Music at Cathedral Community Funerals


The Cathedral Community

Funeral Music Suggestions

(revised Dec. 2011)

(Hymn numbers refer to our hymnal, Gather Comprehensive 2 nd ed.)

Funeral Liturgy for ______________________________________ Date________________

Processional Hymn: _____________________________________________ (Please write # and title)

523 All Creatures of Our God and King (not during Lent) 785 Lift High the Cross

826 Alleluia, Sing to Jesus (not during Lent)

586 Amazing Grace

560 Lord of All Hopefulness

588 O God Our Help in Ages Past

447 Easter Alleluia (not during Lent)

616 Eye Has Not Seen

791 For All the Saints

598 How Can I Keep From Singing

822 I Am the Bread of Life

504 I Have Loved You

622 I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say

513 I Want to Walk as a Child of the Light

399 Jerusalem My Destiny

422 Jesus, Remember Me

520 Joyful, Joyful We Adore You

446 O Sons and Daughters (not during Lent)

847 Precious Lord, Take My Hand

442 Sing With All the Saints in Glory

758 Soon and Very Soon

802 Sweet Refreshment (opening)

631 The King of Love My Shepherd Is

451 The Strife Is O’er (not during Lent)

442 Sing With All the Saints in Glory

583 We Walk By Faith

614 What Wondrous Love Is This

627 You Are Mine

Responsorial Psalm _________________________________________________(Please write # and title)




Psalm 23:

Psalm 23:

Psalm 25

Shepherd Me O God

My Shepherd is the Lord

To you, O Lord, I lift my soul








Psalm 27

Psalm 63

Psalm 103

Psalm 116

Psalm 122

Psalm 130

Psalm 131

The Lord is my light

My soul is thirsting

The Lord is kind and merciful

The name of God (I will take the cup of life)

Let us go rejoicing

With the Lord there is mercy

My soul is still (In you O Lord I have found my peace)

Music for the Preparation of Gifts: __________________________________________

Instrumental music works well here as it is a relatively short period of time. If you would like “Ave Maria” somewhere in the Liturgy, this is a good slot for it. Any other short solo selected by the cantor would also be appropriate here. Some other suggestions are: Pie Jesu, Panis Angelicus, Prayer of St. Francis.

Communion Song:____________________________________________ (Please write # and title )

636 Blest Are They

820 Come and Eat This Living Bread

806 Eat This Bread

671 Here I Am Lord

822 I Am the Bread of Life

I Believe This Is Jesus

809 I Received the Living God

813 One Bread, One Body

812 Take and Eat

692 Take, O Take Me As I Am

827 Taste and See

430 Ubi Caritas

694 We Have Been Told

816 You Satisfy the Hungry Heart (Gift of Finest Wheat

Recessional: _________________________________________________________(please write # and title)

(Please see list for processionals)

Irish Music: The following Gaelic tunes are in the hymnal -

560 Lord of All Hopefulness

631 The King of Love My Shepherd Is

754 Praise and Thanksgiving (same tune as Morning Has Broken)

768 No Light at the Window (text is about the Annunciation; tune useful)

808 O Breathe on Me the Breath of God

868 Go, Silent Friend (as the Song of Farewell)

Irish Reels could be used appropriately during the prelude, preparation of gifts or at the end.

Spanish Music:

822 I Am the Bread of Life also has Spanish verses. This song is appropriate for communion but also works as the opening or closing song.

Other bi-lingual communion songs that could be used are –

678 Lord, When You Came/Pescador de Hombres

811 Pan de Vida

Amen, El Cuerpo

Please contact Ginny (755-6624 cell) for bi-lingual psalm settings and for information on cantors who are bilingual.
