Mr P Cordiner
Mr I Boyd
Mr A Gray
Mrs J Collins
Mrs E Wright
Mrs K Welding
Miss E Magee
Mrs J Aitken
Vice Chairperson
Parent Member
Parent Member
Parent Member
Head Teacher
Teacher Representative
Mrs L Gibson
Mrs K Mathie
Mrs P Wilson
Mrs G Hoffman
Mrs L Sim
Parent Member
Parent Member
Parent Member
Parent Member
Parent Member
The Chairperson opened the meeting and thanked everyone for attending.He
extended a warm welcome to two members of Kilwinning Academy Parent Council
who were attending the meeting to talk about joint fundraising ideas.
Due to limited amount of time available Mr Cordiner invited Carol and Jackie to
address the meeting first before the usual order of business commenced.
Jackie gave some background information on how they had reached this point. She
informed that they were visiting all six primary schools in the Kilwinning Cluster to
gather support for a “big” joint fundraiser in relation to the P7 Transition Trip which
everyone agreed was a worthwhile venture, with feedback and good evidence that
this makes the transition from primary to secondary much smoother for the majority
of children.
Members agreed that this was something they would be happy to get involved in
and felt that fundraising for this initiative should not be the sole responsibility of
Kilwinning Academy alone. Further discussion took place regarding ideas for a “big”
joint event involving all the cluster primary schools and the wider community.
Jackie informed that they are looking for one or two representative from the six
primary schools to form a sub-committee dedicated to raising funds for the P7
Transition Trip, however, acknowledged that to bring something together by June of
this year will be a challenge. Mrs Collins advised she would be willing to represent
Whitehirst Park and was hopeful that she can persuade another person to join her.
Jackie advised that they are hoping to have the first meeting in March.
Jackie expressed her thanks and appreciation to members and advised that if there
are any events planned where Kilwinning Academy could participate e.g. buying a
stall, they would be happy to get involved.
Before returning to the usual agenda Miss Magee requested clarification re any
additional money available to increase the amount donated to Kilwinning Academy
for the P7 Transition Trip, over and above the £100 agreed previously. A brief
discussion took place regarding amount donated, percentage paid by parents,
funding sources available and it was agreed for Miss Magee to get back to members
regarding this matter after the next Head Teachers meeting next week.
The Chairperson reverted to the normal agenda and requested approval of the
previous minutes. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved.
“Backchat” magazine was made available at the meeting.
Information re SPTC Working Together Conference on 22 nd March 2014 in Edinburgh
was received. Mr Cordiner informed that there will be a number of keynote
speakers attending and anyone interested in going along should email him before
the deadline of 10th March.
Letter received via email from a former pupil requesting sponsorship to assist with
the cost of attending the 23rd Scout Jamboree in Japan. Mr Cordiner read this letter
in full and following a discussion it was decided to offer the ex-pupil a stall at
“Whitehirst in the Park”, free of charge, with any money generated being retained by
her, however, members agreed that in order to prevent any clash with existing stalls,
the type of stall would need to be vetted. It was also agreed that Mr Cordiner would
respond to this letter and post information about it on the Parent Council Facebook
Group page.
Mr Cordiner gave an update on his recent attendance at a meeting of Parent Council
Chairpersons. He reported that there was very little discussed that was relevant to
primary schools, however, he did highlight one or two items including the twinning
of primary schools with a Commonwealth Country (Nigeria in the case of Whitehirst
Park), fundraising events (very similar ideas), presentation by Education re increase
in Early Years Education for 3-4 year olds and vulnerable 2 year olds, and proposed
free school meals for P1, 2 and 3.
Billy Gibson, representative on the National Parent Forum also gave an update.
Mr Gray reported bank balance is currently £1264.41. He also informed that he had
the bank mandate to amend signatories, however, Mrs Mathie was not at the
meeting (Miss Magee will arrange to send this to Mrs Mathie).
Mr Cordiner enquired if a cheque for £100 - the donation for Kilwinning Academy
towards the P7 Transition Trip had been issued. Mr Gray confirmed that this had not
yet been issued, however, he would complete the process at the meeting.
Mrs Collins advised that the bank balance is currently £4470 (less £1000 donation to
the school for buses to the Panto). The Valentine’s Disco had to be cancelled,
however, will now take place on Friday 28th February. Future fundraising events
planned are Bingo on the 28th of March and Whitehirst in the Park on 30th May.
Discussion took place regarding inviting the wider community to attend events by
dropping flyers into other schools in the cluster group or in local churches –
members felt this would help to include everyone in the community.
Miss Magee advised that she did not have a great deal to report; however, she
advised that she had met with someone from Community Police to talk about the car
park. She went on to outline the content of the discussion which included blocking
off entry into the car park from the cycle side, putting up another barrier, and
prohibiting parking between certain hours. A brief discussion took place and Miss
Magee advised that she feels the issues are being taken seriously and is hopeful that
plans can be drawn up to change the dynamics in the school car park. It was
acknowledged that most schools have the same issues.
Mr Gray enquired about the school’s relationship with Mansfield Church following an
issue some time ago and Miss Magee was able to advise that she has written to
them and this issue has been resolved.
Internet Safety
Mr Boyd gave an update on progress since this subject was discussed at the last
meeting. He informed that Sgt Boyle was willing to come and give a presentation
based on the consensus of parents who responded. The date suggested is Monday
17th March at 6.30pm comprising of a presentation followed by a Q & A session. Mr
Boyd also advised that due to the hard hitting nature of the agenda, the police would
prefer this to be for adults only. Discussion took place regarding the provision of
crèche facilities and it was agreed that Miss Magee, with assistance from Mrs Aitken
and Mrs Welding would facilitate this and supervise children.
Mrs Wright enquired about the level of education children have on this topic during
the school day and Miss Magee advised that because children have access to IT as
part of the curriculum, this starts at P1 and continues through to P7. It was
acknowledged that the main aim of the awareness session would be to up
skill/educate parents on privacy settings, security controls, downloading etc.
It was agreed to book the main hall and dining area for the 17th of March from 6pm
to 8pm – this would be one of the free lets the school is entitled to and other
activities within the school would need to be cancelled (clerk to submit let form 2502-14 and advise Janitor). It was also agreed that Mr Boyd would post information
on the website and Facebook group page and Mr Cordiner will produce a Flyer to be
sent home via pupils. A brief discussion also took place regarding potential numbers
attending, however, it was acknowledged that this is hard to predict – a suggestion
was made that a text be sent on the Friday to remind parents. Mr Boyd enquired
about equipment e.g. screen, projector, pc, laptop etc. – he will liaise with Sgt Boyle
and the Head Teacher regarding this.
Crèche Facility on Parents Evenings
Mr Boyd made the suggestion that a small charge is made for this service and
requested input from other members. A brief discussion took place regarding
whether a set charge should be levied, or whether there should be a donation box
with a suggested amount. Due to time constraints it was agreed that this could be
raised again for further discussion if required.
Miss Magee informed that due to staff shortages through illness no additional work
has been done regarding this, however, once staffing levels allow, the outstanding
tasks will be completed.
The next meeting will take place on Monday 24th March 2014 at 7:00pm.