WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY BENJAMIN M. STATLER COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND MINERAL RESOURCES GUIDANCE FOR COMPLETING YOUR MASTERS DEGREE PLAN OF STUDY The Plan of Study has many pull-down menus selections making it easier to complete. All other areas are to be typed. Please refer to the College’s Guidelines for Graduate Programs for additional information. I. Select your area of emphasis. NOTE: Only Area of Emphasis approved by the University is listed. If you’re not completing any of the following then leave blank: II. Select your Certificate area. NOTE: Only Certificates approved by the University are listed. If you’re not completing any of the following then leave blank III. Type Name and Student in the correct fields IV. List courses being used for your degree in the electives/other section and courses that were used for preparatory courses in the preparatory section A. Give course numbers identified by University (ex. SAFM 566) B. Give course title C. Give credit hours Only indicate hours in the non-degree column if the courses are not used towards your degree (i.e. preparatory courses) D. Give grade Courses with a grade of “I” must also be listed E. Semester Completed: ex.: 201701 (Spring 2017) – 201705 (Summer 2017) – 201808 (Fall 2018) F. Mark courses used to complete the degree (DEG) or certificate (CER) a. If completing an AOE, please mark course with an asterisk after the course number (ex. EE 456*) b. If the courses is preparatory then leave DEG and CER blank G. Minimum credit hours for safety management is 36 hours V. Complete committee section: Your Chairperson must be a regular member of the Statler College graduate faculty. Committee members can be regular or associate member of the Statler College graduate faculty. It is allowable to have 1 committee member who is a non-graduate faculty member. Refer to the College’s Guidelines for Graduate Programs for additional information. VI. Obtain signatures of all listed individuals, except the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs. VII. Submit completed/signed Plan of Study to Student Services, Room 141 Engineering Science Building Note: To graduate, a cumulative GPA of 3.0 is required of ALL courses taken as a graduate student, including remedial undergraduate classes if a grade was received, not just those shown on the submitted Plan of Study. Revised 12/2015 WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY BENJAMIN M. STATLER COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND MINERAL RESOURCES M.S. PLAN OF STUDY FOR SAFETY MANAGEMENT Preliminary Area of Emphasis in Final Certificate in Name: Student ID: Course Subj/No. Course Title (for special problems and independent study, give subject) Semester Cr. Hr. Deg Non-Deg Grade Semester Comp. Deg Cer PREPARATORY COURSES SAFM 501 SAFM 502 SAFM 505 SAFM 528 SAFM 534 SAFM 550 SAFM 552 SAFM 640 SAFM 689 ? ? ? REQUIRED COURSES Safety Management Integration Controlling Environmental and Personnel Hazards Safety Legislation and Compliance Economic Aspects of Safety Fire Safety Management Loss Control and Recover Safety and Health Training Instrumentation for Safety Managers ELECTIVES/OTHER Professional Field Experience ???? ???? ???? Total Credit Hours: Thesis Program Approvals 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 36 Problem Report Name (Typed) Coursework only Dept. (Abbrev) Approval Signature Date Student Committee Members Committee Chairperson Graduate Program Cord. Department Chairman Associate Dean for Academic Affairs Dr. Gary Winn Dr. Kenneth Currie IMSE Dr. David A. Wyrick Statler IMSE Revised 12/2015