Music Schedule Summer 2015 May 25: Memorial Day (8:30 AM

Music Schedule Summer 2015
May 25: Memorial Day (8:30 AM)
Gathering Song: Glory and Praise to Our God, vs. 1-3 #606
Responsorial Psalm: Every Nation on Earth, ref. II #60
Gospel Acclamation: #219
Mass Setting: Mass of Renewal
Communion: This Is My Song #986
Sending Forth: America the Beautiful #984
May 30-31: Trinity Sunday
Gathering Song: Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty! #567
Gloria: Mass of Redemption
Children’s Dismissal: Mass of Christ, Our Hope
Responsorial Psalm: “Blessed the People the Lord has chosen to be his own.”
Gospel Acclamation: #219
Preparation of the Gifts: Let There Be Light #561
Mass Setting: Mass of Renewal
Communion: Now We Remain #785
Sending Forth: O God, Almighty Father #566
June 6-7: Body and Blood of Christ
Gathering Song: Gather Us In #848
Gloria: Mass of Redemption
Children’s Dismissal: Mass of Christ, Our Hope
Responsorial Psalm: “I will take the cup of salvation, and call upon the name of the Lord.”
Gospel Acclamation: #219
Preparation of the Gifts: Lord, Who at Your First Eucharist #914
Mass Setting: Mass of Renewal
Communion: Take and Eat #950
Sending Forth: Alleluia! Sing to Jesus #949
June 13-14: 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Gathering Song: Gathered as One #841
Gloria: Mass of Redemption
Children’s Dismissal: Mass of Christ, Our Hope
Responsorial Psalm: Lord, it is good to give thanks to you.”
Gospel Acclamation: #219
Preparation of the Gifts: The Reign of God #738
Mass Setting: Mass of Renewal
Communion: We Remember #681
Sending Forth: We Walk by Faith #680
June 20-21: 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Gathering Song: Be Not Afraid #683
Gloria: Mass of Redemption
Children’s Dismissal: Mass of Christ, Our Hope
Responsorial Psalm: “Give thanks to the Lord, His love is everlasting.”
Gospel Acclamation: #219
Preparation of the Gifts: All Will Be Well #693
Mass Setting: Mass of Renewal
Communion: You Are Near #695
Sending Forth: Faith of Our Fathers #677
June 27-28: 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Gathering Song: Praise to the Lord, the Almighty #616
Gloria: Mass of Redemption
Children’s Dismissal: Mass of Christ, Our Hope
Responsorial Psalm: “I will praise you, Lord, for you have rescued me.”
Gospel Acclamation: #219
Preparation of the Gifts: Jesus, Heal Us #952
Mass Setting: Mass of Renewal
Communion: Eye Has Not Seen #728
Sending Forth: Joyful, Joyful, We Adore You #614
July 4-5: 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Gathering Song: Amazing Grace #645
Gloria: Mass of Redemption
Children’s Dismissal: Mass of Christ, Our Hope
Responsorial Psalm: “Our eyes are fixed on the Lord, pleading for His mercy.”
Gospel Acclamation: #219
Preparation of the Gifts: This Is My Song #986
Mass Setting: Mass of Renewal
Communion: Song of the Body of Christ #924
Sending Forth: America the Beautiful #984
July 11-12: 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Gathering Song: All Are Welcome, vs. 1, 3, 5 #850
Gloria: Mass of Redemption
Children’s Dismissal: Mass of Christ, Our Hope
Responsorial Psalm: “Lord, let us see your kindness, and grant us your salvation.”
Gospel Acclamation: #219
Preparation of the Gifts: Here I Am, Lord #777
Mass Setting: Mass of Renewal
Communion: Table Song #923
Sending Forth: God Sends Us Forth #759
July 18-19: 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Gathering Song: The Church of Christ #765
Gloria: Mass of Redemption
Children’s Dismissal: Mass of Christ, Our Hope
Responsorial Psalm: “The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want.”
Gospel Acclamation: #219
Preparation of the Gifts: Shepherd Me, O God #35
Mass Setting: Mass of Renewal
Communion: Take and Eat #950
Sending Forth: Like a Shepherd #402
July 25-26: 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Gathering Song: Gather Us In #848
Gloria: Mass of Redemption
Children’s Dismissal: Mass of Christ, Our Hope
Responsorial Psalm: “The hand of the Lord feeds us; He answers all our needs.”
Gospel Acclamation: #219
Preparation of the Gifts: We Come with Joy #808
Mass Setting: Mass of Renewal
Communion: One Bread, One Body #932
Sending Forth: The Church’s One Foundation #742
August 1-2: 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Gathering Song: Come to the Banquet #931
Gloria: Mass of Redemption
Children’s Dismissal: Mass of Christ, Our Hope
Responsorial Psalm: “The Lord gave them bread from heaven.”
Gospel Acclamation: #219
Preparation of the Gifts: We Come to Your Feast #938
Mass Setting: Mass of Renewal
Communion: I Am the Bread of Life #945
Sending Forth: Change Our Hearts #493
August 8-9: 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Gathering Song: Come to the Banquet #931
Gloria: Mass of Redemption
Children’s Dismissal: Mass of Christ, Our Hope
Responsorial Psalm: “Taste and see the goodness of the Lord.”
Gospel Acclamation: #219
Preparation of the Gifts: Taste and See #930
Mass Setting: Mass of Renewal
Communion: I Am the Bread of Life #945
Sending Forth: Now Thank We All Our God #636
August 15-16: 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Gathering Song: Come to the Banquet #931
Gloria: Mass of Redemption
Children’s Dismissal: Mass of Christ, Our Hope
Responsorial Psalm: “Taste and see the goodness of the Lord.”
Gospel Acclamation: #219
Preparation of the Gifts: Among All #888
Mass Setting: Mass of Renewal
Communion: I Am the Bread of Life #945
Sending Forth: Halleluya! We Sing Your Praises #626
August 22-23: 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time
Gathering Song: Come to the Banquet #931
Gloria: Mass of Redemption
Children’s Dismissal: Mass of Christ, Our Hope
Responsorial Psalm: “Taste and see the goodness of the Lord.”
Gospel Acclamation: #219
Preparation of the Gifts: Lord, You Have the Words #31
Mass Setting: Mass of Renewal
Communion: Taste and See #930
Sending Forth: Love Divine, All Loves Excelling #641
August 29-30: 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
Gathering Song: Gathered as One #841
Gloria: Mass of Redemption
Children’s Dismissal: Mass of Christ, Our Hope
Responsorial Psalm: “The one who does justice will live in the presence of the Lord.”
Gospel Acclamation: #219
Preparation of the Gifts: Deep Within #486
Mass Setting: Mass of Renewal
Communion: Behold the Lamb #939
Sending Forth: We Are Called #807
September 5-6: 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
Gathering Song: All Are Welcome, vs. 1, 3, 5 #850
Gloria: Mass of Redemption
Children’s Dismissal: Mass of Christ, Our Hope
Responsorial Psalm: “Praise the Lord, my soul!”
Gospel Acclamation: #219
Preparation of the Gifts: Jesus, Heal Us #952
Mass Setting: Mass of Renewal
Communion: You Are Mine #721
Sending Forth: Glory and Praise to our God vs. 1-3 #606
September 7: Labor Day (8:30 AM)
Gathering Song: Praise and Thanksgiving #861
Responsorial Psalm: “Lord, give success to the work of our hands.”
Gospel Acclamation: #219
Preparation of the Gifts: Lord of All Hopefulness #663
Mass Setting: Mass of Renewal
Communion: I Receive the Living God #916
Sending Forth: This Is my Song #986