English/CSCT 3F03 & CL 3JJ3 THE FAIRY TALE Winter 2010 Instructor Name: Iris Bruce TSH 627: ext. 24697 Email: ibruce@mcmaster.ca Office Hours: Wednesday 10:30-12:20 Lectures: Tuesday 12:30-1:20; Wednesday 12:30-1:20; Friday 12:30-1:20 Important Note 1: In the event of class cancellations, students will be notified on Avenue and the English Department Website. It is your responsibility to check these sites regularly for any such announcements. Link: http://www.humanities.mcmaster.ca/~english/ (Department) Link: http://avenue.mcmaster.ca/ (avenue to learn) Important Note 2: Email Policy It is the policy of the Faculty of Humanities that all email communication sent from students to instructors (including TAs), and from students to staff, must originate from the student's own McMaster University email account. This policy protects confidentiality and confirms the identity of the student. Instructors will delete emails that do not originate from a McMaster email account. Important Note 3: The instructor and university reserve the right to modify elements of the course during the term. The university may change the dates and deadlines for any or all courses in extreme circumstances. If either type of modification becomes necessary, reasonable notice and communication with the students will be given with explanation and the opportunity to comment on changes. It is the responsibility of the student to check their McMaster email and course websites weekly during the term and to note any changes. * Students will be requested to complete a online course evaluation at the end of the course. Course Description: The course will examine fairy tales and novels for children and adults from a variety of cultures. Beginning with the Arabian Nights, we will discuss tales preceding the Grimm Brothers’ collections, tales from European Romanticism, as well as twentieth century children’s literature and (parodic) rewritings of traditional fairy tales. In chronological order we will focus on particular motifs: Mermaids and Treacherous Water Nymphs, Cinderella in Film and Fiction, The Bridegroom as 1 Beast, Of Little Men and Dangerous Wolves, Political and/or Feminist Tales. We will place the later novels within their specific cultural/historical contexts and genres, and use films to provoke critical readings (feminist, psychological, political, etc.). Course Objectives: By the end of this course students will have learned about the ideological implications of earlier folktales and children’s literature for our understanding of modern children’s narratives. Required Texts: These are available at Titles, the university bookstore. The Arabian Nights. Volume I: The Marvels and Wonders of the Thousand and One Nights. Ed. Jack Zipes, Signet Classics Ende, Michael. The Neverending Story, Penguin Hoffmann, Heinrich. Struwwelpeter in English Translation, Dover Publications Hoffmann, Henry. Slovenly Betsy, Applewood Books Grossman, David. The Zig Zag Kid , Picador Lindgren, Astrid. Pippi Longstocking, Penguin Richler, Mordecai. Jacob Two Two Meets the Hooded Fang, Tundra Saint-Exupéry, Antoine. The Little Prince, Harvest Books Salten, Felix. Bambi , Aladdin Folk & Fairy Tales. Eds. Martin Hallett and Barbara Karasek, Broadview Press Courseware: The Fairy Tale Films will include The Never-Ending Story, The Company of Wolves, Snow White: A Tale of Terror. Excepts will be shown from The Little Mermaid (Walt Disney), Cinderella (Disney, Rodgers & Hammerstein), Bambi (Disney), Jacob Two Two, Pippi Longstocking. Assignments and Evaluations: (Due Dates) First Essay: Second Essay: Final Exam: 20% (1000 words; due 8 Feb.) 30% (2000 words, due 15 March) 50% (scheduled by Registrar’s Office) 2 Since September 1982, the grading scale has been: Grade Equivalent Grade Point Equivalent Percentages A+ 12 90-100 A 11 85-89 A- 10 80-84 B+ 9 77-79 B 8 73-76 B- 7 70-72 C+ 6 67-69 C 5 63-66 C- 4 60-62 D+ 3 57-59 D 2 53-56 D- 1 50-52 F 0 0-49 -- Failure Written Work and Late Submissions: Late work will be penalized: there will be a reduction of 3% per day on essays handed in late without permission, and they will receive no extensive commentary. Late Assignment Policy: All essays are due either in class or electronically by the end of the day on the assigned date. 3 Academic Dishonesty: Academic dishonesty consists of misrepresentation by deception or by other fraudulent means and can result in serious consequences, e.g. the grade of zero on an assignment, loss of credit with a notation on the transcript (notation reads: “Grade of F assigned for academic dishonesty”), and/or suspension or expulsion from the university. It is your responsibility to understand what constitutes academic dishonesty. For information on the various kinds of academic dishonesty please refer to the Academic Integrity Policy, specifically Appendix 3, located at http://www.mcmaster.ca/senate/academic/ac_integrity.htm The following illustrates only three forms of academic dishonesty: 1. Plagiarism, e.g. the submission of work that is not one’s own or for which other credit has been obtained. 2. Improper collaboration in group work. (Receiving a group grade for a presentation without having done an equal amount of work on the project.) 3. Copying or using unauthorized aids in tests and examinations. Students will be required to submit their work electronically and in hard copy so that it can be checked for academic dishonesty.” SCHEDULE OF READINGS AND LECTURES The discussion of certain texts may flow over to the following class. January 4: Classes begin; introduction January 5: Arabian Nights, “The Story of King Shahryar and His Brother,” 1-22 January 7: Arabian Nights, “Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves,” 105-135 January 11: Arabian Nights, “Alladin and the Magic Lamp,” 136-222 January 12: Arabian Nights, “Sinbad the Seaman and Sinbad the Landsman” & “Conclusion,” 505583 January 14: Cinderella in film and fiction: Perrault, “Cinderella” (Folk and Fairy Tales 97); Grimm, “Cinderella “ (courseware); film excerpt January 18: Other Cinderella stories (Folk and Fairy Tales 102-117); film excerpt 4 January 19: Lee, “When the Clock Strikes” & Maitland, “The Wicked Stepmother’s Lament” (Folk and Fairy Tales 117-135) January 21: The Bridegroom as Beast: Beaumont, “The Beauty and the Beast” (Folk and Fairy Tales 171); film excerpt January 25: Grimm, “The Frog King” (Folk and Fairy Tales 189); Asbjornsen and Moe, “East of the Sun and West of the Moon” (Folk and Fairy Tales 181) January 26: Hoffmann, Struwwelpeter & Slovenly Betsy January 28: Anderson, “The Ugly Duckling” (Folk and Fairy Tales 161); Anderson, “The Emperor’s Clothes” (Folk and Fairy Tales 237) February 1: Mermaids and Treacherous Water Nymphs, Grimm, “Nixie in the Pond,” Andersen, “The Little Mermaid” (courseware); film excerpts February 2: film excerpts; Yolen, “The Lady and the Merman” (courseware) February 4: Of Little Men and Dangerous Wolves, Grimm, “Rumpelstiltskin” (Folk and Fairy Tales 227); Perrault, “Little Red Riding Hood” (Folk and Fairy Tales 33) February 8: Grimm, “Little Red Cap” (Folk and Fairy Tales 35); Carter, The Company of Wolves (Folk and Fairy Tales 47); ESSAY 1 DUE February 9: film: The Company of Wolves February 11: film: The Company of Wolves February 15: Basile, “Petrosinella” (courseware); Grimm, “Rapunzel” (Folk and Fairy Tales 154); Schulz, “Rapunzel” (courseware); Grimm, “Snow White” (Folk and Fairy Tales 147) February 16: film: Snow White: A Tale of Horror February 18: film: Snow White: A Tale of Horror February 21-26; Mid-term recess March 1: Salten, Bambi March 2: Bambi & & film excerpt March 4: Wilde, “The Happy Prince” (Folk and Fairy Tales 250) March 8: Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince 5 March 9: Lindgren, Pippi Longstocking & film: Pippi March 11: Richler, Jacob Two Two Meets the Hooded Fang March 15: film: Jacob Two Two; ESSAY 2 DUE March 16: Ende, The Neverending Story March 18: Ende, The Neverending Story March 22: Ende, The Neverending Story March 23: film: The Neverending Story March 25: film: The Neverending Story March 29: excerpts from Nimr, Ghaddar the Ghoul and Other Palestinian Stories & Kanafani, Palestine’s Children (courseware) March 30: Grossman, The Zig Zag Kid April 1: Grossman, The Zig Zag Kid April 5: LAST DAY OF CLASSES, REVIEW April 7 to April 26 Final Examinations 6