Write your answers on a separate piece of paper. Use completed

Write your answers on a separate piece of paper. Use completed sentences and
correct grammar. I will not accept answers squished onto this sheet. Attach this
sheet to the top of your answers.
Bone and Skeleton
1. State the functions of the skeleton and of bone.
2. What is the axial skeleton? Appendicular skeleton?
3. How does the pelvic girdle compare to the pectoral girdle? How is this related to
their respective functions?
4. Define compact bone and spongy bone. Include:
- where found
- structure
- purpose
5. List the four categories of bone shapes, and give an example of each.
6. Sketch a long bone. Include epiphyses, diaphysis, spongy bone, compact bone,
periosteum, red marrow, yellow marrow.
7. Bone is living tissue. Name 3 things that bones do that exemplify this.
8. Describe the cellular structure of bone. Include in your description osteons,
osteocytes, lacunae, canniculi, and the matrix.
9. Describe the functions of the three types of bone cells: osteocytes, osteoblasts,
10. Describe how a bone fracture is healed.
11. Describe each of the following fracture types: simple, compound, compression,
depressed, impacted, and spiral.
12. What is bone remodeling?
13. Name the 5 major regions of the vertebral column. What do the discs do?
14. How does a male pelvis differ from a female pelvis?
15. State the functions of joints.
16. Give an example of fibrous joints, cartilaginous joints, and synovial joints.
17. Sketch the structure of a synovial joint, showing two bones, the synovial
membrane with synovial fluid, and articular cartilage.
18. What does the word synovial mean?
19. Sketch a ball and socket joint and a hinge joint. Give an example of each.
20. What is gout?
21. What is rheumatoid arthritis?
22. What is osteoporosis? Describe the actions of osteoblasts and osteoclasts in
your answer.
23. How are bones dated by scientists?