Research Programme in Efficient Fossil Energy Technologies

Programme Specification
Engineering Doctorate in Efficient Fossil Energy Technologies
Please note: This specification provides a concise summary of the main features of
the programme and the learning outcomes that a typical student might reasonably be
expected to achieve and demonstrate if full advantage is taken of the learning
opportunities that are provided. More detailed information on the learning outcomes,
content and teaching, learning and assessment methods of each module can be
found in Module Specifications and other programme documentation and online at
The accuracy of the information in this document is reviewed by the University and
may be checked by the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education.
Awarding body/institution;
Loughborough University
Teaching institution (if different);
This is a collaborative programme led by
Nottingham University in collaboration with
Loughborough University and Birmingham
Details of accreditation by a
professional/statutory body;
Name of the final award;
Doctor of Engineering (EngD)
Programme title;
Engineering Doctorate in Efficient Fossil Energy
UCAS code;
Date at which the programme
specification was written or
September 2009
1. Aims of the programme:
To produce future research leaders to tackle the major national and international challenges
over the next 15 years in implementing new power plant to generate electricity more efficiently
using fossil energy with near zero emissions, involving the successful demonstration and
deployment of CO2 capture, together with reducing CO2 emissions generally from coal
utilisation, including iron making.
To introduce students to key engineering topics relevant to fossil energy technologies.
To prepare graduates who are capable of operating in multi-disciplinary teams and who have
the skills to analyse the overall economic context of their projects and to be aware of the
social and ethical implications.
To develop students’ understanding in a particular specific area of interest by undertaking a
research based project in association with appropriate University research groups and in
conjunction with industry.
2. Relevant subject benchmark statements and other external and
internal reference points used to inform programme outcomes:
The following reference points were used in creating the programme specification:
The Framework for Higher Education Qualifications (FHEQ); the Engineering subject
benchmark statement; the University Learning and Teaching Strategy; the EC (UK)
Specification for Professional Engineering Competence (UK-SPEC); the Industrial Advisory
Committee for the Engineering Doctorate Centre.
3. Intended Learning Outcomes
Knowledge and Understanding:
On successful completion of this programme, students should be able to demonstrate
a knowledge and understanding of:
the energy landscape;
the principles of engineering science as applied to efficient fossil energy
the implications of the deployment of technology in society;
the various possible options for efficient fossil energy technologies;
the professional responsibility of an engineer and the associated ethical issues;
appropriate research methodologies to solve specific scientific and engineering
Teaching, learning and assessment strategies to enable outcomes to be
achieved and demonstrated:
Learning and Teaching Methods:
Knowledge and understanding are acquired continually throughout the programme
from a combination of lectures, timetabled and ad hoc tutorials, problem solving
classes, laboratory exercises, coursework exercises and self-study of pre-delivered
resources. All elements are developed and reinforced throughout the programme but
particularly through the research project work.
Throughout the programme students will undertake independent research both to
supplement and consolidate what is being taught and to broaden their individual
knowledge and understanding of the subject.
Knowledge and understanding are tested and assessed during the programme using
a combination of unseen written examinations, viva-voce examinations on project
work, coursework assignments, essays and reports, reports on laboratory training,
project reports and/or papers, oral and visual presentations.
Skills and other attributes:
a. Subject-specific cognitive skills:
On successful completion of this programme, students should be able to demonstrate:
(1) Development of innovative thinking, while tackling real industrial problems;
(2) Continual broadening, by gaining and applying new knowledge from a modular
taught programme;
(3) Expert knowledge of an engineering/applied science area;
(4) The ability to apply his/her skills and knowledge to new and unusual situations;
(5) The ability to seek optimal, viable solutions to multi-faceted engineering
problems and to search out relevant information sources.
Teaching, learning and assessment strategies to enable outcomes to be
achieved and demonstrated:
In the main, achieved through a combination of tutorial problems and worked
examples, examination revision and coursework exercises and, in some cases,
through a combination of group project work and in the project module, through
directed individual study. Assessment is generally by a combination of written
examination and written coursework reports or in the case of project modules, written
reports, oral and poster presentations.
b. Subject-specific practical skills:
On successful completion of this programme, students should be able to:
Plan and execute safely experimental laboratory work;
Use computational tools and packages (including programming languages where
Undertake testing of ideas/theories in the laboratory or by simulation, and
analyse and critically evaluate the results;
Search for and retrieve information, ideas and data from a variety of sources;
Critically appraise appropriate scientific literature;
Manage a project and apply appropriate processes;
Produce technical reports, papers, diagrams and drawings.
Teaching, learning and assessment strategies to enable outcomes to be
achieved and demonstrated:
Learning and Teaching Methods:
Practical skills are acquired during the programme. Specialist skills will be acquired
from laboratory exercises associated with particular modules, and others will be
acquired through the individual research training associated with project work.
