Tax Credit Donation - Career Success Schools

AIMS Testing & Tutoring
Passing all 3 AIMS Tests is a requirement for graduating with a high school
diploma from the state of Arizona.
If needed AIMS Prep classes and tutoring are offered well before the
students take the AIMS Tests. Tests are given in Reading, Writing and
Math in the Spring of each student’s 10th grade year. They are based
upon the Arizona Standards and Performance Objectives the students
study in their classes.
Once the scores are received you and your child will be notified and we will
go over the results to remedy any and all deficiencies.
2013-14 Test Dates
Fall: Oct 22,23,24,2013 (Retake Tests for Jr/Sr - Writing, Reading & Math)
Spring: Feb 24,25, 2014 (10th Grade and Retakes - Writing and Reading)
Apr 8, 2014 (10th Grade & Retakes - Math) 9th Grade Stanford