Call for Presentations - 2016 AFC Facilities Management Conference Please submit to Stuart Mathews at Presentation Information 1. Presentation Title Please type or copy and paste your presentation title here. 2. Please provide a session description for your presentation Please type or copy and session description here. End here. 3. Presenter information First Name Last Name Title Company/Organization Email Address Phone 4. Presenter Bio (1,000 characters or less, written in third person) Please type or copy and paste your presenter biography here. End here. 5. Co-Presenter information First Name Last Name Company Title Email Address Phone 6. Co-Presenter Bio (1,000 characters or less, written in third person) Please type or copy and paste your co-presenter biography here. End here. 7. Additional Presenters (please list names, titles, organizations, email addresses, and phone numbers) Please type or copy and paste your additional presenter information here. End here. 8. Select the Track applicable to your session (you may make multiple selections) Grounds/Inclement Weather Management Facilities Management Case Studies Leadership in Facilities Management Innovative Technology Implementation Operational metrics in an Airport Environment Safety and Security/Risk Management Social Media/Communication/Technology Sustainability/Green Other (please explain) 9. Are you available to present: Monday, June 20 Tuesday, June 21 Wednesday June 22 Any day Comments: 10. Submitter information Name: Company/Facility: Address: City/Town: State: ZIP: Email Address: Phone Number: 11. Handouts If selected, I agree to email presentation handouts by June 10, 2016 to be included on the web page and/or flash drives for attendees. Comments: Type comments here. End here.