Kids Co Parent Handbook

Kids Company
School Age/PreK Child Care Program
Albany Area Community Education
Parent Handbook
Revised: August, 2014
Telephone Directory
Kids Company, Albany Elementary School 845-2171, ext. 6305
Kids Company, Avon Elementary School 356-7346, ext. 7305
Kids Company, St. Benedict’s Parish Center 356-7346, ext. 7605
Albany Area Community Education
PO Box 40, Albany, MN 56307
845-2171, ext. 5060
Amanda Zierden, Kids Company Coordinator
845-2171, ext. 5850
Cassandra Nentl, Albany Area Community Education Director
845-2171, ext. 5828
What’s Inside
Kids Company At A Glance, Eligibility….3
Welcome, History, Program.......................3
Summer Program ......................................5
Parent/Child Goals…………………….…5
Parent Involvement ...................................6
Pick-Up, Late Fees.....................................6
Financial Policies .......................................7
Financial Assistance, Insufficient Funds ...8
Tax Receipts……………………………...8
Discipline ...................................................8
Discipline Policy……………………….....9
Meals and Snacks........................................9
Field Trips....................................................9
Transportation ...........................................10
Outdoor Play ..............................................10
Accidents ...................................................10
Child Abuse ...............................................10
Illness .........................................................11
Medication .................................................11
Inclement Weather
Kids Company
Kids Company is a service that provides a well-supervised, nurturing environment where children can develop
friendships, grow in self-confidence, independence and respect for themselves and one another. Kids Company
provides a variety of activities and experiences for children to pursue their own interests. The program is being
offered for children who are PreK (3-4 years old) through sixth (6) grade.
At A Glance…
Hours (6:45 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.) to accommodate the schedule of working parents.
Enrichment programming for Albany Area Students in PreK (3-4 year old) through sixth (PreK-6).
Full day programming on school vacation days, early dismissal days and during the summer.
Conveniently located in Albany and Avon Elementary Schools and the Early Childhood Center at the St.
Benedict’s Parish Center.
Flexible enrollment options including before and/or after school 1 to 5 days per week and occasional
Affordable, quality care open to students in grades PreK-6.
Financial Assistance is available for qualifying families.
Kindergarten students may attend either Albany or Avon Elementary Kids Company.
Eligibility Policy
Albany Area Community Education offers a school age/PreK child care program to students who are eligible
for kindergarten the following year (3-4 year old by September 1st) through grade 6. Students older than 6th
grade may be included on an individual basis.
Kids Company serves children in grades PreK-6.
Kids Company includes children with special needs such as developmental or physical disabilities.
Kids Company does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, or national origin in its enrollment policies.
Albany Area Community Education and the Kids Company staff would like to take this opportunity to welcome your
family to Kids Company. We all have a common goal – to create a safe, friendly, structured atmosphere where our
children are encouraged to pursue their own interests, develop friendships and grow in confidence, independence and
respect for themselves and others. This common goal is what Kids Company is all about.
This parent handbook outlines what you may expect from Kids Company and what Kids Company expects from you in
return. We hope it will be helpful and we welcome your suggestions for future handbooks. Please be aware that Albany
Area Kids Company reserves the right to amend policies at any time and it is recommended that you reference this
handbook and registration information for current administrative policies pertaining to your child’s enrollment or check
with the Kids Company coordinator for policies pertaining to the care of your child.
We hope your family’s experience with Kids Company will be an enriching, delightful experience. Welcome to Kids
Kids Company was started in 2003, when a group of concerned parents in Avon wanted a reliable, affordable, quality
childcare in Avon after school. They received support from Albany Area Community Education and the program began in
2003. Our program was open to students in kindergarten through sixth grade at Avon Elementary School. In 2005, we
expanded the Kids Company program by opening a site at Albany Elementary School after school. In 2006, we added a
morning option at Avon Elementary School. In 2007, we opened the morning option at Avon Elementary School to
preschoolers who are attending the 4 year old morning preschool. In 2009, we added a morning option at Albany
Elementary School and opened up a new location for 4 year olds at our Early Childhood Center located in a leased area of
the St. Benedict's Parish Center. The program continues to grow, and in the 2013-2014 school year, more than 215
students were registered for Kids Company across the three different sites.
Kids Company offers children a wide choice of activities both for groups and for individuals including art, books and
music, crafts, creative dramatic play, games, science, computers, manipulative and constructive toys.
The children spend time outdoors every day throughout the year and may have access to a gym before
and after school for active play.
Nutritious snacks are served every afternoon. There is a quiet rest period of at least one-half hour every day for
There are often field trips by bus when the children are in Kids Company for a full day or half day during the school year.
Twenty-thirty minutes of mandatory homework is offered Mondays-Thursdays for school age students.
Due to liability and staffing, children registered in the program may not bring friends or guests to the program who are
not registered.
