the text can be made in the middle or at the end of the sentence. Reference can be cited from: One author. Multiple authors (up to five authors) Six or more authors. Anonymous or no author citation. One Author citation Surname of the author (do not include suffix such as Jr, Dr), year, book name, company publication, place of publication. e.g. locke.J (2007), Principle of Management, MicMillan Company: Newyork MOHAMED ABDI e.g. ( locke, 2007). Multiple Authors When work has two authors, always cite both names every time the reference occurs in the text. When work has four or five authors cite all the authors the first time the reference occurs. However, these citations include only the surname of the first author followed by “et al” and the year if it is the first citation of the reference for example, Cohen, Manion and Monison (2000) found ……….. Cohen et al (2000) Six or more Authors’ citations In cases where you have more than six authors, only the name of the first author followed by “et al” and the year of the first citations in the first list is written. However, provide the initials and surnames of each author and shorten any remaining authors to et al. e.g. Ali, Saeed, Adan, Mohamed, Ibrahim, Ahmed (2000). Amina, Zuhur, Safa, Nujum, Istiqlal, Hana, (2004). Ali, Saeed, Adan, et al (2000) and Amina, Zuhur, Safa et al (2004). Presentation Format There are various skills of referencing which, h include; American Psychological Association (APA Fifth Edition) Harvard style British standard styles Chicago style MOHAMED ABDI M.L.A style However, every academic materials follows a specific presentation format, hence, Admas University has adapted the American Psychological Association style of referencing for all academic materials. This can be referenced as follows: Journal articles, One Author Author’s surname followed by a comma Author’s initials Year/date of publication Title of the article Name of the journal italicized Volume, followed by page. For example, Opolot Okurut, C. (2005), Students Attitudes towards Mathematics in Ugandan Secondary Schools, In African Journal of Research is SMT Education, 9(i) 167-174. Daily Newspapers Author of article (surname first, name initials, year, article title of the newspaper italicized). E,g,Namasaba, A. (2005), Girls Dropout in Rural Primary Schools, Monitor Newspaper 27, vol 6. Books Revised When a book is revised, indicate the surname of the author followed by the initials, then the year of publication, the title followed by (Rev.ed) meaning that it is a revised edition followed by city and publishers. For example, Okombo. O. j (2006), A Comprehensive Guide for Teaching Children (Rev.ed). Nairobi Macmillan Publishers. MOHAMED ABDI Unpublished Work There are a variety of unpublished works that may be referred to in a research. These should also be acknowledged and included in the list of references. Dissertation/thesis To include a dissertation or thesis in the list of references you need to include : Author, initials, year of submission, title of the dissertation/ thesis, award and university to which the work was submitted. For example, Okurut. C. ( 1990). Developing Assessment Techniques in Mathematics for Schools in Uganda. Unpublished M.Ed. Dissertation, Bristol: University of Bristol. Information from the World Wide Web The format of the citation is as follows: Name of authors, Company or Organization responsible for creating the content. Date of the content was created if available Title of the article document The full URL (uniform Resource Allocator) to page where you obtained the information. The date when you obtained the information. For example, Wanjiru. N. (2006), Inclusive Technology Special Needs Articles and Information, http://w When using the web, include the date because it is important due to the dynamic changes of the nature of web pages and websites. MOHAMED ABDI Plagiarism Plagiarism means using another’s work. If you use others’ words, you must put them in quotation marks and cite your source. You must also give citations when using others’ ideas, even if you have paraphrased those ideas in your own words. Note: the referencing style of this format is based on the American Psychological Association (APA) publication Manual 5 edition. MOHAMED ABDI