Discrepant Events Assignment (Rubric)

EDU 493, Science Secondary School
Discrepant Event Presentation & Evaluation Rubric
Project Description:
Piaget argued that, nature being what it is, children will discover some situation that will challenge their
assumptions. This is what Piaget referred to as the state of disequilibrium .
A discrepant event is a form of instruction, usually in the form of a demonstration that
unveils student’s misconceptions regarding phenomena in science. Students become
confused (disequilibrium) as their assumptions are brought into question by the reality of
these events. Discrepant events are an interesting, unique way to introduce a new topic
and most importantly, to get the students actively involved in scientific inquiry and
problem solving.
You are asked to demonstrate a discrepant event in class to your peers in a manner consistent with course
readings and instruction.
Written Requirements for Science Discrepant Event Presentation
A two-four page accompanying document that includes the following:
A summary of the science behind your discrepant event demonstration
What are some misconceptions that the students might have regarding the science content and how
does the discrepant event support students in questioning their existing ideas?
What are the questions that you would use to set up the discrepant event? What questions do you
think you might ask during the discrepant event? What are some follow up questions?
A section that describes the materials needed, subject(s) or content, time required, and list of
following up questions that you would ask the students to probe their thinking regarding the
If this was a teacher lead discrepant event how would you modify it to get the students more
A bibliography of sources or references for further reading
Each student will also be expected to provide a copy so we can share them with other members of the class.
*Note most discrepant events are of short duration, typically around 10 - 15 minutes, but some are longer.
The time you take for the discrepant event is up to you.
You will present your discrepant event in class. You will be expected to write a reflection concerning how
you felt the demonstration went. You should use the following guidelines to evaluate how well you felt the
discrepant event went:
Elicited student existing ideas concerning the science concepts to be covered during the discrepant
Asked probing questions during the discrepant event probe student thinking
Provided ample time between your questions and the class to answer (you should wait at least 3
seconds before talking)
Provided ample time for the class to try to figure out what science concepts were demonstrated
during your discrepant event
Adequately explained the science in terms that everyone could understand after the discrepant
event was completed
You will have one week to complete your reflection after completing your discrepant event in class.
Evaluation Rubric
In order to obtain a four the discrepant event must address all six aspects
discussed in the expectations. That is, there is a discussion of how and why the
discrepant event engages the students and how the discrepant event addresses
some of the students’ possible misconceptions. The science content is correct
and the questions that are asked encourage the students to reflect on their own
understandings and engage them in discussion about the science content. There
is also a discussion about how to modify the discrepant event to involve students
more and the description of the discrepant event is sufficient that another teacher
would be able to conduct the discrepant event. The references are complete.
In order to obtain a three the discrepant event addresses most of the six aspects
discussed in the expectations. That is, there is a discussion of how and why the
discrepant event engages the students but doesn't or superficially discusses how
the discrepant event addresses some of the students’ possible misconceptions.
The science content is mostly correct and the questions that are asked encourage
the students to reflect on their own understandings and engage them in
discussion about the science content. There is little discussion about how to
modify the discrepant event and how to involve students more. The description
of the discrepant event is sufficient that another teacher would be able to conduct
the discrepant event.
In order to obtain a two the discrepant event addresses some of aspects discussed
in the expectations but are missing some critical components. That is, there is a
short and superficial discussion of how and why the discrepant event engages
the students but doesn't or superficially discusses how the discrepant event
addresses some of the students’ possible misconceptions. The science content is
mostly correct but there are some fundamental errors regarding the science
content. There is also no discussion regarding the type of questions to ask the
students before, during and after the discrepant event. There is little discussion
about how to modify the discrepant event and how to involve students more. The
description of the discrepant event is sufficient that another teacher would be
able to conduct the discrepant event.
The discrepant event demonstration is fraught with errors and there is no
connection with students' existing understanding. There is also no discussion of
how the discrepant event sets up the learning activity or unit or how the
questions (if there are any) do not appear to elicit student questions or spark the
students’ interest in the subject. The final discrepant event report is not complete
or missing details. Further, there is little or no discussion of how to modify the
discrepant event to involve students more directly.