Summer Program
Kids Company also offers a full-time summer program. Registration for summer opens in April. Summer program hours
are 6:45 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. The program is closed the week prior to school starting, traditionally the last week in August, as
well as July 4. For safety reasons, Kids Company t-shirts are required for staff and child identification. They are required
for all off-site activities and field trips.
Goals for Children
1. To create a relaxed, trusting, intimate atmosphere where children are encouraged to pursue their own
interests, develop friendships, and grow in confidence, independence, and respect for themselves and
2. To provide a caring staff, who show genuine respect for the children and have confidence in each
child’s potential and promote each child’s self-esteem.
3. To create a stable environment that is inviting, comfortable, attractive, orderly, manageable by the
children, and a happy, exciting place to be.
4. To provide for the children a variety of developmentally appropriate activities, including expressive art,
active play, sports, games, dramatic play, science, cooking, crafts, and reading.
5. To maintain a schedule that allows time for each child to observe, to reflect and to become absorbed in
activities according to his/her own interests and talents.
6. To give individual guidance to children based on careful observation of each child’s needs and in
keeping with parental values and goals.
7. To provide regular opportunities for children and youth to learn and practice essential social skills that
will help them get along with others in daily life.
8. To provide time for homework and education assistance on a 4 day a week basis.
Goals for Parents
1. To provide affordable care for children between 6:45 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. when the children are not in
school, including school vacations and release days.
2. To assure parents that their children will be in a safe, healthy environment where their emotional, social, and physical
needs will be met.
3. To provide a quality program complementary to the school experiences of their children.
4. To provide two-way communication between parents and Kids Company staff to insure that: a) parents are well
informed about the program and their child’s experiences here; b) staff are well informed about
each child’s home experiences and family values; c) parents and staff are working as partners to meet the
needs of the children.
5. To provide the opportunity for dynamic parent involvement in the ongoing development of the program
within the context of the school district through the Community Education Advisory Council.
Parent Involvement
We believe in a strong partnership between parents and staff. Kids Company has the following avenues of
parental involvement to encourage parental input in decision-making and planning and to facilitate
communication among parents, staff and the Community Education Advisory Council:
1. Parents may request a conference with the Coordinator any time to discuss their own child or the
program in general.
2. Parents may serve on the Advisory Council or join one of its committees. Parents may also attend
Council meetings.
3. We always like to know what you think. If you have a question, concern, or suggestion, please leave a
note, talk to the staff or call the Coordinator or Community Education Director at any time. We send out evaluation
surveys from time to time to get feedback on how we’re doing.
4. We mainly communicate via phone calls and daily notes home. PLEASE CHECK MAILBOXES EVERY DAY
6. You are ALWAYS welcome at Kids Company! You’re welcome to join the children for breakfast,
lunch, or snack. You’re welcome to go along on any field trip. You’re welcome to just come and
spend an hour with us!
Program Hours
Program sites are open 6:45 am to 6:00 pm Monday through Friday.
The program will be closed each year for 10 holidays and the week prior the beginning of school (traditionally the last
week in August). 4’s Kids Company may be closed on additional non-school days based upon enrollment.
Holidays may include: Friday before Easter, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day
and the day after Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and New Year’s Eve.
Pick Up/ Drop Off Policies
When bringing your child to Kids Company, YOU MUST WALK YOUR CHILD IN THE BUILDING AND SIGN
THEM OUT WITH A TIME. We will release a child to either parent unless we have a written restraining order and/or
a court document which clearly states a parent is not to have contact with a child. YOU MUST INFORM THE STAFF IN
ADVANCE if someone else is going to pick your child up other than those people listed on the registration form.
Late Pick Up Fine
Kids Company closes at 6:00 pm. Children must be picked up by closing time or there will be a late charge.
6:00-6:15 p.m. (or portion thereof) = $5 late fee.
6:15-6:45 p.m. (or portion thereof) = additional $10 late fee.
After 6:45 p.m. the charge is an additional $1 per minute.
Fees are based per family. We will verify the pickup time with the clock in the cafeteria/classroom. If a family
is continuously late, they will be withdrawn from the program.
Absence from Program
If your child is absent due to illness, you must call Kids Company to report the absence before their scheduled
arrival time at Kids Company. The school office WILL NOT report the absence to Kids Company, YOU
MUST DO THIS YOURSELF. There are no refunds or credits for an absence. If your child does not attend
school, they should not attend Kids Company.
If you take a vacation of a week or more we do not charge you for that week. Each participant both full and
part-time is given 10 days of vacation during the school year. Vacation days can be used in day increments and
cannot be used when your child is absent from school due to illness. Please notify staff at least one week in
advance in writing of vacation days.
Finder’s Fee
If you fail to notify Kids Company staff following the rules as stated above and a Kids Company staff member
has to go find your child, you will be charged $5.00 per incident.
Financial Policies and Procedures
Families will be charged fees based on your admissions and agreement form. Parents are responsible for all
charges that are incurred. Ten vacation days will be given during the school year. Additional fees may apply
for special field trips and activities.
School Year Rates
Avon & Albany Elementary
Full Time (4-5 days/wk):
Before School
After School
Drop In Rate: $10/After School, $5 Before School
Part Time (1-3 days/wk):
Early Childhood Center
Full Time (4-5 days/wk): Part Time (2-3 days/wk):
AM Preschool
Before School
After School
After School (2:30 pm Bus) $35/week
Before/After (2:30 pm Bus) $50/week
After until Noon
Non School Days
$23/Full Day
$23/Full Day
PM Preschool
Before School
Before School (8:00 am Bus) $35/week
After School
Before(8:00 am Bus)/After $74/week
Non School Days
$23/Full Day
$23/Full Day
Early Dismissal/Late Starts Days (12:30-6:00 p.m.) is an additional $4/day
Non School Days: $23/day.
Summer Rates
Full Time (4-5 days a week): $105/week for the first child, $80/week for each additional child.
Part Time (2-3 days a week): $63/week for the first child, $51/week for each additional child.
Drop In: $25/day
Billing will be done one (1) week ahead of time.
Payment will be automatically deducted weekly on Wednesdays or monthly on the first Wednesday of the
month. If automatic payments do not work for your family, talk to the Coordinator to come up with a plan.
Kids Company is a non-profit/self-supporting organization which relies on your prompt payment. Therefore,
there will be a $5 service charge assessed for late payment. (Payment received after 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday is
considered late.)
No account will be allowed to be more than one (1) week past due. If the weekly rate and the late fee are not
received by the end of the following Friday, your child will be withdrawn from the program. A $10 fee will be
added on a weekly basis, until all fees have been paid.
Albany Area Community Education reserves the right to discontinue or limit the program due to an individual’s
Financial Assistance
Kids Company has a contract for daycare assistance through Stearns County Family Services. County copayments are due twice a month.
Insufficient Funds
Insufficient funds, stop payment or account closed would be subject to a $30 service and handling charge.
Payee will be notified upon receipt of NSF notice.
Tax Receipts
Parents are able to print off their own weekly and yearly receipts if signed up for automatic withdrawal. Tax
receipts will be given to other families by the end of January.
The staff of Kids Company respects the dignity of the children in all their dealings with them. The children are
expected to respect each other, just as the staff respects them.
Physical contact in disciplining a child is avoided unless it is necessary to restrain a child from harming himself
or another. In correcting a child’s behavior, the staff says and shows the child what he or she should be doing
rather than focusing on the unwanted behavior. The staff also explains the reasons for the rules the children are
asked to follow.
If the staff is unable to resolve a serious problem with a child’s behavior (such as aggressive, abusive, disturbing,
or destructive acts), the Program Manager or Coordinator will request a conference to discuss the problem with
the parents and try to establish a joint plan for dealing with the problem. If there is still no change in the child’s
behavior, the Coordinator will inform the parents in writing that the behavior is still a serious problem and will
invite them to another conference. If the problem still cannot be resolved, the Coordinator will give the parents a
notice of dismissal in writing, allowing them two weeks to make other child care arrangements.
Discipline Policy
Kids Company uses a 3 strikes discipline policy.
1. When a child breaks a Kids Company or School-wide rule after a warning has been given, they will
be given strike one. This consists of a note home.
2. The second strike is also a note home.
3. After three strikes within 30 days, the child will be suspended from Kids Company for two-five
days. In this case, a note will be sent home, and a conference or phone call between the Kids
Company Coordinator and the child's parent will take place before the student can return to Kids
Company. Parents are responsible to pay during this timeframe.
If a child physically and intentionally hurts another child, a strike will automatically be issued.
Any verbal threat using words such as kill, gun, and cut are automatic suspension for three days. A
parent will be called immediately. They have two hours to pick their child up. The Kids Company
Coordinator also reserves the right to suspend a member if it is felt that the behavior warrants an
automatic suspension.
At St Bens preschool location, we use a stoplight. This is a note we send home daily, which contains our daily schedule.
We will put marks by each activity. If your child has a green, it means that that part of the day went well for him/her. If
there was a yellow, your child needed some reminders of appropriate behavior. If there is a red, your child took a break at
that time. A clear explanation will be given as to why a red was received.
Dismissal of a Child
Kids Company reserves the right to dismiss any child from the program if the staff determines that the program
cannot meet the needs of the child.
The target of adult to child ratio will be approximately 1:15 for students in grades K-6 and 1:12 for students in
preschool. All School Age Child Care staff are caring people experienced in the fields of elementary education,
early childhood, child development and child care. All staff are involved in on-going staff development
training. Background checks, first aid and CPR training are also required of staff.
Students who are registered for the Kids Company program must be toilet trained to enroll.
Meals and Snacks
A small breakfast is usually served from 8:30-9:00 a.m. in the summer. Typical breakfasts include cold cereal,
fruit, toast, granola bars, etc. In the school year, breakfast is served through the school breakfast program. A
nutritious snack is served in the afternoon after school. Typical snacks include fruits, crackers, cheese, milk,
granola bars, pudding, etc. The children help in preparing and serving the snacks. When Kids Company is open
full days and during the summer, ALL of the children need to bring BAG LUNCHES. No individual snacks
should be brought unless prior arrangements have been made.
Field Trips
When you enroll your child in Kids Company, you are giving permission to have your child participate in field
trips. The Coordinator will inform you in advance of any field trip, describing the date, time, mode of
transportation, destination, and the activities for each field trip.
Transportation on our regular bus system may be an option for students to and from our 4’s Kids Company
program Monday through Friday. In order to ride the bus, friends must be 4 years old or older, must get on the
bus on an existing stop, and must have a bus buddy to ride with them on a daily basis.
Dress/Outdoor Play
Outdoor play is a very important part of our day. We will spend time outside daily, weather permitting.
Children must have the appropriate clothing to go outside every day. Our policy is as follows: 32 degrees and
below: student needs coat, hat, and gloves. If there is snow on the ground, student also needs snow pants and
boots. 32-50 degrees: student needs jacket. A sweatshirt does not count. 50-60 degrees: student needs long
sleeves and/or a sweatshirt. 60 and above: student does not need long sleeves, but a light jacket is encouraged.
We strongly encourage all children to participate in outdoor activities. In the summer, children are required to wear
sunscreen. In extreme heat, appropriate precautions will be taken to limit the activities of the children.
If a child has an accident (such as a hard bump to the head, an injured limb, cut, etc...) the staff person attending
to the child will notify the parent at pick up time. If a SERIOUS ACCIDENT occurs, which might need
medical attention; the staff will contact you immediately so you can take your child to the doctor or dentist.
In an EMERGENCY when immediate attention is needed, the staff will call 911, and then immediately contact
you and your child’s doctor. After the 911 has been called, it is up to the paramedics to decide what to do. If
they decide your child needs emergency treatment, they will take the child to the nearest emergency medical
facility, and you will be responsible for the medical charges.
When you enroll your child in Kids Company, you are giving permission to Kids Company to take whatever
emergency measures are necessary for the care and protection of your child while under our care.
Child Abuse
Staff are legally required to report any instance of observed or suspected child abuse or neglect. That includes a
parent who is intoxicated when picking up a child at Kids Company.
Withdrawing from the Program
A ten (10) working day written notice is required to withdraw from the program. You are responsible for
paying for those 2 weeks even if you’re child(ren) will not be attending.
A child should not attend Kids Company with any of the following symptoms:
● If your child has a fever of 100 degrees or more, or has vomited or had diarrhea, the child should stay at home for
24 hours after the symptoms are gone.
● If a child becomes ill at Kids Company, the staff will have the child rest in a quiet area of the room, isolated from
the rest of the children and will contact you to pick up your child. If you cannot be reached, the staff will call an
emergency back-up person on the registration form.
● You should contact Kids Company if your child comes down with a COMMUNICABLE DISEASE.
● When a communicable disease has been reported, a notice will be posted on the Parent Bulletin Board.
In the case of a communicable disease, your child may not return to Kids Company until your physician has made this
Prescription medications must be in their original bottle. Your pharmacy will give you an additional bottle with
a label if you want one bottle for home and one for Kids Company.
A Medication Permission Form must be completed by you and the physician prior to Kids Company staff
administering the medication. These forms are available at each site – it is a good idea to take one with you
whenever you take your child to the doctor.
Kids Company staff can administer over-the-counter medication from the original container with written
permission from you.
Inclement Weather Policies
If Albany Area Schools are CLOSED prior to 6:45 a.m., Kids Company will be CLOSED all day. If Albany
Area Schools are two hours late, Kids Company will be open at 6:45 a.m. at Avon/Albany Elementary School
and St. Benedict’s Parish Center. If school closes after 6:45 a.m., Kids Company will make a determination at
that time if they will remain open. Parents of attended students will be notified by phone of the closing
time. If Albany Area Schools have an early dismissal, Kids Company will remain open until 6:00 p.m. If
Albany Area Schools cancels all after school activities, Kids Company will remain open until 6:00 p.m.
If the weather should get too dangerous, Kids Company will close. The decision will be made by the Community Education Director and
Superintendent of Schools. When severe weather exists, Kids Company staff will make the necessary arrangements to move the children to a safe