Application Form for Permission to Conduct Research in Tasmanian Government educational settings D e p art me n t of E d uc at ion E d uc at ion al P e rforman c e Se rv ic e s TITLE OF RESEARCH PROJECT See for Guidelines for Conducting Research in Tasmanian Government educational settings. INFORMATION ABOUT THE APPLICANT/S 1. Name/s of Supervisor/s Position/Present appointment Postal Address Telephone Number Email address 2. Academic qualifications of Supervisor/s 3. Name of Applicant/s Position/Present appointment Postal Address Telephone number/s Email address 4. Is this study contributing towards an academic qualification? (please specify) 5. Date and Reference Number of the approval from the relevant Ethics Committee(s) or sponsoring &/or administering institution(s) 6. Are you a registered teacher in Tasmania? Yes No Page 2 TRB Number____________________ Expiry __________ (See 4 under the Good Character Clearance Process in guidelines) INFORMATION ABOUT THE RESEARCH PROJECT 7. Organisation or institution through which the research is to be conducted (if any) 8. If there is a financial grant for this study, indicate the provider and the amount of funding received 9. Aims of the study, including educational significance 10. What benefits to students will the study provide? 11. What benefits to schools/colleges and teachers will the study provide? Page 3 12. Outline of proposed research plan (a). Preliminary investigations or pilot studies if intended (b). General outline of research methods to be used for collecting information (c). Schedule of activities, including time-line for completion of entire program Page 4 13. Names and number of selected schools/colleges If not school/college based indicate other DoE locations required or method of delivery eg online; phone 14. Subjects/students required (a). Indicate year levels (or ages) and the approximate number of students required per school/college at each year (or age) level State any other necessary characteristics of students (b). Indicate whether subjects/students will be required individually or in groups. If in groups, give size (c). Give approximate dates and amount of time required (d). Are any adults required as subjects for this research? Yes No Page 5 15. If teachers are required to assist the researcher, describe what they will be asked to do and the amount of time required (Attach copies of instructions to be given to teachers) 16. Where active consent is sought from students and/or parents/carers, how is it to be obtained? (Refer to Guidelines on “Informed Consent”) (Attach copies of materials used to inform parents/carers and/or students, and relevant consent forms) 17. Instruments and other forms of data collection Where these are well known and commonly used (e.g. those listed in the ACER Catalogue) list the name(s) of the instruments Otherwise enclose a copy of each instrument and its accompanying covering letter and instructions Page 6 For all instruments you intend using, clearly indicate the group to whom it is to be administered (e.g. parents, teachers, students) Describe how each is to be administered and give an estimate of the time required 18. Will you require access to data already residing with the Department of Education? Yes No (if yes, refer to Guidelines) 19. Outline your plans for disseminating the results of these investigations 20. Expected date of dissemination Page 7 DECLARATION I/we agree to abide by the conditions set out in the Guidelines for Conducting Research in Tasmanian Government Schools and Colleges. I/we, the undersigned declare that the information supplied is true and accurate to the best of my/our knowledge. I/we understand that upon completion of the above research, a report is to be submitted to the Department of Education and feedback is to be provided to the participating schools/colleges. Signature of Supervisor/s: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Signature of Applicant/s: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Checklist (Please complete) Relevant Research and Ethics Committee Approval has been received from the sponsoring/administering organisation and evidence of approval is attached. Copy of Good Character Clearance letter has been obtained from Departments Conduct and Investigation Unit and is attached. Copies of the proposed letter to principal, consent forms, plain language statements and instruments etc, are attached (as applicable). The Declaration has been signed and dated by all investigators. Page 8 Signed application, together with attachments, should be forwarded to: Research Applications Educational Performance Services DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION GPO Box 169 HOBART TAS 7001 Or email to (please include scanned signatures of all researchers involved) Page 9