Document Revision No.: 2 Revised: 02/06/16 RIT KGCOE MSD Program P11252 Top Cat Test Plans & Test Results Table of contents 1. MSD I: WKS 8-10 PRELIMINARY TEST PLAN – “WHAT” ....................... 2 1.1. Sub-Systems/ Functions/ Features ................................................................................................ 2 1.2. Speaker Design ............................................................................................................................... 3 1.3. DAC Design ..................................................................................................................................... 3 1.4. Hardware Design ............................................................................................................................ 3 1.5. MSP430 Code.................................................................................................................................. 4 1.6. RF Register Configuration ............................................................................................................ 4 2. MSD II WKS 2-3 TEST PLAN – “HOW, WHO, WHEN” ............................. 5 2.1. Speaker Design ............................................................................................................................... 5 2.2. DAC Design ..................................................................................................................................... 5 2.3. Hardware Design ............................................................................................................................ 5 2.4. MSP430 Code.................................................................................................................................. 5 2.5. RF Register Configuration ............................................................................................................ 6 2.6. Combine Code................................................................................................................................. 6 3. MSD II – WKS 3-10 DESIGN VERIFICATION ............................................. 7 3.1. Logistics ........................................................................................................................................... 7 3.2. Analysis of Data – Design Summary ............................................................................................. 7 3.3. Conclusion or Design Summary .................................................................................................... 7 RIT KGCOE MSD Program Page 1 Document Revision No.: 2 Revised: 02/06/16 RIT KGCOE MSD Program P11252 Top Cat Preliminary Test Plan 1. MSD I: WKS 8-10 PRELIMINARY TEST PLAN – “WHAT” Sub-Systems/ Functions/ Features Major Sub-Systems/ Features/ Function 1: Speaker Design 2: DAC Design 3: Hardware Design 4: MSP430 Code 5: Software Algorithm 6: PCB Layout - Time Permitting 7: Populating PCB - Time Permitting RIT KGCOE MSD Program Page 2 Document Revision No.: 2 Revised: 02/06/16 RIT KGCOE MSD Program Speaker Design Subsystem/ Function/ Feature Name: Speaker Design Date Completed: Performed By: Duncan Tested By: Duncan Engr. Spec. # Specification (description) Unit of Measure Marginal Value ES4 Audible Range Hz 1000 ES8 Max Volume dB 70 dB 60 Marginal Value ES9 Min Volume Comments/Status 1KHz Sine Wave Measurement Distance of 30 cm Measurement Distance of 30 cm DAC Design Subsystem/ Function/ Feature Name: DAC Design Date Completed: Performed By: Duncan/Alex Tested By: Duncan/Alex Engr. Spec. # Specification (description) Unit of Measure ES5 ES7 ES13 Safe Stimulus Sound Pattern Annoyance Level for Cats Binary Binary Binary Comments/Status Series of bits Series of bits Hardware Design Subsystem/ Function/ Feature Name: Hardware Design Date Completed: Performed By: All Tested By: All Engr. Spec. # Specification (description) Unit of Measure Marginal Value ES2 ES3 Range of Device Battery Life Cycle Feet w/hour 5'-25' TBD ES10 On/Off Switch ES12 RIT KGCOE MSD Program Indicator Comments/Status Antenna Design Binary LED toggles during RF transmission Binary Page 3 Document Revision No.: 2 Revised: 02/06/16 RIT KGCOE MSD Program MSP430 Code Subsystem/ Function/ Feature Name: MSP430 Code Date Completed: Performed By: Obi & Duncan Tested By: All Engr. Spec. # Specification (description) Unit of Measure ES14 Stimulus occurrence will increase Binary ES15 Battery Life Cycle Binary Maintain proper function in Low Power Modes Binary Automatic shutoff Binary Configure appropriate ports ES16 Prevents Misfires ES12 Indicator Marginal Value Comments/Status Software Algorithm Subsystem/ Function/ Feature Name: C Code Date Completed: Performed By: Obi Tested By: All Engr. Spec. # Specification (description) Unit of Measure Marginal Value ES2 Range of Device Feet 5'-25' ES17 Alert when cats start fighting ES14 Stimulus occurrence will increase ES16 Prevents Misfires ES12 RIT KGCOE MSD Program Indicator Comments/Status Appropriate RF indicator is used (RSSI, BER, etc) Output audio when proximity threshold is reached Binary Binary Automatic reset Binary Toggle LED during RF transmission Page 4 Document Revision No.: 2 Revised: 02/06/16 RIT KGCOE MSD Program 2. MSD II WKS 2-3 TEST PLAN – “HOW, WHO, WHEN” Speaker Design 2.1.1. Test Set the speaker 30 cm from the input of the SPL meter and verify that the audio level is in the acceptable 60-70 dB range using a 1kHz Sine wave as the test input. Next disconnect the speaker and place the output into an oscilloscope to verify the frequency. 2.1.2. Who Duncan will run this test. 2.1.3. When This test needs to be complete before the DAC can be tested. 3-18-11 DAC Design 2.1.4. Test With the speaker working correctly the next step is to use the development board to output a series of bits to the DAC test board. The test will be a simple binary test to verify that the previous test (speaker test) can be run on the DAC. 2.1.5. Who Duncan and Alex will run this test. 2.1.6. When This test is used as an indicator for testing the software. 3-25-11 Hardware Design 2.1.7. Test This test is not required for the proof of concept of our design. Parts of the pencil and paper design will be tested in the speaker and DAC tests. The full hardware design can only be tested if a PCB board is made. 2.1.8. Who All of us will run this test. 2.1.9. When Time permitting. 4-29-11 MSP430 Code 2.1.10. Test Code can be verified separate of the RF by writing a simple test procedure to output on an LED. The tests must check to make sure the device automatic shutoff function is working correctly. The test must also verify that the register values are change. This can be accomplished by using TI's debugging software to move one instruction at a time. 2.1.11. Who All of us will run this test. 2.1.12. RIT KGCOE MSD Program When Page 5 Document Revision No.: 2 Revised: 02/06/16 RIT KGCOE MSD Program This is the bulk of the project and will be combined with the RF register configuration. Should be done by 3-17-11 but has built in debug time. RF Register Configuration 2.1.13. Test The setup of the RF Registers will be a binary test to make sure that the boards can send a message from one dev board and read into another. The indicator will be used to verify that a message was successfully received. A spectrum analyzer can also be used to verify that the transmit is working. 2.1.14. Who Obi will run this test. 2.1.15. When This is another big part of the project and will be combined with the MSP430 code. Should be done by 3-17-11 but has built in debug time. Combine Code 2.1.16. Test After both sides of the code are working the code needs to be put together. The same method as testing the MSP430 code applies to this test. 2.1.17. Who All of us will run this test. 2.1.18. When This is the proof of concept of our project. Should be done by 4-6-11 but has built in debug time. RIT KGCOE MSD Program Page 6 Document Revision No.: 2 Revised: 02/06/16 RIT KGCOE MSD Program 3. MSD II – WKS 3-10 DESIGN VERIFICATION Logistics Where are the test results being performed, logged (i.e. project notebook) and documented (i.e. excel spreadsheet)? EDGE team website structure (i.e. document names, file types, and header location). Analysis of Data – Design Summary Conclusion or Design Summary Can you explain why a particular function doesn’t work? Conclusions are reported or summarized (i.e. significance with confidence, pass/fail, etc.) as applicable. 3.1.1. Lab Demo with your Guide and Faculty Consultants Perform each of the specifications and features. 3.1.2. Meeting with Sponsor See Customer Acceptance above. Field Demonstration. Deliver the project. Demonstrate to the Sponsor. Customer needs met / not met. RIT KGCOE MSD Program Page 7