Descriptive Statistics Mean Std. Deviation N FermentedFish 11.7100 5.63214 10 PigIntestine 19.8200 3.98742 10 BullTesticle 24.3600 4.35666 10 7.6700 3.35064 10 16.2800 5.17554 10 BalutEgg SpoiledMilk Mauchly's Test of Sphericitya Measure: MEASURE_1 Within Subjects Effect Mauchly's W Approx. Chi- df Epsilonb Sig. Square Greenhouse- Huynh-Feldt Lower-bound Geisser FoodType .329 8.245 9 .520 .768 1.000 .250 Tests the null hypothesis that the error covariance matrix of the orthonormalized transformed dependent variables is proportional to an identity matrix. a. Design: Intercept Within Subjects Design: FoodType Mauchly’s W found not to be significant, therefore assume sphericity (.520>.05). b. May to be used Tests of Within-Subjects Effects adjust Measure: MEASURE_1 the of degrees Source Type III Sum of df Mean Square F Sig. Squares for the Sphericity Assumed 1723.483 4 430.871 19.106 .000 Greenhouse-Geisser 1723.483 3.072 560.956 19.106 .000 Huynh-Feldt 1723.483 4.000 430.871 19.106 .000 Lower-bound 1723.483 1.000 1723.483 19.106 .002 Sphericity Assumed 811.877 36 22.552 Greenhouse-Geisser 811.877 27.652 29.361 Huynh-Feldt 811.877 36.000 22.552 Lower-bound 811.877 9.000 90.209 FoodType Error(FoodType) averaged tests of significance. Corrected tests are displayed in the Tests of Within-Subjects Effects table. freedom Pairwise Comparisons Measure: MEASURE_1 (I) FoodType (J) FoodType Mean Std. Error Sig.b 95% Confidence Interval for Differenceb Difference (I-J) Lower Bound Upper Bound 2 -8.110 2.593 .122 -17.678 1.458 3 -12.650* 2.021 .001 -20.107 -5.193 4 4.040 1.686 .402 -2.181 10.261 5 -4.570 2.358 .846 -13.271 4.131 1 8.110 2.593 .122 -1.458 17.678 3 -4.540 2.421 .935 -13.472 4.392 4 12.150* 1.525 .000 6.522 17.778 5 3.540 2.139 1.000 -4.352 11.432 1 12.650* 2.021 .001 5.193 20.107 2 4.540 2.421 .935 -4.392 13.472 4 16.690* 1.766 .000 10.175 23.205 5 8.080 2.198 .051 -.030 16.190 1 -4.040 1.686 .402 -10.261 2.181 2 -12.150* 1.525 .000 -17.778 -6.522 3 -16.690* 1.766 .000 -23.205 -10.175 5 -8.610* 2.276 .043 -17.007 -.213 1 4.570 2.358 .846 -4.131 13.271 2 -3.540 2.139 1.000 -11.432 4.352 3 -8.080 2.198 .051 -16.190 .030 4 8.610* 2.276 .043 .213 17.007 1 2 3 4 5 Based on estimated marginal means *. The mean difference is significant at the .05 level. b. Adjustment for multiple comparisons: Bonferroni. Results A repeated measures ANOVA with Food Type (5) as a within subjects variable was performed and a significant main effect was found, F(4,36)=19.106, ME=22.552, p<.001. A post hoc test with a Bonferroni correction was performed and significant differences were found. It took participants significantly longer to gag or vomit following the consumption of Bull Testicle (M=24.36, SD=4.357) than Fermented Fish (M=11.71, SD=5.632) and Balut Egg (M=7.67, SD=3.351). It was also found that participants took significantly longer to gag or vomit following the consumption of Pig Intestine (M=19.82, SD=3.987) than Balut Egg. Lastly, it was found that participants took significantly longer to gag or vomit following the consumption of Spoiled Milk (M=16.28, SD=5.176) than Balut Egg. The means and standard deviations for time in seconds before gagging and vomiting are presented in Table 1. The means and standard error of the means for time in seconds before gagging and vomiting are presented in Figure 1. Table 1 Time Before Gagging or Vomiting in Seconds by Food Type Food Type Mean Standard Deviation Fermented Fish 11.710000 5.632140 Pig Intestine 19.820000 3.987420 Bull Testicle 24.360000 4.356666 Balut Egg 7.670000 3.350640 Spoiled Milk 16.280000 5.175540 30 Time (s) 25 20 15 10 5 0 Fermented Fish Pig Intestine Bull Testicle Balut Egg Spoiled Milk Food Type Figure 1. Time before vomiting or gagging in seconds as a function of food type. Error bars represent +/- standard errors of mean.