Web Appendix & Online Data Supplement Extended Methods Section Sample Selection We selected the analytic sample using the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) fasting subsample as the baseline dataset. Fasting status of 8 hours or more was ascertained from the question “the time in hours between when the examinee last ate or drank anything other than water and the time of the venipuncture” in the NHANES fasting questionnaire. Tables 1 and 2 show the sample selection process. For example, in the first wave, 1999-2000 (Table 1), there were 956 individuals aged 20 or older who self-identified as nonMexican-American white in the fasting subsample. Of these, 66 fasted for less than 8 hours and 29 did not report fasting status. An additional 18 people had missing values in glucose levels, followed by 10 people with missing values in HDL cholesterol, 10 people missing in blood pressure, and 5 more missing in waist circumference. Thus, the final analytic sample used in the analysis contains 818 people for this racial group (818 = 956 – [66 + 29 + 18 + 10 + 10 + 5]). Similar procedure for the other racial groups is shown in Table 1 and further disaggregation by sex is shown in Table 2. Definitions Table 1 of the primary paper defines the various components of the metabolic syndrome (MetS), and patients with three or more components were defined as having the MetS. The only cut-off that varies in the harmonized MetS definition is the cut-off for abdominal obesity, where the recommended cut-offs are population- and country-specific (3). In the current analyses, we imposed the U.S. cut-offs (11) on all NHANES respondents, although there might be some argument to have used Sub-Saharan African (≥94 cm for males and ≥80 for females) and Central and South American (≥90 cm for males and ≥80 for females) cut-offs for non-Hispanic blacks and Hispanics, respectively. However, given the complexity, lack of standardization, and widevariation in self-reported race in the United States, we choose to use the country-specific cut-offs for all individuals. Given that these cut-offs are the highest of all populations, our estimates for abdominal obesity may be conservative but likely do not overestimate the true prevalence. The number of subjects who meet each of the criteria for the metabolic syndrome by race, sex, and year is shown in OnlineTable 3. These are the sample sizes used in the prevalence estimates, as well as in the statistical analyses. Statistical Analysis We examined overall population trends in addition to trends by race and gender using two methods. To visualize, track and compare the prevalence of MetS over time, we used age standardization, sometimes referred to as age adjustment. It is a statistical method that applies observed age-specific prevalence rates to a standard age distribution. It is used to compare two or more populations at one point in time, or one population at two or more points in time by eliminating the confounding effect of age when age is related to the outcome of interest, as is the case with cardiovascular disease. In other words, this method estimates prevalence as if the groups under consideration had exactly the same age structure. This age-adjusted estimate is a counterfactual, and not the observed (or unadjusted, or crude) prevalence in the study population. There are two methods of age standardization- direct and indirect. We used the direct method, as recommended