Essential Question(s)

UNIT I- Introduction to Social Studies
Essential Question(s)
1. Why study History?
2. How does Geography and History fit together?
3. What are the 5 themes of Geography? How do they relate to the study of History?
Content/Academic Vocabulary
History Geography Physical Features Continents Oceans Maps (Political/Physical/Special Purpose)
Movement Region Place Location Interaction
Focus Questions
 Who are you?
 What is the impact of diversity in the world?
 Where is the best place to live and how should you decide?
Learning Outcomes/Targets
(Knowledge, Reasoning, Disposition, and Performance skills)
By the end of this unit, students will be able to…..
Know and understand how cultures vary and influence the way
people perceive the world. (Knowledge)
Know and understand that human beings seek to understand
their historical roots and to locate themselves in time. (Knowledge)
Appreciate people’s lives are influenced by human-environmental
Appreciate personal identity is shaped by one’s culture, by groups, interactions.
by institutional influences. (Disposition)
Appreciate life as we know it would be impossible without technology
and the science that supports it. (Disposition)
Appreciate that we live in an interconnected, independent,
and diverse world. (Disposition)
Compare and contrast how individuals and groups can influence
change. (Reasoning)
Compare and contrast how scarcity requires humans to make decisions institutional
about wants and needs. (Reasoning)
Show that civic competence is developed by understanding structures
of power and authority.
(Performance Skill)
Show that civic participation is a critical component of democracy. (Performance Skill)
Idaho State Standards for Unit I
Standard 2: Geography
Goal 2.1: Analyze the spatial organizations of people, places, and environment on the earth’s surface.
Goal 2.3: Trace the migration and settlement of human populations on the earth’s surface.
Describe how physical features such as mountain ranges, fertile plains, and rivers led to the development of cultural regions.
Explain how transportation routes stimulate growth of cities and the exchange of goods, knowledge, and technology.
Goal 2.4: Analyze the human and physical characteristics of different places and regions.
Goal 2.5: Explain how geography enables people to comprehend the relationships between people, places, and environments over time.
Describe how the conservation of resources is necessary to maintain a healthy environment