Sermon Rev. Rodvegas Ingram, Pastor Chapel Hill & St. John UM Churches Eden, North Carolina RESPONSES AND SENDING FORTH LITURGIST GATHERING OF THE PEOPLE PRELUDE Rasheda Sanders Invitation To Christian Discipleship Invitational Hymn Reflections Tonya Little Homecoming Committee Chair Rasheda Sanders Church Council Chair Devotion Greetings Blessing Of Dismissal Hymn Of Praise “Christ Is All” POSTLUDE Scripture Santrie Walls Prayer Henry Dozier Musical Selection Room At The Cross Choir Recognition Of Guests Parish Notices Horatio W. Jones, III Samantha Adams Offering Offertory PROCLAMATION AND PRAISE Introduction Of Guest Preacher Special Selection(s) Choir Darrel Little Room At The Cross Choir ****Words of Special Appreciation to the Chapel Hill & St. John United Methodist Churches, your Pastor, and Congregation for coming and leading our worship during our Annual Homecoming today! May God bless you now and always!!! ****Special Word of Appreciation also goes to the Room At The Cross Choir for coming and leading us in worship through song. ****We are also thankful to the Kitchen Committee of Saint Mark’s for the wonderful meal this afternoon. ****Thanks also to the Committee on Witnessing Ministries for the wonderful way you have planned our Homecoming! We are specially thankful to Tonya Little for chairing the Homecoming Committee!!! Larry M. Goodpaster, Resident Bishop Gary Royals, District Superintendent Santrie Walls, Lay Leader RaSheda Sanders, Church Council Chair Tonya Little, Homecoming Chair Rodvegas Ingram, Guest Preacher Paul N. Milton, Pastor Christ Is All Verse 1: I don't possess houses or lands, fine clothes or jewelry, Sorrows and cares in this old world my lot seems to be. But I have a Christ, who paid the price way back on Calvary, And Christ is all, all in all in this world to me. Chorus: Yes, Christ is all, He's everything to me Yes, Christ is all, He rules the land and sea. Yes, Christ is all without Him nothing could be. Christ is all - all in all - this world to me. Verse 2: There are some folk who look and long for this world's riches, There are some folk who look for power, position, too. But I have a Christ all in my life, this makes me happy. For Christ is all, all and all this world to me. Verse 3: Yes, Christ is all, means more to me than this worlds' riches, He is my sight, my guiding light through pathless seas. Yes, it's mighty nice to own a Christ who will my friend be. Yes, Christ is all, all and all this world to me. ***** October 28, 2012 3:00PM SAINT MARK’S UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 917 Clanton Road Charlotte, North Carolina 28217-1206 704-523-7483 Church 704-525-4277 Parsonage