this form

October 28, 2015
Dear Community Supporter,
You can help our animals have a little fun and Trim-A-Tree for PPZ! We’re offering an opportunity for
your family, business, or organization to enjoy an outing at the zoo while sponsoring and decorating a
6-foot tall tree. The trees will be on display during Wonderland of Lights, November 20th – December
27th at Potter Park Zoo. After the event, the trees will be given to our animals to provide them with some
winter entertainment.
We’ll cover your tree with lights and you get to decorate the rest, or opt to have the PPZ staff decorate
it for you (additional fee). We’ll also put a sign on your tree so the thousands of visitors during
Wonderland of Lights know of your contribution to the zoo and our animals. As an additional “thank you,”
you’ll get 6 complimentary passes to Wonderland of Lights. Your tree would need to be decorated prior
to November 20th, so they are ready for the Wonderland of Lights event.
To support our Trim-a-Tree program:
Simply mail or email the completed the form below. If you choose to decorate your tree
yourself, please contact me to schedule your decorating appointment time.
After the Wonderland of Lights is over, we ask that you “undecorate” your tree by Monday,
January 11th, 2016 so they are ready for the animals’ enjoyment at the Winter Enrichment
event, January 16, 2016.
Thank you for helping the animals enjoy the winter season!
Kelly Gibson
Membership Coordinator and Events Associate • 517-342-2717
Potter Park Zoo • 1301 S. Pennsylvania Ave. • Lansing, MI 48912
_____ I will decorate my tree ($150) OR _____ Have the zoo decorate it ($200)
My sponsor sign should read:
_____Enclosed is my check for $150.00 made out to the Potter Park Zoological Society
_____Enclosed is my check for $200.00 made out to the Potter Park Zoological Society
_____Please charge my credit card $150.00
_____Please charge my credit card $200.00
_____I would like to make an additional donation to Potter Park Zoo of $_____________
Name on card:
Expiration date:
___________ Number:
Security Code: