GRADUATE PROGRAMS INFORMATION, GUIDE, AND APPLICATION 2014/2015 Dr. Linda Wallace, Dean of IU Kokomo School of Nursing Dr. Mary P. Bourke, Assistant Dean of Graduate Programs For questions contact: Send Applications to: IU Kokomo School of Nursing Graduate Programs 2300 S. Washington Street Kokomo, IN 46904-9003 Or fax to: 765/455-9421 1 INDIANA UNIVERSITY KOKOMO SCHOOL OF NURSING Welcome to Indiana University Kokomo and the School of Nursing. The faculty, staff, and administration consider it an honor and privilege to serve the educational needs of the community at the graduate level. The school is committed to providing a quality education by experienced, well-educated faculty-experts in their field. The Master’s program has been designed to prepare the graduate for advanced professional practice using contemporary curriculum as a guide. Meticulous planning and attention to detail has resulted in an outstanding program to prepare graduate level nurses for practice in the twenty first century. The Master of Science in Nursing Program at IU Kokomo is a 39 credit hour curriculum designed to prepare registered nurses with advanced practice nursing knowledge in the areas of nursing education or nursing administration. Students will begin their study with classroom-based didactic courses in a hybrid format, building the theoretical and contextual background necessary for advanced nursing practice. Students will progress to specific courses in either the nursing education or the nursing administration tract. Both tracts conclude with a culminating project/nursing study and practicum (225 contact hours). Core classes will be scheduled on Thursdays from 3:00 pm to 10:00 pm, however some courses are offered on-line. Specialty courses and electives are offered when scheduled by the sponsoring departments. The MSN program is comprised of three components: (1) Nursing core courses: Nursing Research, Nursing Theory, Measurement and Data Analysis, Advanced Practice Nursing Concepts I and II, and Introduction to Nursing Informatics. (2) Education or Administration Tract Administration tract courses: Administrative Management in Nursing, Financial Management, Leadership for Advanced Nursing Practice, Legal Environment of Health Care, Nursing Administration Practicum and Nursing Study. Graduates serving in leadership and administrative roles will provide opportunities for enhanced health care delivery systems and ultimately improved health for the citizens of our regions. Education tract courses: Curriculum in Nursing, Evaluation in Nursing, Teaching in Nursing, Computer Technologies for Nurse Educators, Nursing Education Practicum and nursing study. Graduates serving in the Educator role will be prepared to teach in schools of nursing or as educational staff for clinical agencies. (3) A culminating experience for Administration tract or Education Tract. Students will be guided and prepared for the culminating project/nursing study from the beginning and throughout the program by faculty and advisors. Dr. Mary Bourke will assist in developing degree study plans, preparing semester schedules, and helping students adjust to graduate education. More information and the latest updates are available at the IU Kokomo School of Nursing web site. Achieve your career goals with Indiana University Kokomo School of Nursing, a degree close to home. 2 Indiana University Kokomo Application for Master of Science in Nursing 2300 S. Washington Street, PO Box 9003, Kokomo, IN 46904-9003 _________________________________________________________________ Last name First Middle _________________________ Other Names Used _________________________________________________________________ Street Address _________________________ Social Security Number ______________________________________________________________ City State Zip Code Male _____ Female _____ _______________ County Month Birthdate (____) _______________ Home Phone Number (____) ________________ Work Phone Number Term for which you are applying Day Year______ Admission Requirements: ______(Spring) 2015 ______(Spring) 2016 1. 2. 3. Residency (please answer all questions): What is your state of legal residence? ____________________ How long have you lived at your current address? __________ Is this also your mailing address? _______________________ Do you anticipate a new address prior to enrollment? ________ How long in the immediate past have you lived in Indiana? _______________________ 4. 5. 6. 7. What is your citizenship status? (please check one) ___ U – U.S. Citizen ___ F – Student Visa, Non US. citizen ___ P – Permanent Resident (holder of Green Card) ___ O – Non U.S. Citizen ________________________ Country of citizenship 8. Graduation from an accredited Baccalaureate Degree program in Nursing. Minimum undergraduate GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale. Valid, unrestricted RN license in the state where practicum will be completed. At least one year experience as RN or currently working as a RN. Undergraduate statistics course with a grade of C or better. Criminal background check. Submit an Official College Transcript (Degree granting and graduate courses if applicable). Submission of the following: a. Personal Statement-See attachment for directions b. Provide two professional references-See attachments for directions. c. CV/Resume Application Fee of $40 (60 Dollars for International Students) International Students Additional Requirements: TOEFL-iBT Total score 80 minimum with at least 20 for each section. Ethnic Information (optional1) ___ A – Asian or Pacific Islander Admissions for specific information. ___ B – Black or African-American ___ C – Hispanic or Latino ___ I – American Indian or Alaskan Native ___ W – White ___ X – Multiracial List colleges/universities, dates attended, and degree earned. Please include any IU Campus. 