Fourth Quarter Report Cards Sent Home – April 8, 2013

“A Proud Title I School”
3501 Hillsdale Road,
Baltimore Maryland 21207
Danette Murrill, Asst. Principal
Mary L. Booker, Principal
Home and School Connection…
Fourth Quarter Report Cards Sent Home – April 8, 2013
Parent Workshop: “Tea with the Principal” – April 12, 2013
School Family Council: April 11, 2013 @ 11:30
Pre-K Registration Begins: April 8, 2013
Upcoming Testing Dates: Stanford Achievement - April 15-19, 2013
Steele Drum and Spring Program: May 2013
Are you receiving calls regarding upcoming events
and school notices?
If not, please contact the school and update your
phone/contact information,
so that you will be connected to
The CRES Parent Link System…
To meet or exceed State Standards (AMO) in reading, math and science by increasing student achievement levels in all areas.
To meet or exceed State Attendance Standards for students at all grade levels.
To increase Parental Involvement and establish an organized parent group.
Year to Date %
Attendance is the KEY to the success of all students. We
encourage parents to send students to school on time and
prepared each and every day. The State Standard Attendance
Goal is 94%. As you can see we are barely meeting the goal. Let’s
make this last Quarter the highest attendance rate to date.
MESSAGE FROM THE PRINCIPAL: Spring is in the air!
As we approach the new season, we hope for new fresh beginnings in preparation for the second half of the school year. We
challenge students; teachers and parents to continue to strive for the excellence that helps keep Calvin Rodwell a school of
excellence. Students and teachers will focus on character education and conflict resolution to help students make wise decisions
and use communication skills in the appropriate manner. Many activities have been planned to integrate the arts with instruction.
Students had the opportunity to create a beautiful mural with local artists in the school cafeteria and selected fourth and fifth
Parents, you have the right to request information regarding the professional qualifications of the teachers and paraprofessionals who work with your children.
graders will be invited to participate in a steel drum opportunity May 7-12. Students will perform for parents to culminate the
program which will be provided by Young Audiences of Maryland.
Please review your child’s report card carefully. Schedule a conference with your child’s teacher to discuss progress or lack of
progress if necessary. Attendance impacts achievement, which can also impact grades.
Pre-K Registration
If your child will turn four by September 1, 2013 you can register for Pre-K this spring starting April 8, 2013. Please have
the following documents available at the time of registration:
 Birth certificate or other government-issued document indicating birth date
 Proof of guardianship, if necessary
 Immunization record
 Proof of current physical examination
 At least two proofs of primary residence
 Individualized Education Program (IEP), if eligible
 Lead Test Certificate
If you plan to move or transfer students for the 2013-2014 school year, please schedule an appointment with Mrs. Lewis. The
office staff will need time to prepare the records.
Testing Tips for Parents and Students:
Grades 1 and 2 - Stanford 10 Assessment 4/15-19/13
By working together, we can ensure your student's academic success!!
Get plenty of rest each night before testing. Experts say most young people need 7 to 11 hours of sleep to be at their best.
Eat breakfast each morning before testing. It's hard for students to think when they are hungry. Drinking plenty of water is also important.
Avoid rushing on the days of testing. Be sure to have clothes and books ready the night before so that students can arrive at school on time.
Try not to be absent or tardy during testing days. Make-ups will be given for missed days.
Keep the peace. Try not to argue with brothers or sisters, which could distract your focus and concentration.
Listen carefully to instructions and do not spend too much time on any one question.
Encourage your child to do his or her very best.
Bring a jacket or a sweater just in case you get cold during the testing time.
Close your eyes, breathe deeply, and count to ten if you feel stressed or nervous.
Homework and Achievement:
Homework is a part of the school career of all students. Homework helps students develop study skills that will be valuable even
after they leave school, but also when studying for standardized tests, such as the MSA or the Stanford 10. One purpose of
homework is to reinforce skills and concepts taught in the classroom that may be on a standardized test or assessment. Homework
also assists teachers in knowing what their students know and are able to do. Parents, you can make sure that their child completes
their homework every night. If you are concerned because the child appears to not understand or is confused, you can call the
teacher and let the teacher know about the concerns. It's also helpful if parents know how the homework is aligned with the
curriculum and testing. By helping the teacher reinforce skills and concepts taught in the classroom through homework, parents can
contribute to higher test scores for children. Please check out the following website for more information:
Parents, you have the right to request information regarding the professional qualifications of the teachers and paraprofessionals who work with your children.
