Lab 7 Write-Up NAME: DATE: SECTION: PART ONE: Salt and Vinegar Combination Rewrite Hypothesis A here: Data: Mass of salt (g) Mass of vinegar with cup and stirrer (g) Mass of reactants Mass of products Evaluate your hypothesis. Were you right or wrong? (Were the masses of the reactants and products about the same, or were they way off? If they were off, which one was bigger?) Use your data as evidence. Do you consider the salt-vinegar mixture to be homogeneous or heterogeneous? Back up your opinion with evidence. PART TWO: Salt and Sugar Combination Rewrite Hypothesis B here: Data: Mass of salt (g) Mass of sugar (g) Mass of reactants Mass of products Drawing of salt Drawing of sugar Evaluate your hypothesis. Were you right or wrong? Use your data as evidence. Do you consider the salt-sugar mixture to be homogeneous or heterogeneous? Back up your opinion with evidence. PART THREE: Baking Soda and Vinegar Combination Rewrite Hypothesis C here: Data: Mass of baking soda (g) Mass of beaker of vinegar (g) Mass of reactants Mass of products Describe your observations after mixing the baking soda and vinegar. What happened? Use as much detail as possible. Evaluate your hypothesis. Were you right or wrong? Use your data as evidence. Do you consider the change that occurred when you mixed vinegar and baking soda a chemical change or physical change? Back up your opinion with evidence. 2 = 15 1 = 12 Data 4 = 20 All data recorded have units and the correct number of significant figures. All data logical and added correctly. Pictures of salt and sugar show clear differences observable with the magnifiers. Most of the data recorded have units and the correct number of significant figures. All data logical and added correctly. Pictures of salt and sugar show clear differences observable with the magnifiers. Half of the data recorded have units and the correct number of significant figures. Data may contain one addition error. Pictures of sugar and salt show differences but they are not clear or neatly done. Less than half of data recorded have units and the correct number of significant figures. Data include more than one addition error. Pictures of sugar and salt are missing or sloppily done. They do not show differences observable using the magnifiers. All hypotheses follow IfThen-Because format. All hypotheses include a rationale for the prediction that refers to the Law of Conservation of Mass. All hypotheses follow IfThen-Because format. All hypotheses include a thoughtful rationale for the prediction. All hypotheses follow IfThen-Because format, but the rationales are confusing or unclear. One or more hypothesis does not follow If-Then-Because format. One or more hypothesis does not include a rationale for the prediction. Hypotheses do not use sentence starters provided causing them to miss important parts. Student correctly identifies whether each hypothesis was correct or not and refers to specific data as evidence. Student correctly identifies whether each hypothesis was correct or not, but does not provide specific data to back up claim. Student makes errors when evaluating hypothesis. Student does not provide evidence to back up evaluation. Student may misunderstand hypothesis and compare the wrong numbers. Student correctly identifies the type of each mixture/change. Student provides evidence to support claim. Student correctly identifies the type of each mixture/change, but evidence is unclear or not completely correct. Student makes one or more errors when identifying type of mixture/change. Student does not provide evidence to support one or more claims. Professionalism Identifying Mixtures/ Changes Evaluating Hypotheses 3 = 18 Hypotheses Name: Student correctly identifies whether each hypothesis was correct or not and refers to specific data as evidence. Student offers possible explanation for why their hypothesis was right or wrong. Student correctly identifies the type of each mixture/change. Student provides specific, scientific evidence to back up claim. Student uses scientific language to back up claim. Lab write-up is typed in a professional font (Times New Roman, Arial, Calibri). Writing maintains a scientific tone. Lab write-up is neatly handwritten. Errors have been whited out, erased, or crossed out with a single line. All writing is done with the same type of writing utensil. There is no doodling or writing in the margins. Writing maintains a scientific tone. Student meets most of the expectations listed to the left but has one area where expectations are not met. Two or more of the following are true: Some parts of the write-up are difficult or impossible to read. Errors are scribbled over. There is doodling or notes in the margins. Two or more different writing utensils used in write-up. CONVENTIONS – GRADE 8, QUARTER 3 Spelling & Basic Typos Complete sentences ERRORS/PAGE: Final score: End punctuation No fragments / run-ons POINTS SUBTRACTED: Capitalization Subject-verb agreement