MINUTES OF THE BSPS AREA 16 LTD (6196259) ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING HELD ON FRIDAY 20th NOVEMBER 2009 AT THE OLD RAM, TIVETSHALL Present: Mrs. P Tann, Mrs. K Hirst, Mrs. A Plater, Mrs. A Basham, Miss. G Basham, Mrs. I Clarke, Mrs.W King, Mrs P Martin, Mrs. E Souster, Mrs. L Sykes, Mrs. J Watts (committee) Mr. M Chadwick, Miss. S Cottrell, Mrs. L Harris, Miss. C Harris, Mrs. T Hazlem, Miss. F Hirst, Miss. Z Howard, Miss. H Johnson, Mrs N Major, Mr. W Masterson, Mrs. M Milner-Moore, Mrs. S Palmer, C Phillips, Miss. S Plater, Mr. I Tiley-Nunn, Miss. S Turner, Mrs. H Turner, Mrs. S Veale, Miss E Walker, Miss.T Watt, Mrs. S Wright, Miss.C Wright and Mr.R Wright 1 Chairman’s welcome. The members were welcomed by the chairman. 2 Apologies for absence. Apologies were received from Miss D Atkinson, Mrs D.Barham, Mrs. P Drake, Mrs. J Etheridge, Mrs. J Heal, Mrs. D Herron, Mrs. E Mayhew, Mrs. S Rawding, Mrs.D Smith, Mrs.A Sylvester, Mrs R Theobald, Mrs. H Turner, Miss. S Turner and Mrs.C Williams. 3 Minutes of the last AGM. These minutes were signed by the Chairman. 4 Matters arising. There were no matters arising. 5 Chairman’s report. During 2009 we held 2 winter shows – a flat one a Topthorn and a worker show at Wix. The flat show just about broke even but we made a loss at the worker show despite the weather being good. We also had 2 clinics at Topthorn during the winter – one in November and the other in January. Both these just about held their own with first aiders present but would be unable to carry the expense of a paramedic. Everyone who attended the clinics seemed to enjoy the day’s teaching and social gathering. They are a good way of keeping in touch during the quiet winter season. We then held a schooling weekend at Martham where Sue Peasley kindly built a super working hunter course which was left up over 3 days. This was successful and seemed to be much appreciated. The Spring Clinic was next which as usual was held a few days before the Spring Show. This was not so well supported and did run at a quite a loss. The Spring Show in April once again had a good range of RIHS qualifiers. Although down on entries it ran smoothly and everyone seemed to enjoy it. The Summer Show was next where we were fortunate to be given some HOYS qualifiers again. This show although financially OK was also down in numbers. It is due to the generous sponsorship we receive for this show that makes it profitable. The trend throughout the BSPS areas this year has with the exception of one or two areas been that entries are down and some have struggled considerably. The RHIS and HOYS qualifiers definitely keep us afloat as ordinary BSPS qualifying classes were poorly supported which is such a shame. The need to qualify RHIS and HOYS seems to have taken over at the expense of our Society classes. Although we are not here to make profits at clinics this is only possible providing the spring and summer shows make enough to subsidise them and the general overhead cost of running the area. Because the entries were down this season the committee took the decision not to run an Autumn Show. I am not sure our members realise that as Chairman I do attend Chairman’s meetings at Head Office where amongst other things I am able to air any problems or feeling that we as an area or as individuals feel need to be raised. I can only do this if you let me know either by email, letter or phone. When I sit at these meetings with no feedback from the area I can only presume that you are all happy with the way things are run. Please do communicate with me. I must say a huge thank you to the committee for all the work they do throughout the year. There are one or two people who do so much to whom I am truly grateful. The stewards are a major part in the smooth running of the shows as is Alan Castro for commentating and Fiona Deveaux for doing a marvellous hospitality job with our judges. Also I must thank Ann Lockhart, Jenny Garrood, our show day secretaries and Sharon Curtis who has helped us out in the marquee this year. Thank you Lucy for booking all pre show entries this year. I know it is very tedious especially when you cannot read the writing!! Isobel Pendred once again has organised the cool boxes so efficiently I never have to give them a second thought which is much appreciated. And finally I must not forget to thank Min Tallowin for kindly auditing our accounts. All these people and many more make for an organised and smooth show day. Feedback is that we are very approachable in the Secretary’s tent which to me is a very important part of running a show. Finding help on show days has been harder this year and any help, however small, is much appreciated. There are other jobs beside show day jobs for example, young judges. Many thanks to Ella for all