Online Web Instruction:
Our students receive on-line instruction during the regular school day to support reading and math through programs such as; First
in Math, Kids College and ST Math. Students can access all of these programs from home if internet service is available. We
encourage students to log-on to these programs from home, in an effort to practice and reinforce the skills being taught in the
SCHOOL BUDGET 2013-2014 Update
Calvin Rodwell Elementary School will host Community Input meetings to discuss the 2013-2014 School Budget. Parent Input Forms
have been sent home to help us determine our priorities for the upcoming year. Please complete and return the forms with your
input back to the school. We also encourage parents and community members to attend the scheduled meetings to let your voice
be heard.
Community Resource Schools:
Community Resource Schools (CRS) contribute to the well being of the community, families and their support of students with
resources and information. If you are in need of resources or information in reference to Education, Health, Housing, Mental Health
and Opportunities - Let’s work together and take a step toward a better future. Every step counts… Contact: Ms. Gwendolyn
Unoko, the CRES Community Resource Coordinator at 410-396-0940 or
School begins at 7:45 AM daily and dismisses at 2:25 PM, except for scheduled early release days. Breakfast students can enter the
cafeteria by 7:20 AM. Breakfast students will line-up on the playground by 7:45 AM. In the event of weather related closings, check
WBAL TV. School Personnel will send Parent Link messages to homes via phone. Students are expected to remain in school the
entire day. Early dismissal should be kept to a minimum and requested during emergencies. Classroom interruptions must be
avoided at all cost. No students will be called to the office from 1:45-2:25 PM. Please send a note to your child’s homeroom teacher
if your child is absent, late, or requesting an early dismissal. Parent or guardian must present ID when requesting an early release.
All early releases must be submitted to central office daily. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
We welcome parent volunteers and participation. Please be reminded that we want to afford students all opportunities to learn. If
you visit the classroom, please monitor the volume of your voice and prevent any distractions or interruptions. (For example:
“Yelling across the classroom to get your child’s attention). All visitors and volunteers must sign in at the office when entering the
school. Student safety is a priority at CRES!
Kudos to volunteers who are leading the way:
Mrs. Mason, Mrs. Madden, Mrs. Sampson, Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. Watson, Mr. Picket, Ms. Eaton, Ms. Richardson, Mr. and Mrs. Bossard,
Mrs. Johnson-Bey, and Ms. Robins. A special thank you to Ms. Amanda Richardson and Ms. Kia Robins for volunteering to sign-in
students arriving to school late.
The school personnel must maintain updated parent information to help during emergency situations; early dismissal, student sick,
child left, or is unable to get home. Please complete and send an emergency contact form and a school health card as soon as
possible. Updated addresses and phone numbers are needed to help us communicate with you.
Parents, you have the right to request information regarding the professional qualifications of the teachers and paraprofessionals who work with your children.
Parents must maintain two proofs of residency on file at all times. School personnel may not update information in data base
without the appropriate documentation. The data base sends out school information to the most recent phone numbers available
on file. Stay connected! Update your information if you move or change phone numbers.
CRES is a uniform school. Our colors are tan or khaki, burgundy and white. Students are expected to wear uniforms 5 days a week,
Monday thru Friday; except on scheduled dress down days. The school environment is positively affected when our students are
focused on learning.
Parents are requested to keep students safety in mind during arrival and dismissal time. It is very busy and congested on Hillsdale
and Liberty Heights Avenue. Please drop off your children and keep traffic moving or pick-up your child in a safe manner and keep
moving. Teachers teach pedestrian safety and we need parental support to reinforce this on our busy traffic corridors.
Parents as you know, “It’s That Time of Year” where we are all susceptible to cold and flu viruses. Please encourage your children to
use the following precautionary tips: Prevent the spread of germs by covering your nose and mouth with a tissue when coughing or
sneezing. Dispose of the tissue after use. Wash hands often with soap and water. Avoid close contact with sick people and try not
to touch your eyes, nose and mouth. Signs and symptoms of flu can include: fever, cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, body
aching, headaches, chills and fatigue. People may also experience vomiting and diarrhea. If your child has those symptoms please
seek medical advice before sending them to school. We will make sure that any missed work will be completed upon your child’s
Medication can only be dispersed if a doctor’s order has been received by the health suite or school personnel. Please update
information as soon as possible if your child will need to take medication during the school day.
Pedestrian Safety – Parents please remind your child or children to use pedestrian safety rules when crossing streets, while traveling
to and from school.
Parents we are asking for donations of Tissues and Clorox Wipes for our classrooms…
Please send in donations to the office!
We thank you and appreciate all that you do!
Parents, you have the right to request information regarding the professional qualifications of the teachers and paraprofessionals who work with your children.