Organization for Associate Degree Nursing Membership Application INDIVIDUAL RETIRED ASSOCIATE STUDENT PLEASE PRINT Name: Credentials: Mailing Address: City: State: Zip: Institution/School: Institution City Home Phone: Title: State Zip: Work Phone: Cell Phone Email: AGENCY AFFILIATE ORGANIZATION PLEASE PRINT Institution/Affiliate Name: Primary Contact: Title: Credentials: Mailing Address: City: State: Zip: Primary Phone: Primary Email: Second Contact: Title: Second Phone: Credentials: Second Email: Amount Due: _____________________ *States with no local chapter pay Member-at-Large Dues Method of Payment Check # ______________ Card # ________________________________________ Expiration Date__________CVV#__________ Name on Card (please print)_____________________________________ OADN membership dues are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income purposes, but may be deducted as ordinary and necessary business expenses. Membership for individual, retired, associate, agency and affiliate organization includes a subscription to Teaching and Learning in Nursing, OADN’s Official membership; $39 of these dues goes towards the subscription. State Chapter Arizona Arkansas Colorado Florida Illinois Louisiana Maine Maryland Minnesota Mississippi Missouri North Carolina Ohio South Carolina Texas West Virginia Members-atLarge* Indivi dual $135 $125 $133 $125 $140 $135 $140 $140 $135 $135 $125 $130 $135 $130 $135 $135 $115 Retired or Associate $90 $90 $95 $95 $110 $95 $100 $95 $100 $95 $95 $110 $95 $110 $105 $135 $90 Agency $450 $450 $450 $475 $475 $450 $500 $465 $475 $450 $500 $450 $500 $450 $450 $450 $400 Affiliate Organization $450 $450 $450 $475 $475 $450 $500 $465 $475 $450 $500 $450 $500 $450 $450 $450 $400 ADN Students $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 Remit Payment to: OADN National Office, 7794 Grow Drive, Pensacola, FL 32514-7072 Fax: 850-484-8762 Questions: 877-966-6236 More Information: Vision – Provide dynamic leadership in nursing education. Mission –Promote Associate Degree Nursing through leadership, collaboration, advocacy, and education to ensure excellence in the future of health care and professional nursing practice. OADN Benefits Only national nursing organization that exclusively supports and advocates for associate degree nursing Working at the national level on issues such as clinical placements, employment issues, models of academic progression, community colleges offering the BSN, nurses in leadership positions, and most importantly preserving access to nursing education at community colleges Collaborates with other national nursing organizations to ensure the voice of associate degree nursing remains at the forefront, such as the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation; the Future of Nursing Campaign; the National League for Nursing; the American Colleges of Nursing; American Nurses Association; and the American Organization for Nurse Executives Offers only national nursing honor society for associate degree nursing students Exclusive Journal: Teaching and Learning in Nursing List serve to share questions and received feedback from other ADN nurse educators Annual Convention focusing on best practices in nursing education with an emphasis on ADN education Founded in 1984, the Organization for Associate Degree Nursing (OADN) is recognized nationally as the voice for Associate Degree Nursing. OADN is dedicated to enhancing the quality of Associate Degree Nursing education, strengthening the professional role of the Associate Degree Nurse, and promoting the future of Associate Degree Nursing in the midst of healthcare changes. As the leading advocate for Associate Degree Nursing, OADN promotes academic progression of graduates in furthering education to reach their maximum professional potential. All associate degree nurses should have access to pursue additional nursing education. OADN welcomes partnerships and collaboration with the other national nursing organizations to support academic progression. Collaboration with these organizations will facilitate the unity of the nursing profession. OADN continues to disseminate information and provide an arena for collegial networking to those who are passionate about Associate Degree Nursing. In 2012 OADN established the Alpha Delta Nu Nursing Honor Society and made provisions for the chartering of Institutional Honor Society Chapters. The Society recognizes the academic excellence of students in ADN programs, encourages the pursuit of advanced degrees in the profession of nursing as well as continuing education as a lifelong professional responsibility, and promotes the recruitment of qualified individuals into the profession of nursing. For more information on starting a Nursing Honor Society chapter in your institution, visit Now is a great time to join OADN in support of Associate Degree Nursing education! 141106