the time and effort she has spent with our budding young judges. There are also the premier league teams to organise for which we thank Anne. Next year we will be combining the 2 winter shows together at Easton College – a truly impressive venue. As of yet we have not been notified regarding RIHS and HOYS qualifiers but providing we are these shows will be similar to last year with a little bit of tweaking to the schedule plus the removal of one worker ring purely because of help on the day. The Summer date has changed for various reasons one being we do not want to be on the showground with the bikers camping. We nearly didn’t have a marquee the morning of the show this year. With the Royal changing and RIHS running later it has made it quite difficult to find a suitable date. We have 4 people leaving our committee and I would like to thank them for all they have done over the past years Serena Greenwell – what she has done goes without saying but also for being there for me my first year as Chairman. Caroline Williams – points and cups to perfection. Fiona Donaldson – for organising stewards Jo Winship – for helping to revamp the website. MANY THANKS And now I hand over to Anna for the Secretary’s Report Secretary’s Report The total number of Area 16 members for 2009, is 223. This is down considerably on last year’s total of 288. Whilst this does not have a direct financial impact on us as we do not receive membership money from head office, it has been reflected in the general downturn of entries this year. On a positive note, my job has been made easier by the use of e-mail’s and the website. Corresponding with more people this way saves time and money. Treasurer’s Report. Generally the entries this year were lower and this is obviously a great concern because the cost of running a show increases year on year. It is important the shows make a profit. Not only do we need to cover the running costs but the website, the young judges, the insurance, the repairs and renewals all need to be paid for. We must not forget that there is unpaid work by committee members that is not included in these figures, such as, servicing the trailers, printing, telephone calls etc. The committee are very grateful for the generous sponsorship and support by members this year. The surplus for 2009 was £22.12. A qualified accountant has approved the accounts and I propose we accept them as presented. Chef d’Equipe’s report. This year at the Summer Championships we had 4 teams entered in the Premier League Team Competition, which consisted of two WHP teams, a Show pony team and a Heritage Team. Unfortunately we were unable to field a Dressage and SHP team. Our Heritage Team came second, so very well done to them; the team consisted of Emillie Bagnall, Zoe Howard, Georgina Wilkes, Jess Major, Maddy Banks and Amellia Newby. Thank you to everybody who took part and stayed to parade in the evening performance. They all looked very smart in their Area 16 waistcoats and the younger members certainly enjoyed carrying the area banner even if it was bigger than they were! Young Judges Report. The young judge’s team this year were Emma Tiley Nunn, Sophie Plater, and Zoe Howard with Hattie Cook as the individual. Unfortunately they were not placed but they all had very encouraging feedback from the panel. Although it was a bit of a rush to get everyone there on time, due to an accident on the A1, they looked fantastic, and represented the area brilliantly. A huge thank you must go to Alistair Hood, Melvin Chadwick and Stephanie Turner for training the team, sharing their wealth of knowledge and experience with the girls, who all found it very helpful and enjoyable, and we hope to do it all again in 2010. 10 Election of Committee members. With the exception of Fiona Donaldson, Serena Greenwell, Caroline Williams and Jo Winship who are to stand down, the committee was re-elected. Proposed by Sue Palmer, seconded by Lesley Harris. The following members were elected on to the committee, Sue Palmer proposed by Rossie Theobald, seconded by Gemma Basham Michelle Milner-Moore proposed by Katrina Hirst, seconded by Joanna Watt Tina Hazlem proposed by Pauline Tann seconded by Anna Plater Ian Tiley-Nunn proposed by Anne Basham seconded by Anna Plater Emma Walker proposed by Gemma Basham seconded by Anne Basham 11 Future events. Winter Clinics, Easton College Equestrian Centre, 31st January and 15th February Winter Show, Easton College Equestrian Centre, 21st February Spring Show, Trinity Park, 10th April Summer Show, Trinity Park, 25th July 12 Any other business. Mrs. Etheridge bought to our attention the use of black hoof varnish on white hooves which alters the identity of the animal in its passport. The meeting closed at 7.20pm and was followed by the presentation of the points awards.