12th December 2013

Minutes of Woodfarm High School Parent Council Meeting
12 December 2013
Present: Eileen Cabuk, Alison Grindlay, Allan Hogarth, Alison Anderson, Rhona
Arthur, Fowzia Naeem, Suzie Fleming, Mohammed Shahid
Attendees: Ann Stewart (Head Teacher), Siân Taylor (Head Girl), Calum Beattie
(Depute Head Boy), Richard Phelan (Staff Member), Liane Marshall (Staff Member)
Apologies: Vincent Waters, Gordon Wallace, Jim Fletcher (ERC Councillors),
Megan Sangster (Minute Secretary), Irene McNeilage, Dianne Hewitt, John Stuart,
Vanessa Murray, Jabeen Muhammad, Sam Wood (Head Boy)
1. Welcome
Eileen C opened the meeting and welcomed all members of the Parent Council (PC)
as well as the Deputy Head Boy, Calum B.
2. Minutes of Previous Meeting
The minutes were accepted as a true and accurate record of the meeting. This was
proposed by Alison G and seconded by Rhona A.
3. Matters Arising
Ann S presented the final PC Organisation Chart and it was agreed that one copy
should be sent to each cluster primary school and put on the school website, as well
as a copy in the Woodfarm Foyer.
Eileen C then commented on the success of the recent coffee morning, where
£683.22 was raised. The help from pupils, staff and parents was acknowledged, and
thanks given for PC support.
Dates of the Recruitment and Selection (R&S) Training have still to be decided. Any
PC member still wishing to take part should contact Eileen C.
Ann S reported that the HMIE follow up report will be distributed by school bag mail
in the New Year and will also be online.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ACTION 1 - Ann S to arrange for upload of PC Organisation Chart to school website,
arrange for distribution to cluster primaries and display in Woodfarm foyer.
ACTION 2 – Any PC member wishing to participate in R&S Training to contact Eileen
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4. Parent Forum Survey
Alison G reported back on the draft Parent Forum (PF) survey and noted that the
wording of the questions had been finalised into 10 questions. The survey will be
issued to the PF on week commencing 15 January by email. A reminder text will be
sent to parents and the survey will also be available via the school website. Tracy
Tomlin (Office Manager) will be asked to look into sending the email from the PC
email to reduce the problem of bounce-back emails. Feedback will be collected for
the 13 February (next meeting); aiming for a 20-25% response rate.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ACTION 3 – Ann S to ask Tracy T to send PF survey using the PC email address
week commencing 15 January.
5. Head Teacher Report
Quality Assurance
SMT Focus Visits looking at the pupil experience in Health & Wellbeing and Maths &
Numeracy have been undertaken this term. The Health & Wellbeing Report has been
produced and shared with staff and the Maths & Numeracy review is nearing
Cluster Events
Woodfarm High School staff will support Cluster Christmas events.
The Cluster ‘Relationship, Sexual Health and Parenthood Education programme has
been concluded.
The P7 Cluster Ceilidh will be held in Woodfarm High School on Friday 13
S3 Debating Final took place in the Normandy Hotel.
S6 Business Enterprise Team were awarded second prize at Good Shepherd Trade
Fair for their display and choice of products.
Grant G, S6 last session, was awarded Young Volunteer of The Year. Grant was
presented with his trophy by Councillor Montague and a cheque from Sports
Fund Raising
November Coffee Morning raised £683.22 for School Show Fund.
Anne Strang from Save the Children addressed an S2 Assembly and was presented
with a cheque for £170 for the Typhoon Haiyan Appeal. Proceeds from the school
show programme will also support this appeal. Details on website.
S6 Charities committee raised £300 for Children in Need and donated half to Save
the Children.
Pupil Support Team raised £80 for Wear it Pink Breast Cancer Charity.
Personal Development class are collecting tins etc. for the food bank.
End of Term Fun Day - PE department organising events to support school fund.
Standardised Test Papers completed by S2 pupils in English and Maths.
S4 Prelims ended Wed 11 December.
Details for parents from SQA shared on line.
Following consultation with staff and pupils, the final timetable will be put online via
the school website before the Christmas break. Text will be sent to parents to inform
them of this. Start date 27 January 14. Paper copies will be issued to pupils on
Audit Scotland visit took place on Friday 29 November – interview with Head
School Activities
Group participated in debate with Children’s Commissioner at Art Gallery / Museum.
Visit from Institute from Theoretical Studies - Zombie Science Lecture.
House System now in operation.
Glasgow and Strathclyde University Widening Access papers shared with pastoral
Various trips planned throughout year including Ski Trip to Italy (Val di Fiemme), 612 December 2014, approximate cost is £820, 40 places available.
Supported study classes and homework club running.
Study weekends – limited uptake.
S2 pupils attending Christmas Lecture at Glasgow Clyde College – Cardonald
Plans for end of term – Making Sense of Good News – Christmas Assemblies,
Muslim lecture and Option 3 – open to all.
Mr Phelan, Social Justice and Community Manager, reported on the focus groups
held with academics from Edinburgh and Newcastle Universities who discussed
ethnicity, faith and migration with pupils. Very positive feedback included surprise gift
vouchers for Amazon for the pupils taking part.
Liane M highlighted the requirement for readers and scribes, and the demands of the
new curriculum, in particular, the Literacy units in the NNQs (previously referred to in
the PC Minutes 10 October 13).
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ACTION 4 – S6 Enterprise group results to be put on website.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6. Updates
a) Finance
Rhona A gave the finance update, stating that the closing balance at the 23
November was £1807. Since the last meeting, a cheque has been submitted to cover
the Scottish Parent Teacher Council (SPTC) membership, which includes insurance,
resources and training.
b) Equalities Forum
Mohammed S noted interest in the ERC Equalities Forum, the next meeting is on the
16 January 2014 at 7pm. Richard P requested Tanveer N or Mohammed S to also
represent at the School Equalities Forum once a term.
c) PC Chairs Forum
Allan H reflected on the PC Chairs Forum, stating it was interesting and it was good
people were making an effort to stay informed. He suggested someone may wish to
accompany him to the next meeting on 12 February 14. Meetings take place three
times per year.
Allan H mentioned that the issue of the revised appeals system (Results Service) and
the potential impact on prelims was raised at the meeting; also the issue of not
having study leave for prelims. Alison A expressed concern for pupils, who will
continue to follow their full timetable during the prelim diet. However, as both a
Scottish Government and ERC policy, prelim leave is not permitted. Full study leave
will be available for 4th, 5th and 6th years final exams April - June. The issue of study
leave for the new national curriculum was raised, as National 4 courses do not
include a final exam. Ann S informed this was subject to an ongoing debate with ERC
and Head Teachers with a view to proposing a solution closer to the time.
d) Pupil Council
The Pupil Council minutes were covered from 1st-3rd year, with the senior schools
main issues revolving around prelims and UCAS. Action has been taken to address
the 1st years’ problem of chewing gum under desks, and 3rd year will receive
additional training in the use of e-portfolios as it had been noted that some pupils
were having difficulty. The e-portfolio provides a base for future personal statements
and this will be highlighted to 3rd year pupils. A request for a 1st-3rd year information
night for e-portfolio explanation was noted. The widely recognised challenge of
accessing Glow, across all year groups, was acknowledged and it was hoped that
the new platform will address current difficulties.
e) Social/Fundraising Group
Allan H reported on behalf of the Social/Fundraising Sub-Group on school and
charity events. He informed that Miss Vannini, RME Teacher, has offered to invite
teachers to help with group. He questioned whether one-night events such as fashion
shows are worth the effort required for the profit returned. He proposed a 3k/5k/10k
fun-run or cycle for the whole school, with money raised going to school funds.
Costumes and themes could be arranged nearer the time if desired, and this would
be an excellent opportunity to involve the new House system. He suggested this
could be held on the same date (consecutive year) as the bi-annual summer fete is
held. It was noted that raising funds to support PE transport costs lacked sufficient
It was also noted that volunteers are required for the ‘I Can Do Anything Day’ which
takes place on 22 January, 8.30am – 1.00pm.
Vanessa M had mentioned that a group of PF members are willing to support school
activities /events by serving refreshments etc.
f) Communications/ PR Group
Eileen C reported on behalf of the Communications/PR sub-group that a lot of good
work around refreshing the PC pages on the website had been carried out by the
group, with the help of Ali P. In addition to the new PC Organisation Chart, it was
suggested that a copy of the Constitution should also be included. It was noted that
the current Constitution needed updating, however, the current document will be
posted within the next few weeks, and a review can be carried out for the next AGM.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ACTION 5 – Any PC/PF members or friends, who have interesting jobs and are
available to help at the ‘I Can Do Anything Day’ on 22 January 2014, should contact
AlexanderG1@woodfarm.e-renfrew.sch.uk for more information.
ACTION 6 – Ann S to arrange for a copy of the Constitution to be included in the
‘Other Documents’ tab on the PC area of school website.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7. PC Cluster - training proposal
Eileen C proposed that as members of the SPTC, PC members can access free
training. She suggested that Woodfarm could host a training event, responding to
recent cluster school feedback, where the most popular course was the ‘Parent
Council Essentials’. Training could be held on a scheduled Woodfarm PC meeting
date or on another ‘additional’ dates, with one general and one themed training
session per year (t should be noted that only four PC meetings remain of this school
year, due to the school show in January). Eileen C agreed to liaise with the cluster
schools and feedback at the next meeting.
Information on all training courses was distributed at the meeting, together with
copies of ‘Backchat’ magazine.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ACTION 7 - Eileen C to liaise with cluster schools re Woodfarm hosting a ‘Parent
Council Essentials’ training session and feedback with suggested dates at next
8. PC involvement in school Parents’ events
Raised on behalf of Irene M, was that PC members should be encouraged to attend
Parents’ events. The PC could use Parents’ events as an opportunity to network with
the PF, raise awareness of the PC and also receive suggestions/improvements.
Occasionally parents raise issues directly through PC members, however, Allan H
suggested most people will go straight to the school with problems rather than via the
PC, and this is the preferred route.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ACTION 8 – Senior Management to be consulted on PC assistance / involvement at
Parents’ events.
Ann S indicated that parents wanted feedback on the tracking system. It was
suggested Sheila Marshall, Acting PT Attainment, could be invited to deliver a
presentation on the tracking system as this was appreciated at previous events. Ann
S will invite Sheila to the March meeting to deliver this presentation.
The standard of school uniform worn by pupils is commendable across all year
groups. During inclement weather, a waterproof/outdoor jacket is recommended.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ACTION 9 – Ann S to invite Sheila M to March PC meeting to deliver a presentation
on ‘tracking pupil progress’.
10. Next Meeting
The next PC meeting will take place on Thursday 13 February 2014 at 7pm in the
Conference Room.