Physiology Experimental Designs and Poster Presentations Names:‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗______________________________ Components 5 Points 3 Points 1 Point Title Title is a clear, concise and accurate representation of purpose of lab. Brief, clearly stated problem or question, relevant to the task. Title is somewhat clear and accurate representation of purpose of lab. Brief, somewhat clearly stated problem or question, relevant to the task. Is either wordy, lacking information or does not explain the problem sufficiently. Poorly stated title and/or does not accurately represent purpose of lab. X2 Poorly stated question or problem. May lack relevance. X2 Problem or Question Purpose Research (Background) Hypothesis Experimental Design Brief overview of the purpose of the experiment that is complete, accurate and explains the importance of the problem. The student has effectively explained the current research which has been done to address the problem or answer the question. Hypothesis is clearly stated in one sentence and supported by previous knowledge or research. Minimal work was done to research what has been done to address the problem or question, and/or it is explained poorly. Hypothesis is somewhat vague, unclear, or wordy, and is somewhat based on previous knowledge or research. Procedure is specific, Procedure is somewhat addresses the question or specific, does not problem, includes safety completely address the concerns, defines data question or problem, collection and specifies includes safety an appropriate control concerns, defines data and environmental collection, and specifies conditions that should be the control and some of met. the environmental conditions that should be met. Is wordy and/or lacking information. Problem is unclear. Research was poorly done or indicated. Current knowledge on the topic is explained poorly. Hypothesis is unclear and not based on previous knowledge or research. Procedure is not specific, does not address the question or problem, safety concerns, or data collection and does not specify an appropriate control or environmental conditions. Completion of Student successfully Experiment carries out the Student carries out the experimental design somewhat successfully. Data is collected. .Student does not follow the experimental design or does not complete the experiment. Data / Results Data is displayed in charts and/or graphs as appropriate. Data is either incorrectly summarized or is analyzed in the results section. Data is not displayed in charts or graphs. Data is incorrectly summarized and is analyzed in the results section. experimental design as written. Data is collected correctly. Data is displayed in charts and graphs as appropriate and correctly summarized but not analyzed in results section. Multiply by X2 X2 X2 X3 X2 X2 © 2011 Project Lead The Way, Inc. BI Experimental Design Rubric – Page 1 Total Score Components 5 Points 3 Points 1 Point Graphs and Charts Graphs/charts are easy to read and free of clutter. Graphs and charts are concisely and accurately titled, with all axes labeled. Units of measure are correct. Graphs used when appropriate and clearly convey meaning of data. Graphs/charts are somewhat easy to read and free of clutter. Graphs and charts are titled, and all axes labeled. Units of measure are correct. Graphs used when appropriate and somewhat convey meaning of data. Analysis is not clear or somewhat illogical. Significance of data is either not clearly stated or is inaccurate. Null hypothesis is clearly accepted or rejected based on data analysis. Graphs/charts are hard to read and full of clutter. Graphs and charts are not titled and/or axes are not labeled. Units of measure are incorrect or not indicated. Graphs are not used when appropriate and/or do not convey meaning of data. Means are not indicated or are not accurately calculated. Means are used but outliers are not acknowledged. OR Var. and St. Dev are not indicated or inaccurately calculated. T-value was correctly T-value was not calculated using the correctly calculated correct formula for using the correct experimental type. formula for Degrees of freedom were experimental type. OR correctly calculated. Degrees of freedom were incorrectly calculated. One/Two tailed test One/two tailed test correctly determined. incorrectly determined pValue was correctly OR pValue was determined and analyzed. incorrectly determined and analyzed. Poster is visually pleasing Poster is partially and easy to read. No visually pleasing and more than 2 different somewhat easy to fonts are used and text is read. No more than 2 easy to read. Titles and different fonts are used heading are larger than and text is easy to content and are visible read. Some titles or from 3-4 feet away. headings may be hard Colors are appropriate to read from 3-4 feet and not distracting. away or colors are somewhat distracting. Means are not indicated or are not accurately calculated. Means are used but outliers are not acknowledged. AND Var. and St. Dev are not indicated or inaccurately calculated. T-value was not correctly calculated using the correct formula for experimental type. AND Degrees of freedom were incorrectly calculated. Overall Data Analysis Initial Data Analysis t-test Data p-Values Poster Analysis is logical and clear. Significance of data is clearly stated and accurate. Null hypothesis is clearly accepted or rejected based on data analysis. Means are indicated and accurately calculated. Means are free of outliers or medians are used. Var. and St. Dev are indicated and accurately calculated. Analysis lacks logic and /or clarity. Significance of data is not clearly stated and is inaccurate. OR Null hypothesis is not clearly accepted or rejected based on data analysis. One/two tailed test incorrectly determined AND pValue was incorrectly determined and analyzed. Poster is not visually pleasing or difficult to read. More than 2 different fonts are used and text is hard to read. Titles/headings are hard to distinguish and/or colors are distracting. Multiply by X2 X3 X3 X3 X3 X2 © 2011 Project Lead The Way, Inc. BI Experimental Design Rubric – Page 2 Total Score Components 5 Points Presentation Clearly organized into a Documentation logical sequence and shows a high level of detailed preparation. Very effectively presents project and information The required number of high quality sources was used, and all were properly documented (APA style). 3 Points 1 Point Organized into a logical sequence that adequately presents the information. Shows good preparation. Little or no logical organization; presentation is unclear and/or confusing. Little to no preparation is evident. Fewer than the required number of high quality sources were used; all were properly documented (APA). The required number of high quality sources was substantially deficient and the documentation was incorrect or incomplete. Multiply by Total Score X3 X2 Total Points Earned = ___________________ x 2 = ________________ out of 350 possible points © 2011 Project Lead The Way, Inc. BI Experimental Design Rubric – Page 3