PB July 6 2014 [2] - St James` Cathedral

Anglican Church of Australia
Diocese of North Queensland
The Cathedral Parish
St James’ Cathedral, Townsville
St Mark’s Church, Belgian Gardens
St Margaret’s Church, Magnetic Island
The Mission to Seafarers, Port of Townsville
Sunday 6 July 2014
Fourth Sunday after Pentecost
St James’ Cathedral
7.00 am Eucharist
Celebrant & Preacher: Reverend Vic Hall
9.30 am Sung Eucharist
Celebrant & Preacher: Reverend Dr Rosemary Dunn
6.00 pm Evensong
Celebrant & Preacher: Reverend Dr Rosemary Dunn
St Mark’s Church
7.15 am Eucharist
Celebrant &Preacher: Reverend Dr Rosemary Dunn
St Margaret’s Church
(Saturday 5 July 2014)
5.00 pm Eucharist
Celebrant & Preacher: Reverend Beryl Finch
Our Mission - The Purpose of the Church is to serve the Mission of God.
We aim to serve the Mission of God by:
 Witnessing to Christ’s saving, forgiving and reconciling love for all people
 Building welcoming, transforming communities of faith
 Standing in solidarity with the poor and needy
 Challenging violence, injustice and oppression, and working for peace and reconciliation
 Protecting, caring for and renewing life on our planet
Holy Days and Services this week at St
James’ Cathedral
Monday 7 July
8.30 am Morning Prayer
5.30 pm Evening Prayer (MTS)
Next Sunday 13 July 2014
The Church celebrates:
Fifth Sunday after Pentecost
St James’ Cathedral
7.00 am Eucharist
9.30 am Sung Eucharist
Tuesday 8 July
8.30 am Morning Prayer
Wednesday 9 July
8.30 am Morning Prayer
12.45 p.m. Eucharist
2.00 pm Meditation
5.30 pm. Eucharist
St Mark’s Church
7.15 am
St Margaret’s Church
(Saturday 12 July)
5.00 pm
Thursday 10 July
7.30 am Bishop’s Eucharist
8.30 am Morning Prayer
Eucharist Readings for next Sunday
13 July 2014
Friday 11 July
Genesis: 25.19-34
Romans: 8.1-11
Matthew : 13.1-9(10-17) 18-23
[Isaiah 55.10-13; Ps 65.(1-7) 8-13] alternate
Benedict of Nursia, abbot (d.550)
8.30 am Morning Prayer
NB ! Open to all !
Saturday 12 July: Synod at Cathedral School
Welcome to the Cathedral Parish!
Morning Tea – following 7.15am Eucharist at St Mark’s, and the 9.30 am Eucharist in the Cathedral,
morning tea will be served. Please join the clergy and congregation in fellowship in St Mark’s Hall or on the
western steps of the Cathedral.
Children – we’re delighted to welcome children. There are kids’ bags especially for children. The bags
contain materials to stimulate children’s interest and participation during the service. The bags are colourcoded for various age groups. Please collect bags from a welcomer at the main door.
Entertainment Books – Are once again available. See Anne for further information or if you would like to
purchase one or ring Betty direct on 4772 1428.
Synod Eucharist at 7pm next Friday night (11th) - The parish are again hosting the opening service of
Synod next Friday night, the first time since 2010. We will provide the choir and clergy support, with help
from several other parishes, and have been asked this week to help with tea, coffee, water and some other
small arrangements, such as tables for the finger food which Dr Robin Ray is providing beforehand and to
which Synod members have RSVP’d. The Wardens have a list of those ‘little jobs’ and I am sure would
value some helpers during the period from 5pm to 7pm. Please speak with them/send text/email today (or
soonish). The Synod Service at 7pm is open to all, and parishioners are encouraged to attend, as both
hosts and fellow members of the Body of Christ in the diocese.
An important message
Sexual abuse is a crime and has no place in the church. Untold suffering results, and no apology can undo the harm
done. The Anglican Diocese of North Queensland is committed to exposing and dealing with sexual abuse. To do so,
we need your help in reporting it, whether in recent times or past, and even if the details appear incomplete.
Please contact: The Director of Professional Standards
(07) 3835 2266 or Free Call 1800 839 839
Your report will receive respect and confidentiality, and the information will be handled appropriately and with
The Dean’s Message
One of the many privileges of parish ministry is to be part of peoples’ lives and journey, and not
just spiritually. Some of the greatest opportunities are presented when we are contacted for a baptism, a
marriage or a funeral. With a Cathedral as part of a parish setting, such as we are, these opportunities
come thick and fast, with over twenty requests for marriages and forty for baptisms (so far) this year.
However, unlike parishioners, we do not know almost all the people involved to begin with, nor do they
have the basic Christian grounding in most cases that we take for granted. Mthr Rosemary and I rejoice
when parents or partners present with a strong church ‘schooling’ often from Roman Catholic, Lutheran and
similar back-grounds ! But this is rare.
There is a primary need to ‘connect’ as early as possible after the request, not just with discussion about
the sacrament they are seeking, but spiritually with them and their journey, and missionally with them as
potential members of the Body of Christ. Otherwise, they will often remain on the level of ‘we have made a
booking with the church to get married’, or ‘the children done’. This attitude is harder to shake if our main
contact is by ‘interview’ only weeks before ‘the booking’ !
Jesus own ministry, and his key encounters with the wider community (which this baptism, marriage and
funeral ministry IS nowadays) are marked by several key factors. He goes to where they are, he talks their
language, he issues his responses ‘face to face’, some incredibly compassionate and others quite
challenging. His most caring (and personally involved) tend to be for the ‘lost sheep of the house of Israel’,
and for which he was often criticized by the religious elite of the time. His most challenging was to those
who should know better !!
Prompt response (not just by phone), open discussion, and normally an early home visit become the best
ways to build the relationality on which our discussions about sacrament, spirituality and gospel become
more real and credible. Being ‘Father’ or ‘Mother’, while often generating a little respect does not carry the
authority it might once have had (and sometimes even got in the way). Between us, three to five of these
home visits each week at fairly short notice is not unusual. In wedding season, each will have at least two
back-up appointments as well in the month prior. Anne, Carmel and Michael put in considerable time and
provide considerable influence. Both Len and Helen help with baptisms. (Room for more helpers/fellow
missioners !)
This doesn’t disturb in any way the normal work of the church, such as conducting about a dozen services
each week, preaching, meeting with groups, teaching and prayer groups, hospital visiting for the Deanery
etc. Why ? Because the people and time intensive work associated with baptisms, marriages and funerals
IS the work of the Church ! But to simply conduct these ceremonies, with enough involvement in order to
carry out them out ‘decently and in order’, is not responding either to the opportunity or the gospel. I know
many pastors who would give their ‘right arm’ to have this many personal contacts from the wider
We do not know where and how the seeds we plant may grow. It may be that ‘another waters, and yet
another sees the harvest’. We rejoice however that more and more of our baptisms are ‘repeat customers’
from former years, with some married here up to ten years ago. But we do appreciate the support the
whole parish community gives to this work, both priestly and lay. But without this ministry done
energetically and well, our first two mission statements on the front cover would look decidedly bleaker !
Some of the eventual responses from the partners or parents encourage us, and I want you to share in
that joy as they are a result of your support too ! Just in the last two weeks I have had couples ask for part
of the marriage preparation course to be in the text of the service; or a particular piece of music (carefully
explained) not only be included because of its significance, but also a copy purchased to be played to
remind them of their vows; but just last week the accusation that ‘we had done our job - people here now
feel they wouldn’t mind going to church’ !
Thank you. And to God be the glory !
The Cathedral Parish — Directory
Bishop of North Queensland
The Right Reverend William Ray 47714175
Dean and Rector
E-mail: canonrod1@gmail.com
Assisting Clergy
The Revd. Dr Rosemary Dunn
The Revd. Beryl Finch (Magnetic I) 47785628
The Reverend Dr Fae Rouse
Anne McCutcheon
Samuel Blanch
Allan Shields
Music Ministry Leaders
Michael Fellows, Organist
Tom Gray, Organist
Samuel Blanch, Choir Director
Parish Office: 36 Cleveland Tce Townsville
Mailing address: PO Box 108, Townsville 4810
E-mail: stjamescathedral@hotmail.com
Website: www.stjamescathedral.wordpress.com
Mission to Seafarers
Graham Miller, Manager
Website: www.mts.org.au/townsville.html
Sacramental Ministry
Home Communion, Confirmation/Reception into
the Anglican Church and Marriage please contact
Dean Rod. Baptism enquiries please refer to Mother
Rosemary. Unction, Confession & Spiritual
Counsel: By arrangement with a priest.
Holy Communion – communicant members of other
Christian denominations are welcome to receive Holy
Communion in our Church. If you are unable to come
to the altar rail and wish to receive the sacrament from
your pew, please advise a sidesperson. All are
welcome to come to the altar rail for a blessing.
Prayer Points
Worldwide Communion
The Church of North India (United) The Most Revd
Dr Philip Marandih Moderator of CNI & Bishop of
Diocese of Bendigo
Andrew Curnow (Jan)
Vicar Gener Ron Stone (Lisbeth)
St John’s Cairns
Rod Gooden
NS Clergy Stephen Tabo (May)
Anne St Martin (Chris Roberts)
Margaret Young
St Saviour’s Kuranda
Priest in Charge Chris Wright
NS Clergy Edward Renfrey (Margaret)
Annette Woods
St Peter’s Kewarra Beach
Elisabeth Daniels (Nigel)
NS Clergy Neil Forgie (Lorraine)
Neville Collins (Judy)
AnglicareNQ St Luke’s responsive Placement
Service, Cairns. Housing and care 24/7 for 6 young
women in crisis.
Please remember in prayer:
Rev Fae, Tracey, Jill, The Doubleday family, Cassie,
Shirley and Ray, Irene, Craig MacGregor, Millianna,
Michael, Neil
Those baptised
William and Codie Snelling (15/6)
Audrey Oliver Richter
Xavier Ray Perry
Audrey Martin
Caitlyn and Vivian Hession (6/6)
Those married
Andrew Maclean and Deb Thompson (20/6)
Craig Bambling and Alanna Chandler (27/6)
Jill Merrick and Trevor Smith
Regular Giving to the Church
Rostered Volunteers for 13 July
Reader 1
Reader 2
Sides Person
Jennie CR
Jennie CR
Len H
Phil B
Penny Mac
Lyn & Darrell M
Lyn & Darrell M
Kathy H & Graeme
There are a variety of methods available to ensure
your giving to the Church is regular.
These include:
 Offertory Envelopes,
 Direct Bank Debit
 Anfin Parish Direct