March 2011
Dual Language
Bilingual Program
Dual Language
Two-Way Immersion
Bilingual Education
Heritage Language
Key Features
Programs that utilize two languages for instruction
English and student’s heritage language
Designed to help non-English speakers learn English as well as maintain and improve their native or heritage language skills.
Students become bilingual, biliterate and bicultural in a way that honors their need to simultaneously identify and communicate with their heritage or home culture and with the mainstream culture they live and will work in.
English and another language focus on student’s primary (non-
English) language focus on student’s primary (non-
English) language
Comprised of approximately 50 % native English speakers and 50% native speakers of the target language.
Both groups of students become bilingual, biliterate and bicultural.
Presented in the ELLs' native language for at least 2 or 3 years after which time
ELLs receive all-English instruction.
Typically targets non-native English speakers with weak literacy skills in first language
Content instruction is provided both in English and in the target language.
Primary purpose is to facilitate students’ transition to an all-English instructional program while receiving academic subject instruction in the native language to the extent necessary.
The goal is building literacy in two languages.
English Language Instructional Programs for English [as a Second] Language Learners [ELLs]
Extra content support in English and the native language may also occur.
English as a Second
Language [ESL]
English A program of techniques, methodology and special curriculum designed to teach
English reading, writing, listening, and
ESL instruction is in English with little use of students’ native languages. This may occur as a pull-out session or a scheduled class time.
Content-based ESL
Sheltered Instruction
Observation Protocol
Newcomer Services
ESL Co-Teaching
English speaking skills to ELLs.
Uses instructional materials, learning tasks, and classroom techniques from academic content areas as the vehicle for developing language, content, cognitive and study skills.
Adapts academic instruction in English to make it understandable to LEP students.
Separate, relatively self-contained educational interventions to meet the academic and transitional needs of newly- arrived immigrants.
Shared, collaborative teacher planning time so that teachers that can implement strategies that integrate language acquisition, literacy, and academic content at the same time.
Instruction is in English with little use of students’ native languages. This may occur as a pull-out session or a scheduled class time.
Can be implemented by content and ESL teachers in English language arts, mathematics, science, social studies, and other subjects.
Students usually attend these programs for a very limited time before they enter an ESL program. Services may be provided at a special site or may be provided at the school site.
Caution: Co-Teaching is NOT supplying an
ESL teacher who enters the class and assists individual students.
Requires professional development for both teachers so that grade level and developmentally appropriate teaching from both the ESL and content teacher occurs.
Appropriate, consistent, face-to-face service
Consultative Service delivery varies as deemed necessary based on formalized contacts with teachers of ELLs and other staff, including (but not restricted to) instructional modifications, state testing accommodations, periodic face-to-face instruction or counseling.