for the continuous NHANES, which utilizes that standard population is the 2000 Census data. Specifically, we multiply the age-specific prevalence from the study population by the proportion of people in that age group in the standard population, and summed the results to get the age-adjusted estimate: age-adjusted prevalence = ∑𝑝 1 𝑝𝑝 ∗ 𝑝𝑝 , where pi is the prevalence of the condition in the study population, and wi is the proportion of people in that age group in the standard population For the trend analysis, our primary outcome was the slope of change or rate of change per year from survey wave 1 (1999-2000) to survey wave 6 (2009-2010). We examined year as both a continuous and ordinal variable; however, results did not change between these two specifications and only show continuous (trend) coefficients. We used two modeling strategies, both of which were age-adjusted. First we estimated a logistic model, which modeled how likely it is that an individual had MetS or any MetS component in a given year. Secondly, we used a Poisson specification since the number of cases of MetS or any component is a count variable. Prevalence is defined as the ratio of the number of cases over total population, thus the Poisson regression models the log of cases using the total population as an offset. While a logistic model estimates the odds of having MetS or any component at a point in time, a Poisson model yields prevalence estimates for each period. When we control for age, we are then estimating the ageadjusted prevalence for each year, which enabled us to test for significant differences across years. We examined the direction and significance level for both age-adjusted regression specifications to confirm the existence (or lack of) a time-trend. The estimates were qualitatively similar and thus only the results of the Poisson models are shown in the supplement for parsimony, but we can provide the logistic results upon request. Statistical analyses were performed with Stata 12.1 (StataCorp) using sample weights that accounted for the complex sampling design and nonresponse as recommended by the NHANES online statistical tutorial. Strata with a single sampling unit were centered at the overall mean. P ≤ 0.05 was accepted as significant. The NHANES examination sample weight was used for blood pressure, HDL cholesterol, and waist circumference estimates. The morning fasting sample weight was used for glucose, triglycerides, and MetS estimates. Analytic Sample Table 1. Sample Selection from the Fasting Subsample for People Aged 20 or Older by Race/Ethnicity and Year: NHANES 1999/2000 to 2009/2010 Survey wave Fasting subsample (1) Fasting status Missin <8 h g (2) Non-Mexican-American White 1999-1900 956 66 2001-2002 1322 93 2003-2004 1185 76 2005-2006 1148 104 2007-2008 1299 116 2009-2010 1366 93 Non-Mexican-American Black 1999-2000 429 70 2001-2002 478 58 2003-2004 445 47 2005-2006 527 47 2007-2008 580 84 2009-2010 514 44 Mexican-American 1999-2000 595 48 2001-2002 537 29 2003-2004 458 42 2005-2006 438 24 2007-2008 478 43 2009-2010 559 36 Missing values in: Triglyceride Blood s pressure Final analytic sample Glucos e HDL-C (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) N = (1) – Sum ([2]:[8]) 29 25 10 23 28 15 18 19 30 21 17 21 10 9 8 9 4 10 0 3 0 3 0 1 10 31 49 31 27 32 5 34 27 19 32 25 818 1108 985 938 1075 1169 21 19 4 16 26 8 17 22 23 21 27 26 8 13 2 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 