5th Grade Biography Project Rubric

5 points
Biography clearly highlights the
contributions of one individual.
Reader learns about four or five
important characteristics, experiences
and qualities that make subject
3-4 points
Biography highlights the
contributions of one individual.
Reader learns about two or
three characteristics,
experiences or qualities that
make subject admirable.
Biography is broken up into at least
five distinct paragraphs. Each
paragraph is well-developed, with at
least three sentences. Each covers an
aspect of the person’s life.
Biography has an introductory
paragraph that begins with a creative
hook. The paragraph also includes a
strong topic sentence, and lets us
know what the reader will learn.
Biography contains a summary
paragraph that repeats the highlights
of the person’s contributions and tells
us why this subject was chosen.
All appropriate words are capitalized
and proper punctuation is used
throughout. No spelling errors.
Biography is neatly typed, printed or
written in cursive on clean paper. If it
is typed, it is in 12 point Times New
Roman and double spaced. If written,
no erasure marks are present. A
proper four-part heading appears
first, then a title.
Biography is broken up into at
least five distinct paragraphs.
Paragraph contains two or less
sentences that each covers an
aspect of the person’s life.
Biography may have an
introductory paragraph but no
creative hook. It may have a
topic sentence that lets us
know what we will learn.
Biography may contain a brief
summary that repeats the
highlights of the person’s life.
One-to-three spelling,
punctuation or capitalization
errors are present.
Biography is neatly typed,
printed or written in cursive. If
typed, it is NOT written in 12
point Times New Roman nor
double spaced. A proper fourpart heading appears first, then
a title.
1-2 points
Biography highlights
contributions of one
individual but may or may
not add any extra
characteristics, experiences
or qualities that make this
person admirable.
Biography is less than five
paragraphs. Each paragraph
contains two or less
sentences that each covers
an aspect of the person’s life.
Biography may have an
introductory paragraph but
no creative hook or topic
0 points
Biography only
highlights one or
less of this
characteristics or
life experiences.
Biography is one
block paragraph
that covers little
of the person’s
paragraph is
Biography may contain a
brief summary that tells us
why this subject was chosen.
Biography has no
Four-to-five errors are
The biography is
full of errors.
Biography is not neatly typed
or written. Erasure marks
may be present. There is a
title, but no four-part
Biography is
scratched on
loose leaf paper
with no four part
heading. Sloppily
5th Grade Biography Project
Learning outcomes:
During this project, you will….
 Read the biography of famous or influential person in history
 Take notes on that person’s life, contributions, and characteristics
 Write a proper five-paragraph, two-page report, complete with an interesting introduction and
In this paper, you will….
 Share the history of a famous or influential person
 Discuss his or her contributions and characteristics
 Discuss what you admire most about this person and why you chose him or her as the subject of
your paper
The report must be neatly typed, printed, or written in cursive. If you type, it will be in 12 point, Times New Roman
type, and double spaced. If you hand write, you will skip a line between each line.
Due Dates:
Rough draft: Friday, December 6
Final draft: Tuesday, December 10