THE U NIVERS IT Y OF TE XAS AT EL PAS O UNIVERSITY 1301 PEER LEADER APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS We invite you to apply for the position of UNIV 1301 Peer Leader. UNIV 1301: Seminar in Critical Inquiry is a UTEP Core Curriculum course designed to help students in their transition from high school to college and enhance academic knowledge and skills necessary for college success. Before you apply, please read the job description, responsibilities, and requirements, and be sure you are able to attend all mandatory training days. In order for your application packet to be considered, you must complete all of the following: Part 1 –Peer Leader Job Application Complete all of the information provided in the Peer Leader Job Application. The document is provided in this packet. Part 2 –Interest Letter Submit a one page interest letter addressing the following information: Why are you interested in becoming a Peer Leader? What are the qualifications you have for this position? How are you best suited to fulfill the role of a Peer Leader? What do you hope to gain from the position? Part 3 –Resume and Transcript Submit your resume detailing all education, employment experiences, skills, and campus involvement activities such as Student Government Association, Student Leadership Institute, etc. For assistance in writing your resume, please visit the University Career Center located at 103 Union West. Include an unofficial college transcript in your application package. You can also submit a form requesting that the Registration and Records Office send your unofficial transcript to the Entering Student Program Office (UGLC 344) free of charge. The Registration and Records Office is located in the Mike Loya Academic Services Building, room 107. Part 4 – Recommendation Release Form Complete the Recommendation Release Form included in this packet. All applicants must have two recommendations; one from a current UTEP Faculty and one from by a current UTEP staff. UTEP staff members can include Academic Advisors, Teaching Assistants, Organization Advisors, etc. If you are unable to provide the name of a current UTEP staff member, you can submit the information of an additional faculty. Submit your COMPLETE application packet to: or directly to the Entering Student Program office, UGLC 344 Attn: Claudia V. Garcia If you have questions or need additional information about the position, please contact or Claudia V. Garcia, Peer Leader Manager, at House Bill 1922 Notice Requirements: With few exceptions, you are entitled on request to be informed about the information The University of Texas at El Paso collects about you. Under § 552.021 and 552.023 of the Texas Government Code, you are entitled to receive and review the information. Under § 559.004 of the Texas Government Code, you are entitled to have The University of Texas at El Paso correct information about you that is held by us and that is incorrect, in accordance with the procedures set forth in The University of Texas System Policy 139 (UTS139). The information that The University of Texas at El Paso collects will be retained and maintained as required by Texas records retention laws (§ 441.180 et seq. of the Texas Government Code) and rules. Different types of information are kept for different periods of time. THE U NIVERS IT Y OF TE XAS AT EL PAS O UNIVERSITY 1301 PEER LEADER JOB DESCRIPTION Peer Leaders are engaged students that possess leadership qualities and are dedicated to helping fellow UTEP students succeed. Peer Leaders are paired with a UNIV 1301 faculty member, work directly in the classroom as part of the instructional team, and assist with the development of the course. The UNIV 1301 themes vary by instructor, but all sections focus on developing academic knowledge and skills, easing the transition from high school to college, and familiarizing the students with campus resources. Peer Leaders serve as mentors, role models, and intermediaries between the professor and students. R ESPONSIBILITIES AND D UTIES : Collaborate with the course instructor to provide instructional leadership for University 1301 Meet weekly with the assigned course instructor to assist her/him in planning the curriculum and instructional activities, both before the course starts and throughout the semester. Attend all classroom sessions Coordinate with the course instructor to meet with each UNIV 1301 student outside of class at least twice during the semester. This time period should be used to monitor the UNIV 1301 student’s academic progress and to intervene with appropriate recommendations that could assist with the student’s retention and success at UTEP Assist with grading if asked by course instructor Hold 2 to 5 office hours per week (to be arranged in cooperation with the course instructor) Monitor students’ academic progress and make necessary referrals when appropriate Help students become independent learners Model good student behavior – take notes, be on time, etc. Publicize and support the academic policies and standards of UTEP Support and participate in the evaluation process of the Entering Student Program Attend ALL required Entering Student Program training activities and meeting B ENEFITS OF S ERVING AS A P EER L EADER : Establish positive relationships with faculty, staff and peers within the program Become more confident in your communication and organization skills Strengthen your personal leadership abilities Gain pride and satisfaction from helping others M ANDATORY T R AINING D ATES : All new Peer Leaders must attend a mandatory Peer Leader Orientation scheduled on the following days and times: Monday August 10th, 2015 to Friday August 14th, 2015, from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. Specific times TBA. All Peer Leaders must attend weekly Peer Leader training and meetings to be held every Friday from 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm. Trainings begin Friday, August 28th, 2015. APPLICANTS WHO ARE NOT AVAILABLE FOR THE TRAININGS OR THE ORIENTATION WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED FOR THE PEER LEADER POSITION. THE U NIVERS IT Y OF TE XAS AT EL PAS O UNIVERSITY 1301 PEER LEADER JOB APPLICATION R EQUIREMENTS AND COMPENSATION : Have at least a 3.0 cumulative GPA Have completed a minimum of 30 college-level credit hours at an institution of higher education Have successfully completed ENGL 1312 or its equivalent, and UNIV 1301 or UNIV 2350 by the start of the employment date Be enrolled full-time at UTEP (12 or more undergraduate hours) each semester UNIV 1301 PEER LEADER WILL BE COMPENSATED $7.25 PER HOUR FOR A MAXIMUM OF 12 HOURS PER WEEK FOR 16 WEEKS. Please complete all of the following information. M.I.: Click here to Last name: Click here to enter text. First name: Click here to enter text. enter text. City: Click here to enter State: Click here to ZIP: Click here to Address: Click here to enter text. Primary phone Number: Click here to enter text. enter text. enter text. text. UTEP Email: Click here to enter text. UTEP ID #: Click here to enter text. Alternative Phone Number: Click here to enter text. Alternative Email: Click here to enter text. Major: Click here to enter text. Number of credit hours completed: Click here Minor: Click here to enter text. to enter text. Cumulative GPA: Click here to enter text. Have you completed ENGL 1312 or its equivalent? Choose an item. Which is the highest MATH course that you have completed? Click here to enter text. Have you completed the Student Leadership Institute (SLI) training program? Choose an item. Are you currently employed on campus? Click here to enter text. If yes, which department and how many hours do you work? Click here to enter text. How did you hear about this position: Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Signature (provide your full name if electronic signature) By signing above, you certify that the information provided in this document is true and correct. You also understand that falsification of your application will cause this document to be invalid and may jeopardize any future employment with the Entering Student Program. By signing, you also authorize the Entering Student Program to review your academic record in order to verify your GPA, classification, and other job-related requirements. THE U NIVERS IT Y OF TE XAS AT EL PAS O UNIVERSITY 1301 PEER LEADER RECOMMENDATION RELEASE FORM Click here to enter text. Name of applicant Click here to enter text. Date: Click here to enter text. Name of UTEP first recommender Click here to enter text. Email address Click here to enter text. Name of UTEP second recommender Click here to enter text. Email address Click here to enter text. Signature (provide your full name if electronic signature) By signing the form above, I authorize the Entering Student Program to request information from references concerning my work performance and general character. I further authorize the faculty or staff member receiving this form to give complete information as may be requested by the Entering Student Program. I understand that the information requested will not become part of my student file at UTEP and that such information will be treated as confidential.