0 0 15 14 22 31 20 33 5 5 15 12 8 13 292 345 329 392 410 384 22 11 5 14 6 8 7 6 9 7 10 6 8 6 0 0 0 4 0 0 1 1 2 1 3 19 23 10 17 18 4 11 5 9 16 5 503 455 373 373 384 481 Waist circ. Table 2. Sample Selection from the Fasting Subsample for People Aged 20 or Older by Race/Ethnicity, Sex and Year: NHANES 1999/2000 to 2009/2010 Fasting Fasting status subsample <8hrs Missing (1) (2) (3) Non-Mexican-American White Survey wave 1999-00 2001-02 2003-04 2005-06 2007-08 2009-10 455 626 565 577 663 644 Glucose (4) HDL-C (5) 27 33 34 45 68 46 11 13 6 13 16 8 6 10 10 11 6 9 5 2 0 1 2 2 39 60 42 59 48 47 18 12 4 10 12 7 12 9 20 10 11 12 5 7 8 8 2 8 190 234 205 253 276 248 34 25 21 27 40 24 9 12 2 9 12 5 6 14 7 9 16 13 5 6 1 0 2 2 239 244 240 274 304 266 36 33 26 20 44 20 12 7 2 7 14 3 11 8 16 12 11 13 3 7 1 4 3 4 1999-00 2001-02 2003-04 2005-06 2007-08 2009-10 273 255 231 206 233 257 22 15 24 13 25 16 10 6 1 5 5 4 1 1 4 5 3 2 3 2 0 0 0 2 1999-00 2001-02 2003-04 2005-06 2007-08 2009-10 322 282 227 232 245 302 26 14 18 11 18 20 12 5 4 9 1 4 6 5 5 2 7 4 5 4 0 0 0 2 1999-00 501 2001-02 696 2003-04 620 2005-06 571 2007-08 636 2009-10 722 Non-Mexican-American Black 1999-00 2001-02 2003-04 2005-06 2007-08 2009-10 1999-00 2001-02 2003-04 2005-06 2007-08 2009-10 Mexican-American Missing values in: Triglycerides Blood pressure (6) (7) Males 0 0 0 1 0 1 Females 0 3 0 2 0 0 Males 0 0 1 4 0 0 Females 1 2 2 0 0 0 Males 0 0 1 1 1 1 Females 0 0 0 0 1 0 Final analytic sample Waist circ (8) N= (1) – Sum((2):(8)) 3 14 14 17 16 12 2 18 9 9 12 13 401 536 492 480 543 553 7 17 35 14 11 20 3 16 18 10 20 12 417 572 493 458 532 616 6 5 7 9 11 12 2 2 7 7 3 2 128 170 159 188 192 190 9 9 15 22 9 21 3 3 8 5 5 11 164 175 170 204 218 194 1 8 10 3 5 5 2 5 1 3 7 4 234 218 190 176 187 223 2 11 13 7 12 13 2 6 4 6 9 1 269 237 183 197 197 258 Table 3. Number of Subjects who Meet Each of the Criteria for the Metabolic Syndrome by Race/Ethnicity, Sex, and Year: NHANES 1999-2010 Survey wave MetS Glucose 3+ comp >=110 mg/dL Non-Mexican-American White 1999-00 2001-02 2003-04 2005-06 2007-08 2009-10 105 159 144 134 183 146 HDL-Ca 83 118 104 116 191 173 137 169 117 100 157 152 36 83 57 79 128 121 153 177 141 94 161 209 23 34 24 37 35 36 17 26 29 45 57 51 29 37 20 22 26 35 40 45 39 46 63 53 27 31 25 36 59 41 58 67 52 39 49 61 1999-00 2001-02 2003-04 2005-06 2007-08 2009-10 77 70 53 47 63 80 51 56 49 47 80 81 90 79 47 46 52 78 1999-00 2001-02 2003-04 2005-06 2007-08 2009-10 113 75 75 44 71 73 45 33 44 41 53 53 137 104 69 52 77 96 1999-00 117 2001-02 176 2003-04 141 2005-06 114 2007-08 155 2009-10 166 Non-Mexican-American Black Triglycerides Blood pressure b >=150 mg/dL Males 142 213 191 167 207 142 Females 159 205 163 156 154 168 Waist circ c 166 219 197 182 179 173 159 241 243 243 284 283 143 223 157 139 172 159 227 340 318 296 342 407 63 80 63 87 70 87 47 51 48 79 71 76 66 67 62 79 85 69 113 124 133 151 174 155 101 80 70 51 51 67 94 76 78 62 71 103 99 64 74 38 45 58 185 163 156 142 148 189 Males 1999-00 2001-02 2003-04 2005-06 2007-08 2009-10 1999-00 2001-02 2003-04 2005-06 2007-08 2009-10 Mexican-American a b 21 34 34 38 34 34 Females 22 28 29 29 30 23 Males 109 91 80 80 78 98 Females 130 93 92 74 63 72 Males: HDL-C<40mg/dL; females: HDL-C <50 mg/dL Mean systolic blood pressure ≤130 mm Hg and mean diastolic blood pressure ≥85 mm Hg Males: 102 cm ≤ waist circumference < 200 cm; females: 88 cm ≤ waist circumference < 200 cm c Prevalence Estimates