Learning Algorithm Design Using Casual Games- Motivating

Learning Algorithm Design Using Casual GamesMotivating Learners by Opening Programming Logic
Selvarajah Mohanarajah
Edward Waters College, United States
Shan Suthaharan
University of North Carolina at Greensboro, United States
Nagamuthu Sundaralingam
Edward Waters College, United States
Abstract: The proficiency in computer programming is one of the essential requirements for the computer
science education. The key skill required for programming is designing efficient algorithms. We created a
prototype for a simple casual one person shooting game that helps learning the conditional structures in
algorithm design. We used this prototype to investigate whether opening the gaming logic to the students
will motivate them to learn while playing the game. A set of errors were included to the gaming logic
intentionally at different stages of the game. These errors will force the students to stop the game, fix the
error, and then proceed with the game. To fix an error, they have to understand the underlying
programming logic of the game and then suggest suitable corrections. In this strategy, students are not just
the game players; they virtually become part of the game development team. The pilot study suggested that
the students sensed reasonable satisfaction and pride while playing the game and fixing the errors. This
research is still in progress and the new results will be discussed later.
Keywords: Educational Games, Learning Programming, DGBL, ITS
In spite of favorable job market for computer related professions, a recent survey
(CSTA, 2013) shows that the number of high school students taking computer science AP
courses is steadily declining. If this trend continues it will give an immense negative
impact on the IT sectors and other sectors such as businesses and government. One of the
solutions for this problem is to explore the suitable techniques to motivate the students
learning computer programming, which is the fundamental requirement for the computer
science education. Traditionally, learning computer programming is considered
challenging (Rasyidi et al, 2012).
We have been involved in a research that is focused on designing simple casual
games for learning the algorithm design (Mohanarajah et al, 2013). In particular, this
paper examines whether the opening game programming. Based on a recent survey
(Videogame, 2013), sixty five percent of US households play video games and the
number will grow rapidly. However, to use the games as edutainment, the education part
and the entertainment part should be balanced and seamlessly integrated (Penski, 2001).
In general, students do not (and need not to) worry about the underlying algorithm
of the game while they play. But, what if the student is particularly learning programming
or algorithms? Will it be useful for them to explore the logic of the game they play? This
research investigates whether opening the logic of the game will motivate the students
who study algorithms design.
Educational Games
Almost all learning in childhood occurs while the children are playing. Using
games for learning is not a new idea (Gee, 2003). Many parents and educators initially
thought that the electronic games could spoil students (Penski, 2001). However, a recent
survey shows that 95% of the k-5 teachers in USA currently use digital games for
teaching (Millstone, 2013). As Ferdig,R.(2009) put it, “there is a recent surge of interest
in the possibilities of using electronic gaming for teaching and learning”. In his paper, he
also included information about a number of journals, conferences, summits, work- shops
and web sites that are related to educational games.
Initially, digital games were used in military and industrial training (Thiagi,
2006), and now many games and simulations are being used in k-12 teaching (Penski,
2001). The early educational games had been designed based on traditional “drill and
practice” philosophy (Gee, 2013). Even now, some games used in k-12 class rooms just
include ‘dancing banana’ type feedback (Penski, 2001). Games that immerse students in
virtual worlds (role playing) are used for teaching ill-structured disciplines. In general,
simulation games are used in training and science experiments. DimentionM (Dipietro,
2009), a game to learn middle school math, is an example for an educational game where
fun and learning are balanced. Educational games encourage active learning. Efficient
educational games can be designed based on the learning theories such as constructivism,
constructionism and situated learning.
Past Research: Games for Learning Programming
There are a few research activities reported in the main stream literature about
educational games for learning programming or algorithm design. Shabalina et al (2010)
discuss about an industry level commercial game for learning C#, where the game engine
Ogre3D is used with extended game logic. Kahn (1999) describes an interactive puzzle
game to teach ToonTalk, which is a visual programming tool. Chong-wei Xu (2009)
reports a method of teaching OOP programming concept by designing and developing
simple games. Though the title of this paper is ‘Teaching OOP via Gaming’, the students
are not playing games for learning OOP. We also found another interesting project named
ENGAGE funded by NSF (2013), which is about implementing game-based learning
environment for CS Principles. We believe that the “drill and practice” or immersing
type of pedagogical approach is not much effective for learning challenging subjects such
as programming. Therefore, we selected simple casual game approach. Casual games
like angry birds have very simple rules and are easy to play (Welch, 2013). They do not
require special skills or long time commitment.
Opening Program Logic to Gamers
We created a prototype for a simple first person shooting game to learn
conditional branching in algorithm design. The game is played in two phases. In the first
phase, there were various stages and in each stage an error is introduced. In order to
continue, students need to identify the problem and to find the suitable solution. For
example (see Figure 1), the instructions of the game says that the left arrow move the gun
to the left and the right arrow move it to the right. But, while playing, students will find
pressing left or right arrow move the gun in one direction only (left only). Student can
interrupt the game at this stage and fix this problem. The current algorithm with error is
given along with other options for a potential solution. Initially we choose to use
multiple choice structures as it is easy to use. Students need to select the correct solution
to continue. If necessary, students will be given a chance to revise the subject.
Figure 1: Error correction Phase
In the second phase, we use a kind of usual ‘punish or reward’ strategy. In order
to get more guns from the sponsors, the students need to answer certain number of
questions correctly. However the difference in our approach is that the questions are all
related to the underlying gaming logic only.
Evaluation, Issues and Future Direction
We implemented a prototype using Java. It is a 2D game. The pilot study was
conducted with the help of three of our algorithm design students. The executable game
was given to the students to play and evaluate. Their opinions were noted. Though the
game was not close to any industry standard game, all three students mentioned that they
prefer to play the game (in order to revise conditional branching) than using text-based
revision material. One of the student stated that he felt some sort of pleasure and pride as
he was able to fix the errors in the game.
This paper reports only the initial stage of an on-going research. The results of the
pilot study were encouraging. We believe that the qualitative study based on such a small
sample is sufficient at this stage. In future, different types of casual games for at least
three different concepts will be developed. All the games will be ported online and also
for mobile environment. .A full scale evaluation will be conducted. The game scores will
be taken as the grades for the students. Quantitative as well as qualitative studies will be
conducted to test the significance of differences between the learning outcomes and
learner experiences of the members of the control and experimental groups.
Playing digital games requires some other skills such as eye-hand coordination.
Therefore using game score of students as their grade may cause a problem. A pro gamer
has definite advantage over a student with poor gaming skills. AI techniques may be used
to overcome this problem. Another issue is related to gender. Girls are already reluctant
to offer CS courses. Girls also game less than boys (Winn 2009). Games that minimize
in-game performance pressure and time commitment may appeal to women (ibid).
Therefore, casual games may be used to learn CS courses in order to avoid distancing
girls further from CS discipline.
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