“Eucharist”? - Archdiocese of Galveston

Lesson #2
Sacraments of Initiation, Part II
Adult Confirmation:
Immediate Preparation
(Spring 2014)
Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston
Opening Prayer
(Luke 22:7-20)
Recalling our last lesson, why do you
think Baptism and Confirmation are
two required sacraments for full
initiation into the Catholic Church?
Essential Question(s)
…for the last lesson, this lesson, and for lifelong faith
• Why does the Church consider Baptism,
Confirmation, and Eucharist as the three
sacraments needed for “initiation”?
• As fully initiated Catholics, what do God and
the Church expect of us?
Think/Group/Share: In your journal, list as
many words or phrases that come to mind
when you hear the word “Eucharist”?
Small Group Activity #2: Read ONE of the
following topics, discuss it with your group, and
be prepared to summarize it to the whole class.
1. “The Mass is a Sacrifice” (USCCA, pp.220-222)
2. “The Mass is a Holy Meal.” (USCCA, pp.222223)
3. “The Real Presence of Christ” (USCCA,
…to the Rite of Confirmation:
The celebration of Confirmation during
the Eucharist helps underline the unity of the
Sacraments of Christian initiation. (CCC#1321)
…to the Eucharistic liturgy:
If Confirmation consecrates us for
mission, where in the Mass are we given a
similar charge?
Extend & Enrich/
Extension y Enriquecimiento
“Guidelines for the Reception of
Communion” (USCCA, pp.231-232)
“The Mass for the Roman Rite”
(USCCA, pp.217-220)
Exit Slip:
We as Catholics refer to Eucharist as the
source and summit of Christian life. What
does this statement mean to you?
• What new ah-ha do you now have about the
Sacraments of Initiation, especially Eucharist?
• What do the sacraments say about our
universal Church?
• What new insights about Jesus and the
Paschal Mystery (Suffering, Death, Resurrection &
Ascension) do you now have?
Personal Commitment
to Action/ Compromiso
Personal a la Acción
After today’s lesson, what
connections exist between Eucharist
and your daily life? Think of one way
and commit to that action this week.
Further Reading/Lecturas
• United States Catholic Catechism for Adults,
Chapters 15-17, pp. 181-232.
• Compendium: Catechism of the Catholic
Church, #251 - #294.
• Catechism of the Catholic Church, Part II,
“The Celebration of the Christian Mystery,”
#1210 - #1421.
For our next lesson [#3],
“Prayer and the Spiritual Life,”…
 “God Calls Us to Pray,” Chapter 35,
“Jesus Taught Us to Pray,” Chapter
36, pp.481-495.
Closing Prayer
(Psalm 63:2-9)