Lesson Plan: Science Current Events

Lesson Plan: Science Current Events
Dr. Daniel Cortright
8th Grade Science
Bedford Middle School
Westport Public Schools (CT)
Lesson Goal: Students will understand how to summarize, analyze, and discuss the
science behind current events articles.
Lesson Objective: Students will be able to summarize, analyze, and discuss science
content from current events articles
This lesson is linked to Westport Public Schools 8th Grade Science Curriculum – Science
This lesson is also linked to Connecticut State Science Standards, Grade 6-8 for Inquiry:
C INQ.10 Communicate about science in different formats, using relevant science
vocabulary, supporting evidence and clear logic.
This lesson is also linked to the Common Core Standards for English Language Arts –
Reading in Science and Technical Subjects: RST.6-8.1. Cite specific textual evidence to
support analysis of science and technical texts. RST.6-8.2. Determine the central ideas or
conclusions of a text; provide an accurate summary of the text distinct from prior
knowledge or opinions.
This lesson is part of a unit called Current Science Events that is a new part of the 8 th
grade science curriculum. The primary goal of the unit is to prepare students for the
end-of-year science inquiry unit, Science Showcase. Through Current Science Events
students are developing an understanding of how science inquiry is carried out to
comprehend real-world problems. Students are also becoming more skilled at
identifying problems that are amenable to scientific research. This is the third lesson of
this unit. Thus far, students have demonstrated skill in identifying key ideas in a science
text and summarizing important details that support those ideas. In this lesson, students
will be expected to write a 1-2 sentence summary of science discussions called a Science
Summary of lesson activities and differentiation:
Students will be discussing and summarizing articles from a list of sources of articles
written at different reading levels. Students are free to choose articles that meet their
own interests. Students complete a Science Tweet summary sheet for each presentation
during the lesson. However, struggling students will be instructed to focus in this lesson
on writing the Science Tweet. Students also have the option to give an oral Science
Tweet instead of written.
(1) I will evaluate Current Science Events Summary sheets before discussion.
(2) I will ask questions of students during the discussion to check for understanding.
(3) I will evaluate students’ Science Tweets worksheets after discussion.