DRAMA 2014/15 Resit Essay Titles YEAR 1 Module Thinking Through Theatre Code Q3255 Resit Mode ESS 3000 words Essay Title Please write a 3,000 word essay on one of the following titles. Title 1: Acting and Not-Acting Writing about the performance ‘continuum’, theatre director and scholar Richard Schechner has observed ‘There are no clear boundaries separating everyday life from family and social roles from job roles, church ritual from trance, acting onstage and acting offstage’ (Performance Studies: An introduction, 2002, p. 143). In your essay, discuss your understanding of what it means to act or perform on stage and how these activities, and our thinking about them, have been challenged by contemporary theatre makers and the work they have created. You are encouraged to use practical examples to support your argument. Title 2: Challenging Established Traditions Discussing the juxtaposition of a trained ballet body with those of the untrained performers’ bodies in the Nature Theatre of Oklahoma’s Poetics: A Ballet Brut, Rachel Anderson-Rabern writes: ‘Nature Theatre does not judge or deny the ballerina’s body as a symbol of training and capacity. Rather, they display and celebrate her ability, and then dismantle “ability” as a hierarchy-inducing standard’ (2013, p. 161). In your essay, consider the ways in which virtuosity and ‘ability’, as established standards of aesthetic value, have been exploited or challenged by one or more of the theatre companies we have looked at this term. Be sure to ground your essay in practical examples from work developed by the companies you explore. Your essay will be assessed on the following criteria: Clear and appropriate structure Use of appropriate conceptual frameworks Contextualised and substantiated argument Critical analysis Appropriate use of examples and evidence Evidence of appropriate reading and research 1 YEAR 1 Theories and Contexts of Drama Q3256 ESS 2500 words Full bibliography of all materials consulted Accurate referencing according to your chosen form Accurate spelling, punctuation and syntax Appropriate original ideas and insights Clear, lucid expression Write a 2500-word essay in response to one of the following questions. The word count includes the footnotes but not the bibliography. 1. Essay Questions. ‘[E]very theatrical performance (every single theatrical occurrence) constitutes an unrepeatable, unique event’ (Marco de Marinis, ‘The Performance Text’, p. 235). Consider this statement and examine its implications for our understanding of the role of a fixed written theory in conceptualising ephemeral theatre. 2. ‘I maintain the stage is a tangible, physical place that needs to be filled and it ought to be allowed to speak its own language’ (Antonin Artaud, ‘Production and Metaphysics’, p. 27). Consider this statement in relation to the role given by theatre theory to any one or more of the following: text, space, physicality or the body. 3. How would you differentiate ‘acting’ and ‘performance’ as they appear in theatre theory and what role does the concept of ‘character’ play in making this distinction? 4. ‘Individualism – the concept that the individual is the starting point of all knowledge and action’ (Peter Hamilton, Formations of Modernity, p. 22). Analyse the ways in which theatre theory might be said to challenge this claim. Specific assessment criteria When asked to explore ‘theatre theory’, you should explore TWO or more separate theoretical texts which you have studied on the module. · The essay should consist of: 1. A clear opening paragraph introducing outlining your essay’s central argument 2. Linked paragraphs that cover one main issue each, making close reference to the points raised by the essay question 3. A critical conclusion that explains what you have demonstrated in the essay · General assessment criteria Consultation of, quotation from and footnoted acknowledgement of AT LEAST THREE secondary sources (books, academic articles etc – consult 2 YEAR 1 Reading and Staging Theatre Texts Q3258 ESS 3000 words the Module Outline’s bibliography AND carry out your own research using the electronic resources listed in the Guide to Using the Electronic Library) Clear and appropriate structure Contextualized and substantiated argument Use of appropriate conceptual frameworks Critical analysis Appropriate original ideas and insights Appropriate use of examples and evidence Evidence of appropriate reading and research Accurate referencing according to standard form and bibliography (consult Drama Studies Handbook at bottom of http://www.sussex.ac.uk/english/ for guidance) Clear, lucid expression Accurate spelling, punctuation and syntax Please write a 3,000 word essay addressing one of the following topics in relation to one of the texts you’ve studied on the module: Representations of violence The constructions of masculinity and femininity The relationship between the human and the non-human The relationship between the individual and the group The role and representation of work and labour Your analysis should take into account two of the following features: · Dialogue / language · The use of space · The role of the body in performance · Structure 3 YEAR 1 Assessment Criteria Theatre and Performance Analysis Q3259 ESS 2000 words Clear and appropriate structure Use of appropriate conceptual frameworks Contextualised and substantiated argument Critical analysis Appropriate use of examples and evidence Evidence of appropriate reading and research Full bibliography of all materials consulted Accurate referencing according to standard form Accurate spelling, punctuation and syntax Appropriate original ideas and insights Clear, lucid expression Please choose one of the following titles (word limit: 2000 words): 1. Consider why reviewers should even attempt to capture something as complex as a theatrical performance in a review. 