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Preventing Littering: Speech Outline for English Students

Martha S. Haukongo
Student number: 213017679
Public speaking and Argumentation (PSA621S)
Speech outline
Topic: How can we prevent littering?
Specific purpose of the speech:
To inform my audience (Final year Bachelor of English and Linguistics students) about
the harmful effects of litter and persuade them that littering is a global problem that
everyone can help solve.
Central idea:
To help keep our environment clean by persuading my audience to be more mindful
about their waste disposal habits and stop littering.
I) Attention Getter
Have you ever thought about how much waste you produce every single day?
According to the City of Windhoek Solid Waste Management department, it is
estimated that every Windhoek citizen produces about 2.7kg of waste per day.
Considering the number of people living in Windhoek, that is 870 tons of waste per day
and 52, 000 tons per year.
II) Relevance
Littering affects us all. It is a threat to our health, wildlife, environment, and economy.
As an environmentalist, I’m very much aware of the dangers of litter. We need to work
together to tackle this global problem.
Main points:
1. Littering is the improper disposal of waste products.
a. The most littered items include food wrappers, plastic bags, beverage cans,
bottles, cigarette butts, food tins, and papers.
2. Littering is a dangerous activity and should not be taken lightly as it impacts humans,
wildlife, the environment, and economies.
a) Litter is a threat to human health – it can cause diseases and injuries.
b) Animals ingest and get trapped in litter – researchers have estimated that over
one million animals die every year either from ingesting or getting trapped in
c) Litter pollutes the soil, air, water, and damages ecosystems – researchers have
estimated that more than 40% of the world's litter is burned in the open air and
60% of water pollution is a result of litter.
3. There are so many ways you can prevent littering.
a) Always dispose waste off properly.
b) Create less waste and manage it well – refuse, reduce, refuse, and recycle.
c) Clean litter up.
d) Set an example and educate others.
Summary of the important points.
Thesis statement
Littering is a dangerous activity and should not be taken lightly. Let us all start
being mindful about how we dispose waste off and stop littering.
Litter is disgusting. So are those who are responsible for it!
Global recycling https://global-recycling.info/archives/525
Recycle Namibia Forum https://rnf.com.na/
City of Windhoek – Solid Waste Management department