THE CONTRIBUTION OF THE CLASSIFIERS TO COMMINUTION AND SEPARATION PROCESSES IN MINERAL PROCESSING A. N. MAINZA Centre for Minerals Research, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Cape Town, Rondebosch, 7701, Cape Town, South Africa ABSTRACT Classification is an important aspect of the comminution circuit and if not operated efficiently can compromise both throughput and product quality in the circuit. In most mineral processing circuits classification is carried out using either hydrocyclones or screens. This paper discusses the benefits that can be obtained by operating the classification section efficiently. Case studies were hydrocyclones are operated efficiently and lead to increased throughput, product quality, and recovery from the separation process will be discussed. Similarly, a case study for a circuit employing screens and how changes to the performance of the screen lead to improved plant throughput and recovery will be given. The discussion will also include a guide to design and operating variables for both hydrocyclones and screen that could make the classification circuit more efficient and have a good influence on the overall plant. Studies were the classification circuit had a detrimental effect on the overall plant performance will be included to show that the plant can’t thrive when this area is neglected. KEYWORDS Classifiers, Hydrocyclones, Screens, Comminution, Throughput, Separation processes, Recovery