2. Explore the relationship between the reviewer's position geographically, historically and socially to the way s/he responds to live performance. Assessment criteria for Essays • Clear and appropriate structure • Contextualized and substantiated argument • Use of appropriate conceptual frameworks • Critical analysis • Appropriate original ideas and insights • Appropriate use of examples and evidence • Evidence of appropriate reading and research related to the course • Accurate referencing according to standard form • Clear, lucid expression • Accurate spelling, punctuation and syntax • Accurate and appropriate bibliography 4 YEAR 2 Approaches to Contemporary Performance Q3107 RES 3000 words (Reflective Essay) Please choose one of the following titles (word limit: 3000 words): (1) “The postmodern performance we are currently making, watching and writing about is nothing if it is not the conflation of old and new modes, where realism as a style brushes up against the new real of autobiographical delivery, where the physical and the verbal, the spatial and the temporal are (con)fused into work that functions as a subversive interstice, critiquing the very representational modes it creates” (John Freeman). Discuss Freeman’s assertion and the specific points it makes by comparing/contrasting the work of two of the groups/artists we have considered. Refer to specific methods/moments in performance to tease out your argument. (2) Discuss the ways that “character” and the role of the performer on stage (acting, non-acting, use of the autobiographical self/self as text, adopting a performance persona, etc.) have been altered by contemporary performance practices. Consider the uses of different kinds of material on stage (ie. is it autobiographical, historical, “found,” documentary, task-led, etc.) in order to develop your argument. Refer to at least two groups or performances in order to focus your discussion. Assessment Criteria Clear and appropriate structure Contextualized and substantiated argument Use of appropriate conceptual frameworks Critical analysis Appropriate original ideas and insights Appropriate use of examples and evidence Clear, lucid expression Evidence of appropriate reading and research Full bibliography of all materials consulted Accurate referencing according to standard form Accurate spelling, punctuation and syntax Additional notes: Please focus upon analyzing the material you choose to develop your own thoughts and ideas. It is essential that you develop an argument in which you demonstrate your ability to think through what we have studied together rather than regurgitate the thoughts and ideas of others. 5 Please refer to at least two texts/productions in whichever essay you choose, and support your argument with detailed evidence (it’s helpful if you have seen one of these live). If you are writing about a performance we have a copy of in the library, then make sure you watch it in its entirety and have detailed notes you can refer to, just as you would if you were considering a written text such as a poem or a novel, or a film. The same applies to any production you have seen “live.” You should include discussion of the production’s relationship to a broader context, to readings, and to relevant issues or topics discussed in the course of this class. Modern and Postmodern Drama Q3004 ESS 3000 words (Essay) A full bibliography demonstrating evidence of readings consulted and cited throughout your essay (relevant to this module) is required. This should relate to the bibliography handed out with the module outline. Please choose one of the following titles (word limit: 3000 words): 1. Analyse the difference between naturalistic and non-naturalistic theatre by comparing and contrasting any two plays on the module. 2. Analyse how Chekhov’s The Seagull can be said to anticipate later innovations in playwriting by comparing it to any other text on the module. 3. In what ways does postmodern theatre such as Complicite’s Mnemonic or Caryl Churchill’s Blue Heart differ from a modernist text like Six Characters or an Absurdist text like The Chairs or Waiting for Godot? Assessment criteria Clear and appropriate structure Contextualized and substantiated argument Use of appropriate conceptual frameworks Critical analysis of texts Appropriate original ideas and insights Appropriate use of examples and evidence Evidence of appropriate reading and research Accurate referencing according to standard form Clear, lucid expression Accurate spelling, punctuation and syntax Accurate bibliography Early Modern Drama and Contemporary Theatre Q3091 ESS 3000 words (Essay) Please choose one of the following titles (word limit: 3000 words): 6 1. What is gained and what is lost in editing an early modern playtext? 