Locality Events Summary, July 2014 Background In July 2014 one event was held in each of the four GP locality areas. The aims of the events were: to introduce the latest thinking about the Better Care Fund strand of Keeping People Well in their Community to provide an opportunity for providers and commissioners to work together on designing outcomes and measures of success all parties can work towards your chance to tell commissioners what you need to be able to deliver to give an opportunity to network with other providers Following a presentation delegates completed 2 exercises on tables of approximately 10 people. Exercise 1 was about reviewing the outcomes and indicators. Exercise 2 was changed after the first event. At the first event the exercise was to network with providers who you hadn’t met before. For subsequent events Exercise 2 was to discuss who potential partners could be to deliver the outcomes of Keeping People Well in their Community. Below is a summary of the key points at each event and some common issues that came up at all the events. The full write up can be found at the end of this paper. The information from the events will be used to inform the development of the Keeping People Well in their Community outcomes framework and identify how commissioners can support the health and wellbeing provider market to be ready to deliver against the new Keeping People Well in their Community outcomes framework. We encourage you to use the event contact list to contact people who you may want to start working with anyway. Please do also complete and return the Keeping People Well in Their Community self-assessment tool. This tool should be helpful for your own organisational development and will inform commissioners about what kinds of support providers need to prepare for delivery. General Points from all of the events Patch sizes make a difference to how this ambition can be delivered. If services only work city wide then they don’t always have the necessary local knowledge to deliver these outcomes. Having the right information in the right places in every community that people can then access is vital. There was a misunderstanding that because the outcomes don’t specifically refer to groups such as “people with a learning difficulty” or a “mental illness” that the Keeping People Well in their Community outcomes are excluding these groups. On the contrary, the outcomes are for anyone at risk of declining health and wellbeing who are not currently users of acute health and social care services. There appeared to be some misunderstandings around risk stratification. One misunderstanding was the GP based risk stratification tool, the Combined Predictive Model (CPM), was the only risk stratification approach. The CPM tool can be combined with other sources of data (both knowledge of practitioners and other data sources) to refine how we can identify who could benefit most from some early support to sustain health and wellbeing. Another was that the CPM tool is only used for patients at high risk of hospital admission. The CPM can be filtered to reach low risk people early. It was also felt that risk stratification was a function not necessarily an outcome. GP Practices need, and on the whole want, a one-stop-shop / single point of access for all social / non-medical issues. There are too many different services that change too quickly for GPs to remember them all. However, GPs and other providers of health and wellbeing services do need ways of networking and working together to make best use of what we have in each area and support people to be healthy and well. Short-term funding is a hindrance to developing sustainable community based health and wellbeing support for people. Information sharing between providers and local people who are working to support similar groups needs to be ironed out to ensure the efficient use of resources. Suggested Indicators Social interaction Quality of life increases for patients and carers / happiness score Reduction in residential care home admissions Increase in people being able to die at home / more palliative care at home Number of people who have a holistic care plan, with goals that have been reviewed Provide more support workers in the community (additional to care closer to home teams) – indicators of achievement Reduction of hospital admissions/re-admissions / increase in successful discharges after 60 days. Reduction in complaints from patients School attendance Event 1: Hallam & South Locality 2-way communication between GPs and all agencies that they refer into should be an operating principle. Commissioners need to talk to “real” GPs and not just the Clinical Commissioning Group GPs. Provide continuity of care to people – small multi-disciplinary teams – with GP’s Event 2: North Locality Concerns about the disparity of services between practices – due to the varied voluntary community and faith sector services in this part of Sheffield. Local knowledge needs to be used alongside the risk stratification tool to ensure that we reach the right people (concerns that the tool alone does not pick out the right people). Read codes (for GP recording system) need developing for specific indicators so that the outcomes can be effectively measured. Use the results of the evaluation of the SOAR model to inform the design of Keeping People Well in the Community. Need more rapid responders for those teetering on the edge of crisis. More integrated working with community matrons and social services, e.g. social workers working alongside community nursing teams. Event 3: Central Locality Make better use of assets – GPs surgeries are empty out of hours, could the spaces be used for community activities? Need better communication from the hospital re patients who have been discharged to ensure better care at home can be provided. Local inform and advise – need to catch those people who don’t know what they don’t know! Build on the learning and make use of the resources that housing providers have and the community organisations that are already supporting people’s health and wellbeing. Event 4: West Locality Less history of partnership working in this area as most of the locality has not had regeneration funding or Health Communities initiatives. Need coordinators of non-medical support in surgeries Potential Delivery Partners – Zest, SOAR, Bradfield Parish Council, Stocksbridge Parish Council, Support 55 Housing Support, S4LC, Activity Sheffield, CAMHS, Probation, DACT, CICS Ideas – adopt a granny / granddad, advertise lunch clubs, target the lonely as they do not access benefits / services / care. Identify lonely people by unplanned admissions and follow them up in the community (link to unplanned admissions Direct Enhanced Services contract GPs have), health visitors for older people as well as young parents, increase capacity in CICS. Next Steps There will be one or two “mop-up” events for providers who couldn’t attend the July workshops The self-assessment tool will be circulated to health and wellbeing providers in August. This will enable providers to gauge their readiness to deliver the Keeping People Well in their Community outcomes discussed at these events. Included in the self-assessment will be the opportunity for providers to identify any support you feel would be useful in improving your ability to deliver. Keeping up to date – we will send progress updates to everyone who attended the events and will be in touch directly with anyone who expressed a desire to be more actively involved in developing this piece of work. In the meantime we would encourage you to make contact with people on the contact list from the events where you have identified that there may be benefits in working together. APPENDICES – WRITE UP OF EVENT FLIPCHARTS WRITE UP OF HALLAM & SOUTH LOCALITY KEEPING PEOLE WELL IN THEIR COMMUNITY WORKSHOP Flipchart 1 How can we measure if there is a decrease in medical advice being sought? Risk stratification is good / positive tool that we are already using. We don’t another tool. What is social services assessment / risk tool? What about those without a high risk score? How do we get people to ‘take responsibility for their health and wellbeing’? What about at risk people who refuse interventions even when offered? How do we keep up-to-date and abreast of all the various support workers and services available? How can investment be made in community assets / services to support those at risk? Other outcomes: Hospitals to take responsibility for ensuring that patients are discharged in a fit (enough) state, with their correct medication and adequate support. We all seem to be sounding quite cynical. Does this in itself tell us something?! Flipchart 2 Risk Stratification: there will be a lot of people that this will not cover / identify. Need to flag up non-clinical cases. Sort and Support and Community Asset Development – do we need these if we have a central point of contact for information and advice? Ideas: outcome for local inform and advise – look at how it’s worded, apportioning responsibility. The outcome indicators need to be more inclusive. Flipchart 3 Language / acronyms Ask the “real” GPs Criteria for assessing community services. Flipchart 4 What do you think of the suggested outcomes? Risk Stratification Feel that this is too ‘reactive’ Patients don’t have a ‘rating’ until something has happened. It’s the people that haven’t yet reached ‘crisis’ that we need to support with preventative techniques as well as those who need support to prevent escalation. Need to avoid rigidity with use of the tool (not black & white) Local Inform and Advise Internet access – increasing the availability of info (can be positive but also presents problems when people self-diagnose) Linking Home Care Provision to Community Support Practice in Sheffield. To support people at risk of becoming isolated (e.g. recently bereaved) A lot of duplication e.g. with care plans, patient info. Home care / GP records should be more translatable. E.g. service users / patients have to tell the same information to carious different parties. There should be joint-working / info sharing. We need more Community Support Workers! Flipchart 5 Always need 2-way communication. This should be an operating principle, esp. re referrals and getting feedback. Life Navigation – important for short period of time appropriate support, e.g. bereavement. The role of Community Support Workers is variable. Does provide companionship over a short period. Need a way to be able to access information re what help is available easily. There is too much information online. Information should be in the places that people congregate in a community – pub, post office, library. Self-Care / Wellness Plan Outcome indicator: Number of people who have holistic care plan – with goals and has been reviewed. Risk stratification tools We need a more sophisticated approach. Use the combination of different tools to decide who is referred. NORTH LOCALITY WORKSHOP WRITE-UP Commissioning Have / want to be involved – Space – lack of? Need to identify within GPA’s – rent, electric etc. overhead costs. Need to be involved knowing what’s coming, definitely need to be involved. One HUB – GP practice or other community centre Need coordination every step of development, can we utilise rooms in the LIFT practices by a reduction in the rent for the spaces for community groups? Transport; key to access – needs to be part of discussions Partners / One SPA / GP’s + SOAR – Partnership Referral process others should refer too. Third Sector / Voluntary Sector / Charity / Housing / Faith Support & Guidance, protected