1315 East Lewis Street
Laramie, WY 82072-3459
(307) 721-9243
(307) 742-4914 (fax)
Like our grantees, the WHC is required to match every federal dollar with in-kind or cash contributions.
As council board members, your time and non-reimbursed expenditures are a valuable part of this match. Use this form to record the donation of your time. Use the Board Member Expense Form to record the donation of any expenses you incur that you wish to donate to the council.
Name: ______________________________________
Reported quarter:
_____ Winter (January) _____ Spring (April) _____ Summer (July)
I have donated the following to the Wyoming Humanities Council:
_____ Fall (October)
for each activity
_____ Attendance at board/committee meetings
_____ Attending/evaluating council-sponsored events
_____ Preparation time for participation in council-sponsored events/board meetings
_____ Reading and evaluating grant proposals
_____ Doing committee work (phone calls, email responses, etc.)
Introducing WHC to potential grant applicants
Networking with potential sponsors/partners/grantees/others on behalf of the council
Building relationships with collaborating/collegial organizations
Informing elected representatives about the WHC and its programs
Annual campaign work – signing letters, choosing names for solicitation, researching
Other _____________________________________________
_____ Total Hours