1. __________________________________________________ 2. __________________________________________________ 3. __________________________________________________ Have you been convicted of a felony or have you engaged in behavior that resulted in injury to a person(s) or personal property2? ___ Yes ___ No I certify that the information submitted in this application is correct and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I understand that the completion of this application does not constitute formal admission and that I am responsible for initiating regular application procedures for continued enrollment at Indiana University. ___________________________________________________ E-mail Address__________________________________________ Applicant’s Signature Date___________________________________________ Cell Phone _____________________________________________ 1 Ethnic information is gathered in compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Title IX of the Education Amendment of 1972, and is requested in reports required by the U.S. Department of Education. However, applicants are not required to answer questions about ethnic origin and refusal to answer will not affect admission. The policy of Indiana University regarding admission to programs prohibits discrimination on the basis of ethnic origin, race, sex, religion, or handicap. Any information given by the applicant will be kept confidential. 2 Criminal Activity Disclosure: Indiana University is committed to maintaining a safe environment for all members of the university community. As a part of this commitment, Indiana University requires all applicants who have been convicted of a felony or who have engaged in behavior that results in injury to person(s) or personal property to disclose this information as a mandatory step in the application process. A previous conviction or previous conduct does not automatically bar admission to Indiana University, but it does require review. Complete information must be sent to the IU Kokomo School of Nursing Office at PO Box 9003, 2300 N. Washington Street, Kokomo, IN 46904-9003. 3 PERSONAL STATEMENT AND PROFESSIONAL REFERENCE REQUIREMENTS Provide a statement (approximately 500 words) that identifies your academic goals, career objectives, why you are applying to this program, and the qualifications you have that make you a strong candidate for this program. In addition, provide answers to the following questions (Maximum 500 words) 1. What experiences (as it relates to clinical, leadership, or research in nursing) do you feel have prepared you for Master’s education? 2. Describe significant life experiences that have contributed to your development, such as honors, activities, and accomplishments that make you a unique applicant. Be sure to include cross-cultural experiences, travel, hobbies, etc. that might influence your contributions to advanced practice nursing. PROFESSIONAL REFERENCES Provide two names and contact information (e-mail preferred) for people who know you professionally. Professional references are references from individuals who can attest to your skills, qualifications, and abilities. CHECKLIST FOR GRADUATE APPLICATION Copy of Valid RN License CV/Resume Criminal Background Check (The official IU site for students to use: and the package code is IA03) Official College Transcript Personal Statement Two professional references Application fee of $40 (60 dollars for International Students) Send completed applications by December 1th 2014 to: IU Kokomo School of Nursing Graduate Programs 2300 S. Washington Street Kokomo, IN 46904-9003 Or fax to: 765-455-9500 For questions about the application process contact: Donna Bevington at Office: KE362, Phone: 765-455-9417, fax: 765.455.9421 You will be notified within 4 weeks if accepted. NOTE: Those students who have not completed an undergraduate statistics class you may enroll in NURS-H 355 DATA ANALYSIS/PRACTICE & RESEARCH (3 CR)- This course will satisfy the undergrad statistics requirement. You will receive a conditional admission until this course has been completed. SAMPLE CURRICULUM 4 Nursing Education Curriculum Core courses (18 credits) R505 Measurement and Data Analysis N502 Nursing Theory R500 Nursing Research Y510 Advanced Practice Concepts 1 Y520 Advanced Practice Concepts 2 I630 Introduction to Nursing Informatics Nursing Education (15 credits) T670 Teaching in Nursing T615 Curriculum in Nursing T617 Evaluation in Nursing T619 Computer Technologies for Nurse Educators T675 Nursing Elective Culminating Experience (6 credits) R590 Nursing Study T679 Nursing Education Practicum Overall Credits in MSN Nursing Education Curriculum Credits 3 3 3 3 3 3 18 Credits 3 3 3 3 3 15 Credits 3 3 6 39 Nursing Administration Curriculum Core courses (18 credits) R505 Measurement and Data Analysis N502 Nursing Theory R500 Nursing Research Y510 Advanced Practice Concepts 1 Y520 Advanced Practice Concepts 2 I630 Introduction to Nursing Informatics Nursing Administration (15 credits) L574 Administrative Management N504 Leadership for Advanced Nursing Practice L530 Legal Environment of Health Care L671 Financial Management Nursing Administrative Elective J595 Culminating Experience (6 credits) R590 Nursing Study L579 Nursing Administration Practicum Overall Credits in MSN Nursing Administration Curriculum 5 Credits 3 3 3 3 3 3 18 Credits 3 3 3 3 3 Credits 3 3 6 39 Indiana University Kokomo School of Nursing Mission Indiana University Kokomo School of Nursing strives to be the institution of choice for baccalaureate and higher education, known for its excellence in preparing nurses who positively impact the nursing profession and health and wellness of the residents of North Central Indiana. We accomplish this through engagement in scholarly activities and delivery of high quality academic programs, continuing education and relevant community involvement. In support of Indiana University Kokomo’s statements of commitment, the mission of the School of Nursing is to provide educational opportunities that prepare nurses at the baccalaureate and higher degree levels to provide safe, culturally competent, evidence-based health care. Reflective of the faculty commitment to professional nursing, students are presented with opportunities for community involvement, professional engagement and lifelong learning. Thank you for your interest in IU Kokomo School of Nursing Graduate Programs. Dr. Linda Wallace, Dean of IU Kokomo School of Nursing Dr. Mary P. Bourke, Assistant Dean of Graduate Programs For questions about the application process contact: Donna Bevington at Office: KE362, Phone: 765-455-9417, fax: 765-455-9421 6