2. What is gained and what is lost in a contemporary production of an early modern play? Assessment criteria Clear and appropriate structure Contextualized and substantiated argument Use of appropriate conceptual frameworks Critical analysis of texts Appropriate original ideas and insights Appropriate use of examples and evidence Evidence of appropriate reading and research Accurate referencing according to standard form Clear, lucid expression Accurate spelling, punctuation and syntax Accurate bibliography Writing for Theatre Q3026 ESS 3000 words (Essay) Please choose one of the following titles (word limit: 3000 words): 1. With reference both to materials studied on the module and your own creative process, analyse how autobiographical material can be used in writing for theatre and discuss some of the challenges of this approach. 2. Using critical materials, texts studied on the module, and your own reflections on your writing process, discuss the importance of thinking about writing for theatre in relation to its future existence as a performance. 3. What are the pros and cons of writing exercises and workshop exercises when it comes to producing effective writing for theatre? You should frame your analysis critically by defining and explaining key terms, techniques and concepts in detail. Assessment Criteria Close reference to at least two written or audiovisual extracts studied on the module Analysis of structure, form, word choice, setting and relevant dramatic context of the extracts Clear and appropriate structure Contextualized, substantiated and clearly expressed argument Use of appropriate conceptual frameworks 7 Appropriate original ideas and insights Appropriate use of examples and evidence Evidence of appropriate reading and research Accurate referencing according to standard form, as outlined in the Drama Studies Handbook Accurate bibliography Clear, lucid expression Accurate spelling, punctuation and syntax YEAR 3 Performing the Body Q3027 ESS 2500 words (Essay) Choose one of the following two essays: 1) Building on Foucault’s ideas, Judith Butler states that the category of “sex” is a regulatory ideal that works to produce the bodies it governs (in Gender Trouble and Bodies that Matter). It is the reiteration and materialization of such bodies that constantly reinforces normative ideals. Performance, however, provides the opportunity to challenge rather than affirm such norms, “rematerializing” the body in potentially radical performative ways. Comparing/contrasting the performance work of two of the artists we have considered, discuss the implications of this statement with reference to Butler, Foucault and others who are relevant. 2) In an introduction to Live Art, Lois Keidan refers to this arena of practice as a “cultural strategy” rather than simply a genre of performance, emphasising its ability to effect difference and engender social change. Demonstrate your understanding of this statement in relation to the work of two performers whose practice and performance works illuminate Keidan’s statement. Refer specifically to at least one of the theorists we have studied to tease out your discussion. Assessment Criteria Clear and appropriate structure Contextualized and substantiated argument Use of appropriate conceptual frameworks Critical analysis Appropriate original ideas and insights Appropriate use of examples and evidence Clear, lucid expression Evidence of appropriate reading and research Full bibliography of all materials consulted Accurate referencing according to standard form (Harvard system) Accurate spelling, punctuation and syntax 8 Postdramatic Theatre Q3110 ESS 3000 words (Essay) Pick ONE of the following titles: 1. The processes leading to a postdramatic theatre ‘can be described as a series of stages of self-reflection, decomposition and separation of the elements of dramatic theatre’ (Lehmann 48). Discuss the validity of this statement with reference to TWO plays or directors studied on this course. 2. Consider the proposition that postdramatic theatre is more concerned with ‘inducing the audience to watch themselves as subjects which perceive, acquire knowledge and partly create the objects of their cognition’ (Sugiera 26). To what extent may it apply to the performance of TWO plays or directors studied on this course? 3. ‘“Post” here is to be understood neither as an epochal category, nor simply as a chronological “after” drama, a “forgetting” of the dramatic “past”, but rather as a rupture and a beyond that continue to entertain relationships with drama and are in many ways an analysis and “anamnesis” of drama’ (JürsMunby, in Lehmann 2). How does this understanding of the prefix ‘post’ in ‘postdramatic’ pertain to any TWO plays or directors studied on the course? 