Table 4: Age-Standardized Prevalence Estimates for the Total Population by Race and Year: NHANES 1999-2010 1999-2000 2001-2002 2003-2004 2005-2006 2007-2008 2009-2010 Metabolic Syndrome Non-Mex25.59% (21.93- 27.21% (24.88- 26.19% (22.46- 23.19% (19.67- 24.54% (20.45- 21.77% (18.83American White 29.25) 29.54) 29.92) 26.71) 28.63) 24.70) Non-Mex22.00% (17.76- 23.99% (18.13- 20.58% (17.12- 20.60% (16.63- 22.14% (13.73- 22.71% (17.95American Black 26.24) 29.85) 24.03) 24.57) 30.55) 27.48) 32.60% (25.02- 33.59% (28.51- 31.80% (27.20- 28.03% (20.74- 32.28% (28.83- 31.87% (26.14Mexican-American 40.19) 38.67) 36.41) 35.32) 35.72) 37.60) Waist Circumference Non-Mex43.58% (37.56- 48.02% (44.58- 54.15% (49.65- 54.01% (49.62- 52.67% (48.74- 54.87% (51.13American White 49.61) 51.46) 58.64) 58.40) 56.60) 58.61) Non-Mex54.80% (49.97- 52.29% (47.09- 57.59% (52.85- 58.07% (53.26- 59.23% (53.26- 63.04% (58.02American Black 59.62) 57.49) 62.32) 62.88) 65.19) 68.06) 49.90% (44.17- 52.65% (47.67- 60.66% (53.13- 52.69% (47.10- 54.86% (48.16- 58.73% (54.73Mexican-American 55.63) 57.63) 68.20) 58.28) 61.55) 62.73) Blood Pressure Non-MexAmerican White Non-MexAmerican Black Mexican-American Triglycerides Non-MexAmerican White Non-Mex- 30.53% (26.9334.13) 42.59% (35.7049.48) 36.34% (30.7541.93) 33.69% (30.1837.20) 44.27% (38.6149.93) 35.15% (30.1140.19) 29.77% (26.3033.25) 38.61% (32.5744.65) 32.22% (28.2936.14) 29.10% (25.7632.45) 41.27% (37.1445.40) 27.22% (21.2133.23) 22.30% (20.0924.51) 36.27% (28.8643.68) 25.01% (20.8129.21) 21.74% (18.0825.41) 35.83% (31.5040.16) 27.83% (23.7831.88) 35.14% (30.3239.96) 12.69% (8.75- 34.61% (31.9137.30) 19.46% (12.14- 33.13% (28.9237.35) 17.73% (13.54- 31.42% (27.5235.33) 16.39% (12.28- 30.14% (27.2733.01) 14.69% (9.03- 24.02% (20.8927.14) 14.03% (9.18- ptrend 0.00 9 0.92 0.81 0.00 1 0.02 0.11 9 < 0.00 1 0.84 0.02 < 0.00 1 0.65 American Black Mexican-American HDL-C Non-MexAmerican White Non-MexAmerican Black Mexican-American Glucose 16.62) 43.37% (38.3348.41) 26.78) 39.29% (35.3943.18) 21.93) 44.38% (40.6648.09) 20.49) 38.43% (30.3446.53) 20.35) 34.88% (29.3640.41) 18.88) 35.73% (29.6241.84) 39.52% (33.0845.95) 28.38% (22.8433.92) 42.91% (38.5047.33) 33.76% (30.0737.45) 32.21% (27.7636.67) 38.76% (32.6744.86) 27.80% (24.0531.54) 20.89% (13.9027.88) 32.42% (24.3840.47) 21.36% (18.7623.96) 16.57% (11.6121.54) 29.06% (23.0835.04) 29.57% (24.3434.80) 18.59% (11.5925.59) 31.03% (25.4436.62) 29.63% (25.7233.53) 27.05% (21.4832.61) 34.50% (29.7339.27) Non-MexAmerican White Non-MexAmerican Black 12.27% (8.8715.67) 17.02% (10.0723.97) 14.74% (12.4617.01) 17.11% (11.7922.44) 13.09% (11.4414.73) 17.64% (13.2722.01) 16.93% (13.9219.93) 18.92% (14.0923.74) 21.43% (17.7525.11) 23.43% (15.4531.42) 18.78% (14.6922.88) 21.79% (18.2625.32) Mexican-American 18.75% (14.2423.27) 22.62% (19.8625.38) 23.90% (17.2930.50) 26.73% (20.0133.46) 33.95% (30.1137.78) 29.81% (25.5934.02) 0.07 6 0.00 1 0.01 0.04 8 < 0.00 1 0.00 6 < 0.00 1 Table 5: Age-Standardized Prevalence Estimates for Males by Race and Year: NHANES 1999-2010 1999-2000 2001-2002 2003-2004 2005-2006 2007-2008 Metabolic Syndrome Non-Mex23.93% (17.91- 28.06% (24.03- 26.51% (20.81- 25.21% (21.13- 27.17% (23.81American white 29.94) 32.10) 32.21) 29.30) 30.54) Non-Mex17.39% (11.29- 19.90% (12.56- 17.49% (11.62- 16.31% (9.9017.28% (6.34American black 23.49) 27.24) 23.37) 22.72) 28.22) Mexican26.77% (21.03- 33.66% (24.38- 26.19% (16.42- 27.18% (18.57- 