NFT Directions

NFT Directions to the venue
The venue is easily accessed from the A50 trunk.Road.
Travelling from the West M6 follow the A50 signed,
Uttoxeter /Derby. Continue for approx. 38 miles come off
at Junction 3
Takes 4th Exit A514 signed Swadlincote/Swarkestone
and brown sign for Calke Abbey.**( See Below)
Travelling from the East M1 come off at Junction 24
signed A50. Come off the A50 at junction 3. Take the 1st
Exit A514 signed Swadlincote/Swarkestone and brown
sign for Calke Abbey.***( See Below)
Continue on A514 travelling over Swarkestone Bridge.
This is an ancient monument and is approx. half a mile
long and narrow in places. It is a well used road but
caution is required, it is used by buses and lorries up to
7.5 tons.
After Swarkestone bridge you will enter Stanton by Bridge.
Take the second right in Stanton by Bridge signed A514
Ticknall and brown sign for Calke Abbey.
Continue into Ticknall village going under the bridge and
past the abbey entrance. The Wheel inn is on your left.
Turn right directly opposite onto Ingleby lane also signed
village hall. Knolwe Hill equestrian is located approx. ¾
mile on the left. The corralling field is located directly
opposite the equestrian centre drive down the track.
Please keep in a low gear.