01 56 00 Environmental Controls

SECTION 01 56 00
This section describes certain minimum requirements for Contractor operations intended to minimize local
impacts and prevent nuisance conditions from arising during the course of the contract work.
The Contractor shall keep the work site clean and free from rubbish and debris. Materials and equipment
shall be removed from the site when they are no longer necessary. Upon completion of the work and before
final acceptance, the work site shall be cleared of equipment, unused materials, and rubbish to present a
clean and neat appearance.
1. Waste material of any kind will not be permitted to remain on the site of the work or on
adjacent streets. Immediately upon such materials becoming unfit for use in the work,
they shall be collected, carried off the site and disposed of by the Contractor. Wind-blown
litter from refuse exposure, segregation, relocation, or placement must be contained. All
litter must be policed daily.
2. The Contractor shall keep all buildings occupied by the Contractor clear of all refuse,
rubbish, and debris that may accumulate from any source and shall keep them in a neat
condition to the satisfaction of the Construction Manager.
3. In the event that waste material, refuse, debris and/or rubbish are not so removed from
the work by the Contractor, the City reserves the right to have the waste material, refuse,
debris and/or rubbish removed and the expense of the removal and disposal charged to
the Contractor.
4. Paints, solvents, and other construction materials shall be handles with care to prevent
entry of contaminants into storm drains, surface waters, or soils.
1. The Contractor shall be responsible for preventing dirt and dust from escaping from
trucks departing the project site, by covering dusty loads, washing truck tires before
leaving the site, or other reasonable methods.
2. When working dump trucks and/or other equipment on paved streets and roadways, the
Contractor will be required to clean said streets as required by the Construction Manager
to remove dirt caused by the Contractor’s activities.
3. In the event that the above requirements are violated and no action is taken by the
Contractor after notification of infraction by the Construction Manager, the City reserves
the right to have the streets in question cleaned by others and the expense of the
operation charged to the Contractor.
Except in time of emergency, earth dams are not acceptable at catch basin openings, local depressions, or
elsewhere. Temporary dams of sand bags, asphaltic concrete, or other acceptable material will be permitted
Contract No. SW02-2012
Port Angeles Landfill Cell Stabilization Project
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§01 56 00
Environmental Controls
when necessary to protect the work, provided their use does not create a hazard or nuisance to the public.
Such dams shall be removed from the site as soon as they are no longer necessary.
A. The Contractor shall not discharge smoke, dust, and other contaminants into the atmosphere
that violate the regulations of the Olympic Air Pollution Control Authority. Internal combustion
engines shall not be allowed to idle for prolonged periods of time. The Contractor shall
maintain construction vehicles and equipment in good repair. Exhaust emissions that are
determined to be excessive by the Construction Manager shall be repaired or replaced.
B. The Contractor shall also abate dust nuisance by cleaning, sweeping, and sprinkling with
water, or other means as necessary. The use of water, in amounts which result in mud on
public streets, is not acceptable as a substitute for sweeping or other methods.
A. The Contractor shall comply with all local controls and noise level rules, regulations, and
ordinances which apply to any work performed pursuant to the Contract. If the requirements
of this Section are more restrictive than those of the local regulations, the requirements of this
Section shall govern.
B. Each internal combustion engine, used for any purpose on the job or related to the job, shall
be enclosed and equipped with a muffler or a type recommended by the manufacturer. No
internal combustion engine shall be operated on the project without said muffler and
C. Noise levels for scrapers, pavers, graders, and trucks shall not exceed 90 dBA and pile
drivers shall not exceed 95 dBA at 50feet as measured under the noisiest operating
conditions. For all other equipment, noise levels shall note exceed 85dBA. Equipment that
cannot meet these levels shall be quieted by use of improved exhaust mufflers, portable
acoustical screens, or other means. Equipment not modified to meet these requirements
shall be removed from the project site.
D. Where possible, the Contractor shall use electric rather than diesel or gas-powered
1. The Contractor shall be responsible for prevention, containment, and cleanup of spilling
of oil, fuel and other petroleum products used in the Contractor’s operations. Specific
procedures and practices to be performed shall be identified and described in the
Contractor’s Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) required under Section 01
41 00. All such prevention, containment and cleanup costs shall be borne by the
2. The Contractor is advised that discharge of oil from equipment or facilities into state
waters or onto adjacent land is not permitted under state water quality regulations.
3. The Contractor shall, at a minimum, take the following measures regarding oil spill
prevention, containment and cleanup:
a. Fuel hoses, lubrication equipment, hydraulically operated equipment, oil drums, and
other equipment and facilities shall be inspected regularly for drips, leaks, or signs of
damage, and shall be maintained and stored properly to prevent spills. Proper
security shall be maintained to discourage vandalism.
b. All land-based oil and products storage tanks shall be diked or located so as to
prevent spills from escaping to the water. Diking and subsoils shall be lined with
impervious material to prevent oil from seeping through the ground and dikes.
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Port Angeles Landfill Cell Stabilization Project
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§01 56 00
Environmental Controls
All visible floating oils shall be immediately contained with booms, dikes, or other
appropriate means and removed from the water prior to discharge into state waters.
All visible oils on land shall be immediately contained using dikes, straw bales, or
other appropriate means and removed using sand, ground clay, sawdust, or other
absorbent material, which shall then be properly disposed of by the Contractor.
Waste materials shall be temporarily stored in drums or other leakproof containers
after cleanup and during transport to disposal. Waste materials shall be disposed off
property at an approved site.
d. In the event of any oil or product discharge into public waters, the Contractor shall
immediately notify the following agencies at their listed 24-hour response numbers:
(1) Port Angeles Fire Department
(2) WA DOE, Southeast Regional Office
(360) 407-6300
(3) US Coast Guard
(360) 417-5840
e. Maintain on the job site the following materials (as a minimum):
(1) Oil-absorbent booms
(2) Oil-absorbent pads or bulk material
(3) Oil skimming system
(4) Hay bales
(5) Oil dryall, gloves, and plastic bags
The Contractor shall submit the following in accordance with Section 01 33 00:
1. A description of the materials and facilities the Contractor will maintain on the work site to
prevent and clean up spills.
2. A listing of specific spill sources associated with the Contractor’s operations.
A. The Contractor shall comply with the requirements of the Construction Storm water General
Permit and other permits for the project as described in Section 01 41 00.
B. The Contractor shall be responsible for containment and conveyance of contaminated
surface water (CSW) resulting from refuse excavation activities. Specific procedures and
practices to be performed shall be identified and described in the Contractor’s Storm Water
Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) required under Section 01 41 00.
C. The Contractor is advised that release of CSW into state waters or onto adjacent land is not
permitted under state water quality regulations.
Contract No. SW02-2012
Port Angeles Landfill Cell Stabilization Project
Page 3 of 3
§01 56 00
Environmental Controls