31.13% (26.91American 32.52) 42.95) 35.95) 35.79) 35.35) Waist Circumference Non-Mex36.43% (29.51- 41.39% (36.17- 48.05% (42.98- 48.65% (44.66- 47.83% (43.08American white 43.35) 46.62) 53.12) 52.64) 52.57) Non-Mex36.11% (27.79- 29.03% (20.26- 31.87% (23.63- 38.22% (30.22- 34.33% (26.11American black 44.44) 37.81) 40.12) 46.21) 42.54) Mexican35.76% (30.51- 37.31% (30.20- 38.49% (27.74- 34.90% (24.91- 38.78% (32.72American 41.01) 44.42) 49.25) 44.89) 44.83) Blood Pressure Non-MexAmerican white Non-MexAmerican black MexicanAmerican Triglycerides Non-MexAmerican white Non-MexAmerican black MexicanAmerican 2009-2010 22.91% (17.3828.43) 18.99% (9.7528.22) 34.76% (27.2542.27) ptrend 0.29 0.95 0.06 4 47.15% (41.0953.21) 43.09% (33.9752.21) 46.53% (37.7555.31) 0.02 4 0.17 9 0.09 7 33.50% (28.2938.72) 44.11% (36.3151.90) 38.96% (32.9344.99) 36.44% (30.0642.82) 49.40% (41.7057.11) 41.07% (32.4449.69) 34.91% (29.6140.21) 41.13% (34.7347.53) 29.26% (24.3534.18) 33.21% (29.2637.16) 43.29% (34.8251.77) 29.23% (21.5436.91) 23.48% (20.1126.85) 35.11% (25.8344.40) 29.69% (23.7835.60) 25.63% (21.2530.01) 39.42% (32.1446.71) 35.29% (29.1741.40) < 0.00 1 0.09 9 0.32 6 36.65% (29.0544.24) 13.92% (7.0120.83) 45.07% (38.6051.55) 39.29% (33.9844.60) 23.68% (14.7632.60) 43.57% (36.9250.22) 37.27% (31.7642.79) 21.62% (12.9930.25) 42.31% (34.7949.83) 37.00% (32.0141.99) 19.02% (12.5325.52) 45.18% (36.2654.10) 36.51% (32.0740.96) 17.84% (9.9225.75) 37.52% (31.3643.68) 25.02% (19.8430.20) 18.96% (12.1025.81) 39.09% (32.3045.87) 0.00 2 0.74 5 0.80 4 HDL-C-C Non-MexAmerican white Non-MexAmerican black MexicanAmerican Glucose Non-MexAmerican white Non-MexAmerican black MexicanAmerican 37.45% (29.8545.05) 22.21% (13.9130.50) 37.06% (30.4743.65) 32.88% (28.1737.60) 20.67% (14.3227.02) 33.05% (26.9839.13) 23.97% (17.0230.91) 11.61% (7.1116.12) 25.37% (14.5336.22) 21.62% (17.8225.42) 10.59% (6.2314.96) 26.49% (17.5235.46) 29.67% (25.2634.08) 12.19% (5.0819.29) 24.63% (14.2135.05) 28.00% (22.6633.34) 19.74% (11.4428.04) 31.44% (26.1536.74) 0.00 6 16.50% (11.8521.15) 15.43% (6.8224.03) 18.28% (14.2522.31) 14.54% (8.9220.16) 17.04% (14.5319.55) 18.88% (13.0724.68) 19.27% (14.8723.67) 20.92% (14.2327.61) 27.10% (21.9632.24) 26.15% (15.4136.89) 23.63% (17.8929.37) 25.17% (16.3633.98) 19.28% (17.2521.31) 29.50% (26.3432.66) 27.46% (19.6135.31) 27.57% (18.5836.56) 43.78% (37.7349.83) 39.18% (34.0144.35) 0.00 1 0.00 2 < 0.00 1 0.17 0.87 3 Table 6: Age-standardized prevalence estimates for Females by race/ethnicity and year: NHANES 1999-2010 1999-2000 2001-2002 2003-2004 2005-2006 Metabolic Syndrome Non-Mex-American white 27.08% (23.30-30.85) 25.80% (22.60-29.00) 25.91% (20.17-31.66) 21.69% (16.72-26.65) Non-Mex-American black 25.74% (19.53-31.95) 27.57% (20.89-34.26) 23.24% (16.66-29.81) 22.84% (16.58-29.09) Mexican-American 37.62% (29.44-45.80) 33.36% (26.19-40.53) 37.54% (31.87-43.21) 26.94% (17.52-36.36) Waist Circumference Non-Mex-American white 50.15% (43.81-56.50) 54.39% (49.64-59.15) 60.00% (53.59-66.41) 59.01% (52.60-65.43) Non-Mex-American black 69.88% (64.16-75.60) 71.86% (64.88-78.85) 79.00% (74.66-83.34) 72.42% (67.04-77.80) Mexican-American 64.60% (57.56-71.64) 68.55% (60.20-76.90) 84.76% (79.29-90.23) 71.21% (62.80-79.62) Blood Pressure Non-Mex-American white 27.37% (24.10-30.63) 31.09% (27.88-34.29) 24.65% (21.25-28.06) 25.76% (20.63-30.89) Non-Mex-American black 38.59% (28.99-48.19) 39.97% (34.64-45.30) 36.31% (28.32-44.31) 