Diet Analysis

1._____33%____ What is your average percentage of total kcalories from carbohydrates
2. The acceptable macronutrient distribution range states that 45-65% of your total calories should come from
carbohydrates. How does your compare to your recommendation?
My total % of calories from carbohydrate was 33%. This is 12% lower than the recommended amount.
3.____112.3_____ How many g/day of carbohydrate did you consume on average? How did your intake compared
to your recommendation?
Compared to my recommendation I am 254.44 g/day short on carbohydrates
4____15.50_____ The recommended intake of fiber/day is 20-35 grams. How many g/day did you consume on
average? If your values are below 20 grams, list 2 high insoluble fiber foods and 2 high soluble foods you can add to
your diet to increase the fiber content
Two foods high in insoluble fiber are whole wheat and whole grains. Two foods high in soluble foods are
oatmeal, and blueberries.
5.____31%___ What percentage of your total kcalories came from fat?
6. The dietary goal for total fat intake is 20-35% of total kcalories. How did your fat intake compared to the started
My total fat intake is within the 20-35% goal of total fat intake.
7._____14%_____ What percentage of calories came from saturated fat? Health recommendations suggest less than
10% of your calories should come from saturated fats. How did your intake compared to this recommendation?
My percentage of calories from saturated fat is 4% higher then the recommended amount.
List 2 diseases associated with excess saturated fat in the diet.
Coronary Heart Disease, Obesity
b) If your level is greater then 10% state one way you can increase monounsaturated fats in your diet.
Eat Avocados
9._____212.15_____ How many milligrams of cholersterol did you consume on an average day?
10. The recommended intake of dietary cholesterol is less then 300 mg/day. How did your intake compared to the
My 212.15 milligrams average per day of cholesteterol is under then 300 mg/day recommendation by 87.85
mg per day.
11._____27%____ What percentage of your total kcalories came from protein?
12. Dietary guidelines recommend that protein should provide 10-35% of total intake of calories. How did your
intake compared to the recommendation?
My percentage of kcalories from protein was 27% which is right in between of the recommended 10-35%
amount that is recommended.
a) State one problem associated with excess protein intake.
Kidney Disease
b) State one problem associated with the intake of protein supplements.
Intestinal Toxemia
13.___61 grams of protein___ Using the recommended dietary allowance of 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of
body weight per day, how much proteins should you consume? How did you intake compared to the
My recommended amount of protein is 61.69 g/day.
14.____1323 kcal______ What was your average kcalorie intake
15. How does your actual calories intake compare to your recommendation?
The recommended amount of calories I should consume are 2,668.23 kcal/day. I consume less then half
that amount with a total of 1323 kcal/day on average.
16.__Lose Weight____ IF you consumed the same amount of kcal/day over a period of time, would you lose, gains,
or maintain weight.
17.____Lose weight__ Is your person goal to lose, gain, or maintain weight?
18. In addition to kcalorie control, list 2 other factors that should be included in a successful weight control program.
1) Exercise everyday
2) Eat breakfast everyday
19. Look at your average intake of vitamins. List the water-soluble vitamins that were less than 75% of your
personal RDN.
Vitamin B1, Vitamin B12, Vitamin C, Folate
20. List the fat-soluble vitamins that were less then 75% of your personal RDN.
Vitamin A, Vitamin D, Vitamin E
21. List one good food source for the following water-soluble vitamins
Vitamin C- Orange Juice
Folate- Dark Leafy Greens (spinach)
22. List one good food source for the following fat-soluble vitamins
Vitamin A- Carrots
Vitamin E- Sunflower seeds
23. State two adverse effects from taking large doses of vitamin/mineral supplements.
1) Nausea
2) Kidney Stones
24. Look at your average intake of minerals. List the major minerals that were less than 75% of your personal RDN.
Magnesium, Potassium
25. List the trace mineral that were less than 75% of your personal RDN.
26. List one good food source for the following major minerals
Calcium - Whole Milk
Magnesium- Rice
27. List one good food source for the following trace minerals
Iron- Shrimp
Zinc- Oysters
28. Health recommendations state that sodium intake should be limited to 2300 mg/d
a) How did your intake of sodium compare to the recommendation?
My take of sodium was 2,733.92 mg/day. My average is 433.92 mg/d over the recommended amount.
b) How could >2300 mg/d of sodium adversely affect health? Give one example.
29. Examine your Choose My Plate servings for each food group then respond to the following:
A. Which food groups met your goals/recommendations?
Protein intake met my recommendation
B. Which food groups exceeded the recommendations?
Although my protein intake met my recommendation is exceeded it by 6%.
C. What food groups was less than the recommended goals?
Grains, Vegetables, Fruits, Dairy where all the food groups less then the recommended goal.
D. State 2 changes you can make to your current eating habits to meet the recommendations. Be specific. For
example, types of foods and at which meals you will eat them.
The first change I could make to my current eating habit is to eat more vegetables. My diet does
not even make up half of the recommended amount. I need to consume dark green vegetables such
as broccoli, and spinach. Next, I need to eat more fruit. My fruit intake is at 40% of my
recommended amount. I need some consume more fruit like blue berries, strawberries, and
30. List two reasons why using My Plate can be beneficial or helpful.
First, My Plate showed me that I was eating to much protein. I’m consuming 6% more protein then what is
recommended. Next, it also showed me the food groups where I need to consume more food. I need to increase
my grains, vegetables, fruits, and dairy intake.
31. Look over the results of your diet Analysis. List 2 strong points and 2 weak points related to your food
a) For each weak point, state one change you can make to improve your diet.
One strong point is my cholesterol. It is at 212.15 mg/day which is under the recommended
amount of 300mg/day. Also my water consumption is another strong point. One weak point in my diet is the
amount of vegetables I consume. I can improve this by consuming more dark green leafy vegetables. Also
another problem is my Sodium. My diet is way too high in sodium; I plan to eat foods less in sodium and tasting
food before I reach for the salt shaker.
32. Do you take vitamin/mineral supplements?____No______
I do not feel the need to take vitamin/mineral supplements. My vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6 all meet the
recommended amount along with Iron, and phosphorus. The vitamins I need to increase are vitamin D and vitamin
A which I had the lowest recommended amounts for. The specific food I would need to consume to increase my
vitamin A intake is animal liver, carrots, and dark leafy greens. To increase my vitamin D intake I would consume
fish, fortified cereals, and oysters.
Personal Dietary Analysis Project
Doug Barok
April 9, 2012
Intro to Nutrition