2014-15 Tennessee School Improvement Planning

2014-15 Tennessee School Improvement Planning Template
The final plan should be no longer than four pages.
School Name:
Cromwell Elementary School
Reward, Focus, or Priority if applicable.
Areas of Greatest Progress:
Proficient/Advanced IMPROVEMENTS:
Revised October, 2014
Areas of Greatest Challenge:
Proficient/Advanced SETBACKS:
Spring, 2014 RLA TCAP Percent
Proficient/Advanced Students for All
Students Grades 3-5 Increased from 19%
in 2013 to 24.8% in 2014
Spring 2014 MATH TCAP Percent
Proficient/Advanced Students for All
Students Grades 3-5 Decreased Slightly
from 28.9% in 2013 to 27.9% in 2014
RLA All Students 3-5: 5.8% gain
RLA ELL Students:
8.3% gain
RLA Students with
13.5 % gain
MATH All Students 3-5:
MATH 3rd grade:
SAT 10 TVAAS Composite – Level 3
24% gain
-1.0%( loss)
-9.3%( loss)
-8.4% (loss)
SCIENCE All Students 3-5: 12% gain
School-Wide TVAAS Composite:
Level 5 across all subjects
Underlying Reasons for Progress:
Teachers in all grades have common
planning time, consistent weekly grade
level DATA Digs and PLC meetings
focused on data disaggregation sessions,
teachers created weekly common
assessments, tracking student progress
on data charts, using data notebooks,
students tracking their own data,
developing re-teaching plans, and
strategy sharing. Istation online
intervention was used in grades K-3, as
well as 4-5 students consistently
performing in Tier III.
Implementation of small groups, daily
checks for understanding, higher order
questioning techniques, Istation usage
and technology integration. More
informational text was used for
instruction and lesson plans required
more focus on higher order thinking
skills. The VIP Club was started which
motivated students to increase
achievement levels in Reading and
Math. Tier II, Tier III Interventions,
Extended Contract tutoring , Title I
Underlying Reasons for Challenge:
Strong emphasis was placed on
increasing Reading Achievement across
the district in the 2013-14 school year.
Istation and Reading Plus online
interventions took precedent over
Stanford Math.
Teachers relied heavily on DEA data to
drive instruction and this data did not
always provide teachers with an
accurate reflection of where students
were actually performing. DEA scores
were consistently higher which could
have been misleading. Teachers faced
challenges with students who had not
mastered basic math facts and were
struggling with math fluency.
Teachers in all grades also faced
challenges with understanding the
instructional shifts for RLA and Math.
More time needs to be spent unpacking
standards and creating assessments that
effectively measure the target skills,
(what students should know and be able
to do for mastery). Assessments need to
be created prior to teaching the
Goals for 201415 school year:
Extended Learning tutoring, enrichment
for Tier I students from teachers,
Family Reading and Curriculum nights,
weekly newsletters and tips for helping
students at home. The effective
implementation of the TEM teacher
evaluation, the analysis of lesson plans
and empowering teacher leadership
have also supported positive growth .
Overall Achievement Goals:
targeted skills, and the rigor of the
assessments should mirror that of
District benchmark assessments , and
Small group learning stations must be
implemented with fidelity during the
math instructional block.
1. Cromwell Elementary reading achievement scores on the TCAP test for
3rd-5th grade students, (All Subgroups), will increase
from 24.8% in 2013-2014 to 29.5% in 2014-2015.
2. Cromwell Elementary mathematics achievement scores on the TCAP test for
3rd-5th grade students, (All Subgroups), will increase
from 27.9% in 2013-2014 to 32.4% in 2014-2015.
3. Cromwell Elementary science TCAP achievement scores in grades 3-5 will
increase from 32% in 2014 to 42% in 2014-2015.
Subgroup Goals: (List each subgroup individually)
1. RLA student achievement scores for Black student subgroup grades 3-5 will
increase from 24.5% to 29.2%.
2. RLA student achievement scores for Economically Disadvantaged student
subgroup grades 3-5 will increase from 24.4% to 29.1%.
3. RLA student achievement scores for Students With Disabilities subgroup in
grades 3-5 will increase from 52.5% to 55.5%.
4. MATH student achievement scores for Black student subgroup grades 3-5
will increase from 27.7% to 32.2%.
5. Math student achievement scores for Economically Disadvantaged student
subgroup grades 3-5 will increase from 27.7% to 32.2%.
6. MATH student achievement scores for Students With Disabilities subgroup
in grades 3-5 will increase from 55% to 57.8%.
Key strategies to achieve goals:
1. Strategy: Weekly Data Meetings , PLCs, Data Dig Days each 9 week period,
and opportunities for all teachers to engage in content focused PD.
Implementation Plan: From July, 2014-May, 2015 teachers in grades
K-5 will participate in weekly grade level data meetings and PLCs. The
teachers will track data in two places, on data boards and data analysis
forms. Students will also become involved in tracking their own data on
common formative assessments. Teachers will collaborate and share best
practices and successful instructional strategies, and use data to plan
effectively for instruction. Teachers in grades K-5 will engage in Data Dig
Days which will take place after results are received for each Discovery
Desired outcomes: Data Driven Instruction and increased student ach.
Projected costs and funding sources: $2,700 Title I funds for substitutes for
Data Dig Days 3 times; $300.00 Title I funds for
Data Tracking charts and materials and Data Binders.
Describe how this specific strategy will help you achieve your goals for the
2014-15 school year and address areas of challenge from the past year:
The teachers will use data effectively and differentiate instruction to reach
all students. Teachers identify students by name and the level of
intervention needed for skill mastery. The students will become
knowledgeable of their own data and take ownership of their learning.
Overall proficiency levels will increase for all students.
2. Strategy: Prioritizing standards every three weeks and creating 3 week
common assessments to determine mastery level of the standards.
Implementation Plan: Teachers will use the curriculum maps, TN TCAP ACH
Frameworks, TCAP and Discovery data, and data from weekly and common
assessments to determine the standards to be taught or retaught during the
next 3 weeks of instruction. Three week common assessments are
developed by the administrative team based on the information provided
on the prioritized standards form.
Desired outcomes: Increased student achievement and a higher level of
mastery of the skills.
Projected costs and funding sources: No additional cost.
Describe how this specific strategy will help you achieve your goals for the
2014-15 school year and address areas of challenge from the past year:
This strategy will assist teachers in planning for more effective instruction
by providing a better understanding of what students are expected to know
and be able to do, and where more focused instruction is needed. This will
also provide guidelines for creating assessments.
3. Strategy: Parent meetings to inform parents of the curriculum being taught
and train parents on strategies to assist their child/children at home.
Implementation Plan: School wide and grade level parent meetings will be
held throughout the school year to discuss the curriculum requirements,
grade level expectations, and ways to help students at home.
Desired outcomes: Increased parental involvement, increased student
achievement and a higher level of mastery of the grade level content skills.
Projected costs and funding sources: $3,000 Title I funds for light
refreshments, supplies, and materials for the meetings.
Describe how this specific strategy will help you achieve your goals for the
2014-15 school year and address areas of challenge from the past year:
Keeping parents updated and informed will provide another avenue of
support for academic achievement.
Key Strategies to achieve progress for students with the greatest need:
4. Strategy: The Accelerated Reader Program along with the Pizza Hut Book-It
Reading Incentive program will be used with students in grades 3-5 to
motivate students and increase reading achievement.
Implementation Plan: A reading pep rally will be held in late September
with the student body to “Kick Off” both AR and Book-It. Students will
begin keeping track of books read and completing AR testing in September.
Desired outcomes: Students will become more excited and more
motivated to read, thus resulting in higher reading achievement levels.
Projected costs and funding sources: $4,000.00 for the AR/Star Reading
program; $500 for printer to print AR reports and $100 for paper and
supplies. Title I funds will be used for purchases.
Describe how this specific strategy will help you achieve your goals for the
2014-15 school year and address areas of challenge from the past year:
AR reports will provide educators with additional data, and student interest
Key benchmarks
for progress on
and achievement levels will increase.
5. Strategy: Extended Learning Before School Tutoring Program
Implementation Plan: Target students will participate in the Before School
Tutoring program with heavy emphasis on Literacy. This program will utilize
Triumph (Coach) learning materials, Discovery Education probes, TNCore
Curricular Resources, and the Computer Labs
Desired outcomes: An increase in proficiency levels for the participating
Projected costs and funding sources: $12,895 for Title I Extended Learning
Describe how this specific strategy will help you achieve your goals for the
2014-15 school year and address areas of challenge from the past year:
The Before School Tutoring Programs will be available for students, grades,
K-5, who need additional support in building and strengthening academic
foundational skills. The program will run October, 2014 through April, 2015.
Students will be assessed at the beginning, middle, and end of the program
to determine academic and growth levels. Performance data will be
charted. This strategy is being used with Cromwell students to increase
proficiency levels and to increase academic growth.
6. Strategy: Provide ongoing support for new and struggling teachers.
Implementation Plan: District Assigned PIT Crew Support , two Learning
Coaches and one Master Teacher will work with assigned new and
struggling teachers to reinforce and refine good first teaching strategies per
TEM observation data and protocol.
Desired Outcomes: Increase overall student achievement levels so that
2015 TCAP achievement goals will be met.
Projected costs and funding sources: $10,000 District (Race to the Top
Data from assessments, Discovery Formative
Assessments, weekly teacher made assessments,
August, 2014-May, 2015
and 3 week common assessments will be used to
monitor this strategy.
Tutoring teachers will administer Coach
1st :October, 2014
benchmark assessments at the beginning, middle, 2nd: January, 2015
and end of the tutoring program.
3rd: March, 2015
Universal screening data and ongoing data from
Universal: September, 2014
Istation, and Iready Math will be used to
December, 2014 May, 2015
determine mastery levels, and identify areas
Ongoing September 2014where more focused instruction is needed.
May, 2015
Parent surveys, feedback from parent suggestion
September, 2014-May, 2015