Protocol for LPD/LPS Literacy Assessment Team Visits Basic Info School ____________ Number of students________ Principal__________ Number of ELLs__________ Grade Span__________ Home Languages ________ Spec Ed________ ELL Service Model Self-contained_______ classifications______ Resource_______ Inclusion____________ Bilingual support_________ ESL only_________ Bilingual/ESL_______ ELS*_______________ English Language Support with non-ESL, non-bilingual support teachers (i.e. Title 1, etc.) Verify above with ESPA/NJASK data for most recent year. Note discrepancies. 1. Evaluations, Data and Assessments 1.1 Be prepared with state level ESPA/NJASK data. Focus on subcluster weaknesses. Does subcluster (language, reading, writing, etc.) analysis tell you there is a singular area of focus needed? Concentrate here in your classroom visits. (e.g. low writing task..ask to see writing samples. Is writing all modeled?) 1.2 Is there off-year testing with a reliable norm-referenced or criterion-referenced instrument? In which grades do the problems begin? 1 1.3 Does the district/school collect and do longitudinal comparative assessment from the data? What do the data tell you about this school? How do pre-exit (3rd year and beyond ELL students) compare to ELB students? Are exited ELLs scoring partially proficient in large numbers? Are the vast majority of Spec Ed students partially proficient? Has this school not focused on these populations building an NCLB shock to come? 1.4 Do clear entry/exit criteria exist for ELL students? Based on which instrument? District level/school level input? 1.5 Have you queried the data for ethnic/linguistic comparative information? Are certain ethnic groups doing better/ worse than the mean? Why? 1.6 Is there a gender gap? Particular to any ethnic/linguistic group? 1.7 Are students screened for potential reading difficulties (also in the native language)? How? Formal, ie DIBELS or informal? 1.8 What is the ongoing assessment process? Portfolios? Is it geared to the curriculum? 1.9 Are there other diagnostic tests in use? What are they? Do they exist in native languages? 2 2. Comprehensive Reading Programs 2.1 What is the Comprehensive Reading Program currently in use for general education students? 2.2 Is there a separate one for ELLs (ESL Reading) ? If not, what adaptations are made for ELLs? 2.3 If there is a bilingual program , is there a (Spanish) native language comprehensive reading program? Is it aligned to the general education program? 2.4 What’s going in spec ed? Same program? Differentiated? 3. Curriculum and Instruction 3.1 Is there a clear district-level curriculum for all populations? Is it for general ed students only? Is it integrated and unified by themes so all populations are included? What do they have for ESL, ESL Reading, native language reading in place? Can teachers readily produce a copy? 3.2 Does the curriculum (and lesson planning) align itself to NJCCCS, norm referenced test outcomes/standards? Does it clearly state what should be learned each marking period of each grade? 3 3.3 Are the books, materials and supplemental resources aligned to the desired outcomes? 3.4 Does the curriculum have high expectations for all students? Does it expect exiting ELL students to be on grade level? 3.5 Are there classroom libraries with sufficient numbers of books to provide for connections to home, cultural connections, motivation, building background knowledge of Anglo-American culture? Do primary classes have Big Books? 3.6 Is instruction explicit and systematic in phonological awareness especially in the area of phonemes and graphemes for all populations and specifically for those that do not readily transfer from the native languages of the ELL populations? 3.7 Are there sufficient quantities of decodable books for students to particpate in guided reading small group instruction and build fluency? Paired-reading, DEAR, etc. 3.8 Is there clear guidance in the curriculum and/or are lessons geared to higher order thinking so as to engage all students in analysis, application, synthesis, and evaluation regardless of their status as pre-emergent, emergent, developing, or fluent readers? 4 4. Structures 4.1 What is the length of the current literacy block of time? 4.2 Is there district-level or school level guidance in the use of time during the block? (i .e., begin with read aloud 10 mins. and whole group instruction 10 mins. ) 4.3 What strategies and techniques are in use/recommended? (These should be in the curriculum section, too) Small group instruction based on centers _______ Read Aloud _____________ TPR __________________ Shared Reading _____________ Sheltered English ______ Guided Reading _____________ LEA ____________________ DEAR/SSR ______________ Natural Approach ___________ Others(list or explain) ________________ Can teachers say what these mean beyond naming them.? 4.4 How are services provided to ELLs (in the block, separate)? 4.5 Do ESL/Title 1/Resource teachers co-teach or pull-out? Why? 4.6 Are there learning centers in the classrooms? How are they used? 5 5. Students, Teacher, and the classroom 5.1 The environment tells you a lot. Look around you. Do you see word walls? Published student work (not worksheets)? Clearly labeled centers? Big Books on display (k-2) Desks in rows? Note what you see. 5.2 Engage the teacher immediately by asking her to pick some students to read. (You want to see the best) Always have them reading something they have already read and not something new. After a few “chosen “ students, ask for volunteers from others. What to look and listen for: Can the students in this class read at grade level? First graders should be able to decode by late Fall. Can they read decodable books independent of picture clues? (Watch for memorization.) Ask them what key vocabulary words mean? Main idea? What’s this story about? Second graders should have no trouble decoding. Ask key vocabulary, literal questions located in story, what happens next, predict outcome? 5.3 Is everything “whole group” or is there real “guided reading”? What are the other students doing while the teacher is doing guided reading? 5.4 Ask for student portfolios. What’s here? Dittos, fill-ins or HOTS (higher order thinking skills) stuff! Are students engaged in upper levels of Blooms taxonomy or repeating low level modeled activities? Is there a writing portfolio with multiple drafts in it? Is there clear evidence of process writing? 6 5.5 Check for low expectations! Ask about grouping. Students having difficulty? What’s the expectation here? Are they “somebody else’s” concern/fault? Are societal woes brought up? 6. Professional Development 6.1 What kinds of preservice backgrounds do the teachers have in the selected comprehensive reading program? Has the CRP company done workshops? How many, on what? Do they still come in? 6.2 Has the district provided inservice in the curriculum? Recommended strategies and techniques? Assessment tools? Portfolio assessment, etc? Note here. 6.3 Is professional development inclusive of all teachers, ESL/bilingual teachers, spec ed? Or do they segregate out most of the time? 6.3 Are general educational teachers regularly invited to participate in ESL/bilingual/spec ed professional development? 7 6.4 What was the last professional development activity? What was the last professional development activity geared toward ELL/spec ed students in which teachers at this school participated? How many, how much time, what was the follow up? 6.5 Is professional development systematic and targeted to the school, personal to the teachers or is it awareness level designed at the district level? 6.6 How is professional development supported at this school? (additional pay, excused hours during regular work time, voluntary)? Fred Carrigg Special Assistant to the Commissioner for Urban Literacy Division of Abbott Implementation New Jersey Department of Education PO Box 500 Trenton,New Jersey 08625 Tel: (609) 633-1726 Fax: (609) 777-0967 2/11/04 8