39.37% (32.93-45.81) Mexican-American 33.16% (27.75-38.58) 30.62% (26.12-35.12) 33.86% (27.89-39.84) 23.65% (16.77-30.54) Triglycerides Non-Mex-American white 33.70% (27.68-39.72) 29.52% (26.80-32.25) 28.90% (23.86-33.93) 26.49% (22.85-30.13) Non-Mex-American black 11.54% (8.59-14.49) 15.57% (7.49-23.66) 14.20% (9.07-19.32) 12.25% (8.28-16.22) Mexican-American 40.67% (32.95-48.38) 33.95% (25.06-42.84) 44.89% (35.17-54.60) 28.81% (20.69-36.94) HDL-C Non-Mex-American white 41.42% (33.96-48.88) 34.28% (29.94-38.61) 31.71% (24.90-38.51) 21.41% (17.60-25.22) Non-Mex-American black 31.15% (22.13-40.16) 42.34% (34.14-50.55) 29.20% (18.63-39.78) 21.20% (13.45-28.96) Mexican-American 50.30% (45.23-55.38) 44.58% (37.03-52.13) 41.96% (32.96-50.96) 32.48% (24.43-40.52) Glucose Non-Mex-American white 8.70% (6.45-10.95) 11.25% (9.17-13.34) 8.99% (6.52-11.46) 14.92% (10.86-18.99) Non-Mex-American black 18.73% (12.96-24.51) 19.86% (14.24-25.48) 16.31% (12.02-20.61) 16.90% (11.58-22.21) Mexican-American 17.60% (11.92-23.27) 14.73% (9.52-19.94) 20.98% (11.66-30.30) 23.64% (20.05-27.22) 2007-2008 22.33% (16.52-28.13) 2 26.80% (17.88-35.72) 2 32.38% (25.20-39.56) 2 57.55% (50.93-64.18) 6 78.72% (72.76-84.68) 7 71.84% (63.08-80.60) 7 20.65% (17.19-24.11) 1 36.94% (26.73-47.14) 3 19.79% (15.85-23.72) 2 24.75% (20.37-29.14) 2 12.82% (8.05-17.59) 1 30.31% (22.29-38.32) 2 29.37% (22.37-36.38) 3 24.40% (16.48-32.32) 3 37.01% (29.65-44.38) 3 16.07% (11.32-20.83) 1 21.98% (14.85-29.11) 1 24.89% (17.58-32.21) 2 Table 7: List of Prescription Drugs as used in NHANES Data Files Generic Drug Name (corresponds to "rx drug" variable in NHANES data files) ACARBOSE ACEBUTOLOL ACEBUTOLOL HYDROCHLORIDE ALISKIREN ALISKIREN; HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDE ALISKIREN; VALSARTAN AMILORIDE AMILORIDE HYDROCHLORIDE AMILORIDE HYDROCHLORIDE; HYDROCHLOROTHI AMILORIDE; HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDE AMLODIPINE AMLODIPINE BESYLATE AMLODIPINE BESYLATE; BENAZEPRIL HYDROCH AMLODIPINE; ATORVASTATIN AMLODIPINE; BENAZEPRIL AMLODIPINE; HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDE; VALSAR AMLODIPINE; OLMESARTAN AMLODIPINE; VALSARTAN ANTIDIABETIC AGENTS UNSPECIFIED ANTIHYPERLIPIDEMIC AGENTS - UNSPECIFIED ANTIHYPERTENSIVE AGENTS UNSPECIFIED ANTIHYPERTENSIVE COMBINATIONS - UNSPECI ATENOLOL ATENOLOL; CHLORTHALIDONE ATORVASTATIN ATORVASTATIN CALCIUM BENAZEPRIL BENAZEPRIL HYDROCHLORIDE BENAZEPRIL HYDROCHLORIDE; HDL-C specific Lipidmodifying agent Antihyperglyce mic X Antihypertensi ve X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X HYDROCHLOROTH BENAZEPRIL; HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDE BISOPROLOL BISOPROLOL FUMARATE BISOPROLOL FUMARATE; HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDE BISOPROLOL; HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDE BUMETANIDE CANDESARTAN CANDESARTAN CILEXETIL CANDESARTAN CILEXETIL; HYDROCHLOROTHIAZE CANDESARTAN; HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDE CAPTOPRIL CAPTOPRIL; HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDE CERIVASTATIN SODIUM CHLORPROMAMIDE; PHENFORMIN CHLORPROPAMIDE CHLORTHALIDONE CHLORTHALIDONE; CLONIDINE HYDROCHLORIDE CHOLESTEROL-LOWERING DRUG-UNSPECIFIED CHOLESTYRAMINE CLONIDINE CLONIDINE HYDROCHLORIDE COLESEVELAM COLESTIPOL COLESTIPOL HYDROCHLORIDE DIABETES DRUG-UNSPECIFIED DIURETIC-UNSPECIFIED DIURETICS - UNSPECIFIED ENALAPRIL ENALAPRIL MALEATE ENALAPRIL