Girl Names Abigail (happiness) Abra (mother of many) Abril (April) Ada Adoración (adoration) Adriana (from Adria) Agustina (majestic) Aida (noble) Alana Albina (white) Alejandra (Alexandra, protector) Alejandrina (protector) Alexia (protector) Alma (soul) Amalia (worker) Amanda (Amanda, lovable) Amara (immortal) Ana Analía (Analee) Anastacia (Anastasia, resurrection) Andrea (brave) Ángela Angélica Angelina Anna (full of grace) Antonella (flower) Ariel Alison (Allison, noble) Aurora (brilliant) Ava Avril (April) Azalea (dry ground) Azura (clear, blue sky) Bárbara (foreigner) Belén (house where bread is made) Belinda (pretty) Bella (beautiful) Betania (Bethany) Bianca (white) Bibiana (Vivian, living) Blanca (white) Brenda (strong) Brisa (breeze) Brita (British) Brunela (dark-skinned) Calíope (beautiful voice) Camila Candela (candle) Candelaria (brilliant) Caridad (lovingkindness) Carina (loved) Carisa (loved) Carla Carlota (strong) Carolina Casandra Casia Catalina (of pure descent) Catarina Cecelia (blind) Celeste (heavenly) Celina (moon) Cintia (Cynthia, moon) Claudia Cleopatra Clorinda (well-known) Cristal (Crystal) Cristina (Christina) Dana (good judge) Dafne (Daphne) Daira (wise) Dalia (flower) Diana (god of hunting) Déborah (bee) Desirée (desired) Dolores (pain) Dora (gift) Doria Dulce (sweet) Eduarda Elaina (Elaine) Elena Eliana (beloning to the sun) Elizabeth (consecrated to God) Elvira (happy) Ema (Emma) Emanuela (God is with us) Emilia (Emily) Encarnición (God becoming human) Esmerelda (emerald) Esperanza (Hope) Estafania Estela (star) Estrella (star) Eugenia (of noble birth) Eva (Eve) Evelina Fátima (from the city name) Fe (Faith) Felicia (happy) Felicitas (happy) Felipa (lover of horses) Fiona (white, righteous) Flor (flower) Flora (flower) Florencia (Florence, flower) Fortunata (fortunate) Frida (peace) Gabriela (Gabrielle) Gema (gem) Gianina (God is gracious) Gina Gisela Giuliana (Julianne) Gladis (Gladys, glad) Gloria (glory) Gracia (Grace) Graciana (grace) Guadalupe Helena (Helen) Hermosa (beautiful) Ilana (tree) Ines (Inez, pure) Irene (peace) Iris (rainbow) Isabel (lover of God) Isabella (lover of God) Isadora Ivana (gift of God) Jacinta Jade Jasmín (Jasmine) Jennifer (white spirit) Jéssica (God sees) Jimena (God listens) Joana Juana (Jane) Juliana Lana Lara (Laura, famous) Laura Leandra (like a lion) Liana Libertad (freedom) Lidia (Lydia) Liliana Linda (pretty) Lisa Lola (pain) Lorena (from Lorraine) Luana (Louanne, beautiful) Luisa (famous in battle) Luna (moon) Luz (light) Mabel (lovable) Magdalena (magnificent) Malena Malvina (knows how to talk) Margarita (Daisy) Manuela (God is with us) Mara Marcela (sea and sky) Marcia (dedicated to Mars) Margarita (Pearl) María (Mary, chosen) Marianela Mariangeles (Mary and angels) Marilú (Marylou, Mary and light) Marina (of the sea) Marisa Mariana (Maryanne) Maricela Marisa (of the sea) Marisol (Mary and sun) Marta (afflicted) Maya (motherly) Mercedes (setting slaves free) Mía (mine) Milagros (miracles) Miranda Miriam Mónica (widow) Nadia (hope) Nancy (full of grace) Natalia Nazarena Nevada (snowy) Nina (beloved) Noemí (beautiful) Norma (law) Nuria Octavia (eighth) Olivia (Olive) Paloma (dove) Pamela Patricia Paulina Paz (peace) Perla (Pearl) Raquel (lamb of God) Rebeca (Rebecca, beautiful) Regina (queen) Reina (queen) Renee Reyna (queen) Rita (daisy) Roberta (famous) Rosa (Rose) Rosana (Roseanne) Rubí (Ruby) Sabrina (princess) Samanta (Samantha, listener) Segunda (second) Selena (moon god) Selena (moon god) Serena (serene) Shakira (grace) Sierra (mountain) Socorro (help) Sofía (Sophia, wisdom) Sol (sun) Solana Sonia (Sonya) Susana (Susan) Tiara (crown) Talia Tatiana Teresa Thalia Tía (aunt) Tina Trinidad (trinity) Uma (nation) Valentina (healthy and strong) Vanesa (vain) Venus (god of love) Verónica (victorious) Victoria Violeta (Violet) Virginia (purity) Viviana (living) Wendy (true friend) Yolanda (brings rejoicing) Yvonne Ximena (listener) Yara Yesenia Zarina (czarina) Zoe (living)