4. ‘The dream constitutes the model par excellence of a non-hierarchical theatre aesthetic’ (Lehmann 84). In what ways may any TWO plays or directors studied on this course be considered ‘dreamlike’ and how might these ‘dreamlike’ qualities affect the experience of an audience? Word limit: 3,000 words. Infringements of the limit will lead to a lower mark. Points to Remember You will not be able to cover all the material in 3,000 words so be careful to justify your choice of arguments in the introduction. A working definition or understanding of the term ‘postdramatic’ will be necessary to clarify your position. Treat the plays sensitively: the postdramatic is not something that offers a ‘check list’ of features – consider the ways in which representation is called into question on the basis of the play itself. Do not merely stop after identifying postdramatic elements; consider what they might suggest, too. Make sure that you read around the subject of your essay: use the bibliography circulated at the beginning of term as a starting point for further reading. You will be penalized for not referring to secondary material. As in all comparative essays, it is usually better to organize your work around a set of arguments or ideas which will ‘attract’ material from both plays. A 9 conclusion would end each section, so that you final concluding paragraphs would present a dynamic ‘conclusion of the conclusions’, that is, what you have learned by considering all the shorter conclusions together. Assessment Criteria Making Theatre Politically Q3098 RES 3000 words (Reflective Essay) Clear and appropriate structure Contextualized and substantiated argument Use of appropriate conceptual frameworks Critical analysis Appropriate original ideas and insights Appropriate use of examples and evidence Clear, lucid expression Evidence of appropriate reading and research Full bibliography of all materials consulted Accurate referencing according to standard form Accurate spelling, punctuation and syntax 13/14 (did not run in 14/15) Please choose one of the following titles (word limit: 3,000 words): (1) Auslander notes in his essay ‘Towards a Concept of the Political in Postmodern Theatre’ (1987) that ‘In theatre, presence is the matrix of power; the postmodern theatre of resistance must therefore both expose the collusion of presence with authority and resist such collusion by refusing to establish itself as charismatic Other” (p. 26). In your essay, discuss your understanding of this statement, focusing on some of the ways that some postmodern approaches have engendered a ‘theatre of resistance’. (2) “Often when the radical voice speaks about domination we are speaking to those who dominate. Their presence changes the nature and direction of our words. Language is also a place of struggle […] This is the oppressor’s language, yet I need it to talk to you’’, writes bell hooks in ‘Choosing the Margin as a Space of Radical Openness’ (2009). Your essay will consider the implications of hooks’ words as they pertain to theatre, focusing particularly on the challenges faced when a practitioner or playwright seeks to work with or represent ‘Others’. Additional Notes 10 You will not be able to cover all your ideas in 3,000 words so be careful to justify your choice of material in the introduction. Please note infringements on the world limit will be penalized. Use your introduction to explore the title and its terms as well. Carefully consider what is meant by ‘political’ as it pertains to your selected essay title. Avoid digression. Beware of spending all your time describing but never reflecting on and analysing your points: make sure that you support every suggestion with argument and evidence. You should draw on at least two performances to develop your arguments. You may use material from practical workshops or any theatre pieces you have seen as evidence in your arguments. Be specific: move from particular points to more generalized conclusions. Do not generalize without evidence to support such a position. Assessment Criteria Clear and appropriate structure Use of appropriate conceptual frameworks Contextualised and substantiated argument Critical analysis Appropriate use of examples and evidence Evidence of appropriate reading and research Full bibliography of all materials consulted Accurate referencing according to standard form Accurate spelling, punctuation and syntax Appropriate original ideas and insights Clear, lucid expression Theatre, Performance and Ethics Q3115 ESS 2500 words (Essay) Please choose one of the following titles (word limit:2500 words): 1. Discuss the idea that theatre complicates our ethical understanding of right and wrong rather than clarifying it. You should refer in detail to two or more texts studied on the module. 2. Analyse the representation and ethical consequences of revenge in any two texts studied on the module. Assessment criteria Clear and appropriate structure Contextualized and substantiated argument 11 Use of appropriate conceptual frameworks Critical analysis of texts Appropriate original ideas and insights Appropriate use of examples and evidence Evidence of appropriate reading and research Accurate referencing according to standard form Clear, lucid expression Accurate spelling, punctuation and syntax Accurate bibliography 12