Specialist practical skills are tested and assessed within the programme using a
combination of coursework assignments and laboratory reports. The main
assessment is via the Research Portfolio modules which form part of the assessment
for the research project for which assessment is based on a combination of activities
including a report on a research training exercise on instrumental and other
techniques relevant to the research project.
c. Key/transferable skills:
On successful completion of this programme, students should be able to:
Be creative and innovative in problem solving;
Communicate effectively orally, visually and in writing;
Manage time and resources effectively;
Work effectively as part of a team.
Teaching, learning and assessment strategies to enable outcomes to be
achieved and demonstrated:
Learning and Teaching Methods:
Key and transferable skills are acquired continually throughout the programme from a
combination of lectures, problem solving classes, laboratory exercises, coursework
exercises and self-study. All elements are developed and reinforced throughout the
programme, particularly through project work.
Key and transferable skills are tested and assessed throughout the programme using
a combination of unseen written examinations, viva-voce examinations on project
work, coursework assignments, portfolio submissions, design studies, essays and
reports, laboratory formal reports, project reports and/or papers, oral and visual
4. Programme structures and requirements, levels, modules, credits
and awards:
The requirements of the EngD are met primarily through research project work. Research
Engineers are expected to spend a large proportion (typically 70-80%) of their time at the
premises of their collaborating company, depending on the nature of the project. To
support the Research Engineers, a combination of core training and individually tailored
specialist modules are provided. The core training includes key aspects of engineering
management, partly to support the research activity, partly to provide competencies for
the Research Engineers' future careers in industry.
The taught component is assessed and forms an integral part of the degree. Participants
are required to attend for one semester-long period at the beginning of the doctorate,
during which the core training modules will be taught. Specialist modules are available at
the three partner universities and will be chosen in discussion with each Research
Engineer's supervisors to suit individual requirements and confirmed by the Centre
The formal training programme comprises two parts:
 Compulsory modules (120 credits):
o Taught modules primarily in the Autumn Semester of year 1
o Research training in the Summer Semester of year 1, and year 2
 Optional modules (60 credits):
o Available in the Spring Semester in year 1, and year 2
Full details can be found in the Programme Regulations at:
5. Criteria for admission to the programme:
The EngD programme in Efficient Fossil Energy Technologies at Loughborough is open to
graduates in any appropriate branch of engineering provided that they are articulate, well
qualified and highly motivated. Graduates must demonstrate an appropriate background
for their chosen research project. The usual EPSRC eligibility requirements apply.
The minimum entry qualification is a 2.1 Honours degree or equivalent. A lower
qualification is acceptable if supplemented with an appropriate postgraduate (MSc)
qualification and/or substantial industrial experience.
6. Information about assessment:
After four years of study the EngD is assessed by means of a thesis. The thesis is built up
over the period of registration and covers the key requirements for a doctoral degree.
Candidates are also expected to satisfy the requirements of the taught modules, taken
from the University’s postgraduate programmes.
The EngD thesis is subject to an oral defence by a small panel of examiners appointed by
the University. The thesis structure will be agreed at the outset with supervisors. It may
take one of the following formats:
 A collection of published papers and a discourse of no more than 20,000 words setting
out the aims, objectives, findings and industrial relevance/impact of the research work
undertaken. The submission shall include a minimum of 3 published (peer reviewed)
papers or papers accepted for publication, of which at least one should be in an
appropriate engineering journal.
 Where the nature of the research programme made the production of publications
unlikely, technical reports should be included in lieu of published papers. Such
technical reports shall have been subject to external assessment. The reports shall be
accompanied by a discourse of no more than 20,000 words setting out the aims,
objectives, findings and industrial/relevance impact of the research work undertaken.
 A research thesis (akin to a PhD)
Candidates who have successfully completed the taught component but are unable to
continue with the EngD programme may qualify for the award of Postgraduate Certificate,
Postgraduate Diploma or MSc in Efficient Fossil Energy Technologies. To be eligible for
the award of MSc candidates must have, over a period of not more than eight years,
studied modules with a total weight of 180 credits and achieved at least 50% in modules
totalling 150 credits and not less than 40% in the remaining modules.
All candidates must achieve the minimum requirements set out in the University’s Senate
Regulation XXI.
For full details of the requirements for progression and award please refer to the
programme regulations.
7. What makes the programme distinctive:
The Programme is funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
(EPSRC). The EngD programme is the EPSRC’s flagship programme and is aimed at high
flying individual who wish to work and excel in industry. The project put forward by the
company for the RE to work on must be innovative and bring benefits to the company. The
EPSRC has published material on Engineering Doctorates on its website at:
The annual Summer Schools are a distinctive feature in giving the EngD Centre identity, both
nationally and internationally, and forging the dynamic interactions between the REs.
Considerable value will also be added to these events from the participation of international
contacts so that these events will build up to becoming recognised distinctive events in the
international calendar for clean fossil energy. The annual Summer Schools will alternate
between China (held at the University of Nottingham Ningbo campus, Zhejiang Province) and
the UK (to be rotated between Birmingham, Loughborough and Nottingham).
8. Particular support for learning:
Further details can be found at:
9. Methods for evaluating and improving the quality and standards of
Further details can be found at: