The CFA Society of Orange County has many rewarding volunteer opportunities across several different committees. We request that you make a minimum commitment of 6 months to 1 year to insure consistency in our efforts to execute our programs with the highest standards. If you are interested in learning more about volunteer opportunities for the CFA Society of Orange County, please email Thomas Harter, Volunteer Committee chair. Treasurer Committee The Treasurer’s Committee shall be responsible for the financial operations of the Society, including, but not limited to preparation of budgets and cash flow forecasts. The Treasurer’s Committee is a standing committee of the Society, the Chair position is held by the current Treasurer. Members of the committee are appointed and approved by the Treasurer. Participation in the Treasurer’s Committee is for renewable terms of one year beginning July 1 and ending June 30. The committee provides periodic reviews of the Society’s financial statements, as well as monthly updates on the Society’s current financial position. Investment Committee The Investment Committee shall assist the Treasurer in advising the Board of Directors in the management of investment actions and consider other financial matters as necessary. The oversight of the investment policy statement is the responsibility of the Investment Committee. The Investment Committee is a standing committee of the Society, the Chair position is often held by the current Treasurer. Members of the committee are appointed and approved by the Board. Participation in the Investment Committee is for renewable terms of one year beginning July 1 and ending June 30. The committee provides periodic reviews of the Society’s investments to ensure compliance with the investment policy. Recommended changes of allocations from the committee are presented to the Board by the Chair. PR and Awareness Committee The PR and Awareness Committee is responsible for the development and implementation of a public awareness plan and the promotion of Society events in Orange County. This responsibility includes coordinating a media calendar and other activities, sometimes with the assistance of a PR firm. Other responsibilities include reaching out to local businesses and organizations in the community by promoting the society, its members, and the value of CFA charter. Also, the Committee develops and maintains a Society Media Kit that identifies member subject matter experts that are available to respond to media questions. Members on the Committee will also oversee website development for the purpose of communicating a consistent message to the public for the Societies’ events and activities. The Committee is responsible for developing a budget and managing expenses to the budget throughout the year. Programs Committee The Programs Committee is responsible for providing both educational and social networking events for the membership. These events include our monthly programs, Annual Dinner, MidYear Forecast Dinner, and an annual holiday event where we recognize the new CFA Charterholders. We augment our educational events with social networking events like wine tastings, Angels baseball game and other social events. The committee members are responsible for all aspects of planning and execution of these events. This includes finding speakers and topics that will further enhance the education of our members, selecting venues, menu items, coordination of invitations, web postings, registration, etc. The committee also helps the President and Treasurer keep track of the costs of each event, submits an annual budget each year and is responsible for finding sponsorships to help offset some of the expenditures. Education Committee The Education Committee provides for the educational needs of the Society’s current and future members. A big focus of the committee is to coordinate and manage the Global Research Challenge and CFA Review Program. Part of that responsibility includes oversight of university relations in the community and coordinating events and activities with any CFAI University Partners on educational programs or conferences. Committee activities also include coordination of scholarship awards to students in universities and CFA and/or CFA Review programs and facilitating the development of study groups. The Education committee may also help support the Foundation RFP Competition and scholarship activities. Membership Committee The Membership Committee reviews applications for membership and change in membership status, in accordance with the CFA Institute Bylaws, and makes its recommendations for approval by the Board of Directors. The Committee assists those members and applicants seeking assistance with membership and connects incoming members with sponsors. As such, an important focus of the committee is to insure that approved membership applications are converted to New Members. The Membership Committee is also responsible for proposing membership recruiting and retention programs and monitoring membership trends. Volunteer Committee The Volunteer Committee is responsible for corresponding with potential volunteers and assigning them to various committees where there is a need. The Committee may from time to time also be involved with recognizing individual volunteers for their contributions to the CFAOC and organizing related events, as necessary. Technology Committee The Technology Committee reviews and updates the CFAOC website, as necessary. The Committee also acts as a liaison between the CFA Institute and CFAOC with respect to significant website enhancements. In addition, the Committee is a central point of contact for questions and/or issues that arise from time to time as it relates to the website. There may be a need for other subcommittees from time to time in the areas of Communications, Placements, Nominating, and for other periodic activities of the Society.