time, which means funding Delivery partner? SOAR + another GPA? Ecclesfield Influence design Risk Stratification - Having done lots of work on risk stratification, we worry that the wrong people are being targeted. - Is it robust enough - Using local knowledge (GP’s/District Nurses/Social Care) is invaluable. - Community infrastructure works together to provide a cohesive service - Concerns re disparity of services between practices - School attendance as an overarching outcome of the whole project - Reducing frequent A&E attendance - Information sharing is critical o Without it, it will fall over - Design principles – whatever the solution, build around care Exercise 2 Partnerships – depends on the ask - Certainly ‘yes’ to key delivery partners, but at what scale depends on what’s specified & what resources are available - Need to be involved both in the design of the specifications – co-design + also delivery/design of the ‘solution’ - The outcomes are right – major challenge is pulling together all the organisations involved - Need to be able to understand who does what & a central point to feed into - Somebody needs to be in charge – an advocacy service – single point of access - Co-ordinate services around PH – ‘One Stop’ principles - Need to connect with independent living solutions & intermediate care - What’s missing is the link with more intensive primary care support (medical, nursing & therapy) - Key issue is short term funding doesn’t help - Accessibility o Information o Transport o Barriers Quality of life – how many social interactions – tracking Networking – preventing duplication – finding gaps Grassroots (vs) Strategic Risk Stratification Share information across Health & Social Care Shares is the outputs of risk stratification so that organisations can work together - Understanding of outcomes – the individual situation/outcome indicator - MDT Meeting / Measurement of risk score Challenges - Sharing of relevant information - Risk stratification needs to be up to date - Language – common - Reduction in GP appointments Local Information & Advice SPA - for social care SOAR – Model good Triage Outcomes – five Outcome indicators Difficult to measure (GP’s) (NOT READ-CODED) Would have to measure before service is introduced; to measure difference SOAR evaluation Risk stratification tool - ? redesign Crude scoring system LTC – Annual Health check anyway Children ? scores based on? 1) ? Correct risk measures Local inform & advise – housebound patients – Changing public opinion of where they need to access. Outcome – Increase on contact with SOAR for example Barrier – LIFT building rent charges – discuss with CCG. Utilisation of GP practices OOH / weekends. One point of access – Social spa GP / DN / Self-referral Other outcomes – more patient focussed on well being FA outcomes measured - ? better. Longer GP appointment required MDT – social & health care – sharing information – risk patients. CENTRAL LOCALITY WORKSHOP WRITE-UP Exercise 2 Breaking down social isolation – Sue Walker – SCC – off the shelf interval Targeting particular issues: Disability & Access + Adult Literacy Outcomes & Indicators What do we think about the suggested outcomes (passport Makaton – sign language) The headings are open to misinterpretation, need more clarification i.e. sort & support. Written justification is not an outcome – it’s slightly process’ey Ensuring those ‘most vulnerable’ are captured in this e.g. disability/mental health. Housing providers (great places) - Low level support - Financial + advice services – re-assurance - Pass on/share case information - Practice to pay to low level support - Second someone to work in the housing team. - Winter well-being checks are already been done - We support food banks (+we can deliver in snow) - Really interested in supporting people with MH difficulties – isolation Darnall Wellbeing Project - Use what we are doing – learn from pilot on health interventions - Bring pool of resources to support patients in long term planning - Short to medium term (appropriate) increase in use of primary care services. R.S – needs to target all PA throughout all functions, are these specific target groups? Awareness & commissioning of services Info to the night person, including format, language One point of contact Establish commissioning group such as health champions to speak & work with rest of commissioning team: - Links to other services - Guidance & Advice Analysis needs to happen on those affected by changes, not a blanket approach, people need to be able to take responsibility, and some people are not able to. Connecting people - PA - Community forums - What do people want? - Connecting policy - Community Support Workers - Sharing knowledge - Engaging volunteers – Time limited - Skills / knowledge Confidence (Self Manage) - Physio – very important - Proactive calling - PAM Life Navigators? - Function, how? - Communication a huge issue even for providers + workers in the sector let alone the service users. Important for right level of person to deal with issues taking resource from GP time, possibility of information drop in GP surgeries – but people need to know about it for consistent use. Issues – so many places to refer to, different referral forms, GP Practices under increasing pressure, need one stop shop – know all services, best ones for different people Need care co-ordinator – MH issues very important, need more support from community nursing in dealing with chronic disease to prevent admission problems – staying in hospital too long because assessment to get out not there OR sent home too soon. Need support workers; more intermediate care – more residential support between hospital & home. All age groups need support; not just the elderly. Impact of adverse social media on social isolation Technology can be intimidating, local understanding is important. Need to agree what told are used, even use them & monitor our own use of! People move around, society is not static. Commissioners can & should own services, names, telephone numbers & materials (providers come & go, but telephone numbers can stay the same) - Confidentiality – who will see / know what about clients / patients (re: risk stratification) - Bed blocking/discharge – will this be included as outcome or indicator – readmission rates - GP’s seeing hospitals discharging very quickly – not communicating well – patients being re-admitted - Needs central person to co-ordinate, could they be based at GP’s? Needs resourcing - Redirect money from care trust to community mental health services - Bring sport into schools – every Wednesday afternoon - Helpline – central point of information / someone to talk to - Social events, using volunteer skills & power. - Better use of physical assets e.g. GP surgery buildings empty out of hours – put community support services in there – have an outcome which sets a target for this - Housing big issue – not enough stock which is suitable for need – keeping people in hospital because of housing needs adaptations etc. - Community shops/facilities – volunteers? - Need a common framework – 5 Ways to Wellbeing - Reaching people who don’t normally engage – how do you measure this? - Got to release resources before, have made savings on acute care – Chicken + Egg!! ***Link with wellbeing strand of Health & Wellbeing Strategy*** Think about suggested outcomes - Good in theory – depends how it works in practice - Very generalised – not person centred - Highly dependent on peoples compliance & ability Release resources from acute care - Provide more intermediate care beds & facilities - Can be discharged from acute bed - Ensure discharges – limits re-admission Other outcomes / suggestions - Make more use of matrons - Rapid responders - More integrated working with social services, e.g. social workers working alongside nursing teams - Provide continuity of care to people – smaller teams – with GP’s - Provide more support workers in the community (additional to care closer to home teams) – indicators of achievement - Reduction of admissions/re-admissions - Less complaints from patients WRITE UP OF WEST LOCALITY KEEPING PEOPLE WELL IN THEIR COMMUNTIY WORKSHOP Flipchart 1 Exercise 1: Outcomes Realistic outcomes that can be measurable so that delivery doesn’t fall at the first hurdle. Risk Stratification tool – does it need to be in the outcomes? Is it really a function / operating principle? Community Asset Development – this infrastructure does need to be in as an outcome. Need to provide consistency in message to tackle priorities. Local inform and advise – need to catch those people who don’t know what they don’t know! Offer those who struggle to access services / information to tackle health inequalities. Employ health visitors for older people as well as young parents. Exercise 2: Partnerships Need coordinators in surgeries. NHS data support access. Potential Partners – Zest, SOAR, Bradfield Parish Council, Stocksbridge Parish Council, Support 55 Housing Support, S4LC, Sheffield International Venues (SIV) Flipchart 2 Exercise 1: Outcomes Too idealistic – need more ground level support, i.e. meals on wheels / bathing services Education – make sure everyone has the right life skills to lead a healthy life / good nutrition. Adult learning. Community leisure facilities. Social interaction – should be an outcome indicator Reduce unnecessary bureaucracy and administration. Flipchart 3 Exercise 1: outcomes Patch sizes make a difference to how this can be delivered. If services only work city wide then they don’t always have the necessary local knowledge to deliver these outcomes. Most of West Locality hasn’t had Healthy Communities programme and other programmes that have provided opportunities for partnership working to develop and mature. Communication – need to link in with each other better. Risk Strat and Life Navigation already happened in different organisations Exercise 2: partnerships Keep the voluntary sector involved – e.g. Shelter who are delivering health work and outcomes as part of holistic support work. Flipchart 4 Exercise 1: outcomes Suggested outcomes To improve care at home Reduce contact with GP? How to measure? It is very hard to prove a reduction in hospital admissions. A better outcome would be quality of life increases for patients and carers. Ideas – adopt a granny / granddad, advertise lunch clubs, target the lonely as they do not access benefits / services / care. Identify lonely people by unplanned admissions and follow them up in the community (link to unplanned admissions DES) Workers / Community Support Workers need to be measured on contacts with lonely people per day. GPs to give lists of their known lonely people to CSW and they contact them. Quick response and appropriate level Increase capacity in CICS Community activities: lunch clubs, choir, chickens, art & craft, outings, allotments, visits to schools, IT help, volunteer care awards, SPA [NHS Single Point of Access] need to be aware of voluntary organisations Suggested Indicators: Happiness score Join older lonely people with young families – benefits both ways Number of eggs / days of chickens [!] Reduction in residential care Increase in people being able to die at home / more palliative care at home Exercise 2: Partnerships Activity Sheffield, Zest, CAMHS, Probation, DACT, CICS Need a SPA for social isolation / housing / volunteers / benefits / community matron / loneliness – must have an easy referral system (not internet) and inc self-referrals. This commissioned by Better Care Fund and locality based and have this sort of person in a GP practice. Have a Direct Enhanced Service for lonely people