MALEATE; HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDE ENALAPRIL; HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDE EPROSARTAN; HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDE EXENATIDE X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X EZETIMIBE EZETIMIBE; SIMVASTATIN FELODIPINE FENOFIBRATE FENOFIBRIC ACID FLUVASTATIN FLUVASTATIN SODIUM FOSINOPRIL FOSINOPRIL SODIUM FOSINOPRIL; HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDE FUROSEMIDE GEMFIBROZIL GLIMEPIRIDE GLIMEPIRIDE; ROSIGLITAZONE GLIPIZIDE GLIPIZIDE; METFORMIN GLYBURIDE GLYBURIDE; METFORMIN GLYBURIDE; METFORMIN HYDROCHLORIDE HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE MEDICINE-UNSPECIFIED HYDRALAZINE HYDRALAZINE HYDROCHLORIDE HYDRALAZINE HYDROCHLORIDE; HYDROCHLOROT HYDRALAZINE HYDROCHLORIDE; HYDROCHLOROT HYDRALAZINE; HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDE HYDRALAZINE; ISOSORBIDE DINITRATE HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDE HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDE; IRBESARTAN HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDE; LISINOPRIL HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDE; LOSARTAN HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDE; LOSARTAN POTASSIUM HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDE; METHYLDOPA HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDE; X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X METOPROLOL HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDE; METOPROLOL TARTRAT HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDE; MOEXIPRIL HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDE; MOEXIPRIL HYDROCHL HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDE; OLMESARTAN HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDE; PROPRANOLOL HYDROC HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDE; QUINAPRIL HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDE; QUINAPRIL HYDROCHL HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDE; SPIRONOLACTONE HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDE; TELMISARTAN HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDE; TRIAMTERENE HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDE; VALSARTAN INSULIN INSULIN ASPART INSULIN ASPART; INSULIN ASPART PROTAMINE INSULIN DETEMIR INSULIN GLARGINE INSULIN GLULISINE INSULIN INHALATION RAPID ACTING INSULIN ISOPHANE INSULIN ISOPHANE; INSULIN REGULAR INSULIN LISPRO INSULIN LISPRO; INSULIN LISPRO PROTAMIN INSULIN REGULAR INSULIN ZINC INSULIN ZINC EXTENDED IRBESARTAN ISOSORBIDE ISOSORBIDE DINITRATE ISOSORBIDE MONONITRATE ISOSORBIDE-UNSPECIFIED X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X LABETALOL LABETALOL HYDROCHLORIDE LOSARTAN LOSARTAN POTASSIUM LOVASTATIN LOVASTATIN; NIACIN METFORMIN METFORMIN HYDROCHLORIDE METFORMIN; PIOGLITAZONE METFORMIN; ROSIGLITAZONE METFORMIN; SITAGLIPTIN METOLAZONE METOPROLOL METOPROLOL SUCCINATE METOPROLOL TARTRATE METOPROLOL-UNSPECIFIED NADOLOL NATEGLINIDE NEBIVOLOL NIACIN NIACIN; SIMVASTATIN NICARDIPINE NICARDIPINE HYDROCHLORIDE NIFEDIPINE NISOLDIPINE OLMESARTAN PINDOLOL PIOGLITAZONE PIOGLITAZONE HYDROCHLORIDE PRAMLINTIDE PRAVASTATIN PRAVASTATIN SODIUM QUINAPRIL QUINAPRIL HYDROCHLORIDE RAMIPRIL REPAGLINIDE ROSIGLITAZONE ROSIGLITAZONE MALEATE ROSUVASTATIN SAXAGLIPTIN SIMVASTATIN SITAGLIPTIN TELMISARTAN TORSEMIDE X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X TRIAMTERENE VERAPAMIL VERAPAMIL HYDROCHLORIDE X X X